Side Story - Harry part 1. 

Samantha graduated in economics from a reputable university. She wasn't the best student, but she didn't have to be ashamed of her results, and thanks to her sharp wit, she was immediately hired by the company where she did her internship.

It was a smaller company with a pleasant, family-like atmosphere. She loved working there.

By the age of 24, she had her own apartment in downtown. Unfortunately, that's when the trouble came, because this small company was acquired by a multi, however, there was no longer a demand for the work of office workers.

Samantha was not worried as she had 2 language exams, a good degree, a good letter of recommendation thanks to the multi and 3 years of experience. As soon as she sent her CV for a couple of job postings, she was invited for 3 interviews.

The first was a larger IT equipment company, NGN. As she reached the entrance to the 13-story building, she felt that, at a company like that she could proudly tell the world, sha has everything.

Unfortunately, by the time she got to the 8th floor where the interview was being held, she had caught a conversation between two workers saying there was a „winning" applicant who had great references and was a relative of one of the higher up's by the way, so the interview was just a protocol.

She didn't have much enthusiasm for the whole thing after that… but she thought, since she was already here,s he would show her face to the big dogs here.

When she entered the room, 4 interviewers were sitting opposite her. It was the head of the economics department, the head of the HR department, the director and the middle manager of economics, who was a contemporary young man.

'Well, you just know that he came through the back door…'

She thought to herself, as she looked at the man with curly brown hair and green eyes.

It was clear that the interviewers liked the girl's way of thinking, her resume… but unfortunately she couldn't even kick the ball against the "other" candidate.

After the interview, she sat a little upset with a coffee and a slice of chocolate cake in the cafe opposite.

"I could have learned from them so much… what a pity."

She sighed, then stood up to take the empty plate and half-consumed drink back to the counter, as she bumped into someone.


She backed away, but it was already too late. The other half of the half-consumed coffee landed on the victim's shirt.

"My God! I'm so sorry!"

She looked after the napkin.

"It's fine."

The man replied with a smile.

"But the shirt."

It was then that she noticed that she had managed to damage a very expensive piece of clothing.

"At least let me pay for the cleaning!"

She finally looked up from the stain. It was the young man with brown, curly hair.

"Well… if you give me your phone number, you could even pay the bill with a dinner over the weekend. What do you think?"

"Ah… huh?"

"My name is Harry, Harry Engler. Nice to meet you, Samantha, right? "

"Ah… yes…"

The girl needed some time to process the date invitation. By the time she reacted, the eye-catching Harry noticed the phone in her hand. He took it, and rang himself.

"Then I will call you later. In the meantime, take care of yourself, Samantha.

He smiled at her as he put the cell phone back in her blazer pocket, and confidently walked away.

That night, an SMS came from the man, and they became acquaintances on the social platform and in the messaging apps.

The next day, at the next job interview, Samantha was immediately hired for a larger transportation company.

The girl was thus looking forward to the weekend date in good mood. She suspected that Harry was a rich kid, but he was a pretty goodlooking guy - and she hadn't been with a man for 5 months… so even if she was just a one night stand, she thought he'd try the man… since they wouldn't be colleagues anyway, she didn't have much to lose.

Harry took the girl to a prestigious restaurant, where Samantha went in a purple cocktail dress. It suited her very well, thanks to her brown hair and white skin… the color of dissatisfaction.

To her surprise, however, after a pleasant conversation, the man took her home, not even a kiss happened. She thought for a moment that she had misunderstood the signs.

But the next day he invited her to the cinema.

"Cinema is another name for sex… I'd better have my hair removed."

She put on sexy red lingerie under her tight jeans and sticky top. However, the man stopped at the door after a mere kiss.

"WHAT THE FUCK ?! Am I not good enough or what? I still looked fucking good today… why didn't he got on me? "

She couldn't wait any longer… she wanted Harry too much. This time she invited the man for a nice dinner.

When the prey walked into her trap on his own, she knew he had gotten a green light toward the bed gymnastics.

After a light dinner, they marched into the living room to" watch a movie".

Samantha prepared chocolate-covered strawberries for dessert… not by accident. She tried to eat the strawberries as erotically as possible, making sure to suck the chocolate melted on her finger spectacularly.

Sometimes she glanced at the man's pants, which hid a bigger gun after each strawberry, then accidentally…


"What's wrong?"

Harry asked.

"A piece of chocolate, it fell into my shirt."

She pulled off her cleavage, pretending to be looking for chocolate… thus providing insight into her breasts, which were not even covered by a bra.

It was the last dropp in the man's self-restrained barn.

"I'll lick them clean…"

He remarked, then pushed the girl back on the couch. Tearing off the uncomfortable top, he threw himelf at her breasts.
