Jerome & Jürgen

Jerome pushed everyone aside to get near the unconscious Ariana.

"Ariana! Ariana, wake up! "

He tried to wake her up and then, on his instructions, the royal doctor examined the girl.

When he heard the result, he blamed himself.

"Would you be so afraid of the post of queen? Or are you more afraid I can't defend you against money-hungry aristocrats? "

He tried to talk to the girl to convince her, she would be safe next to him… but in vain. Ariana didn't want to see him.

After failing to meet her repeatedly, he thought it would only make things worse, if he forced himself on her, because one way or another, the girl would go to him and then she could not hide anywhere anymore.

He spent the following months surveying the positions of the aristocrats, the tasks the queen performed, trying to assign the queen's tasks to others, so that the girl could be affected as little as possible by the nobles.

It was at this time that in the hustle and bustle of the hunter's ceremony, he became aware of an opinion in line with his own principles.

"Idiots … instead of intensifying the internal strife, the heirs of the Fradtoc and Levigon provinces should be turned against each other in beautiful silence… then when they have slaughtered each other enough, they just have to occupy their territories… the old freaks will surely retract their tails…"

There was a mocking remark.

As Jerome addressed the genius who had come up with this great idea, a beautiful blonde with blue eyes looked up from under his hood. However, the beauty was frightened at the sight of the man, presumably recognizing him, and tried to flee int he crowd.


Jerome tried to catch up, but he disappeared into the crowd. The prince knew that the blonde would be the key to solving his problems… he was neccesary to give Ariana the life she wanted.

He immediately gave the order to look for the girl, and fortunately life put him in his way again and again, until he finally managed to catch him.

"Let me go!"

Squeezed against the wall, Jürgen tried to get rid of Jerome's grip, but he was much weaker. Hearing the news that the prince was looking for him, he was afraid he had been chasing him for weeks on charges of rebellion.

"I… need… you!"

The prince panted, tired of running through the narrow streets.


Jürgen looked into the man's eyes in surprise.

"Help me to be a better ruler!"

Like a kind of proposal, he asked the question.

Passers-by as soon as saw the sight, and heard the news, that Jerome was looking for a beautiful blonde … made sure a juicy rumor spreads like wildfire… which toured the entire capital, and then the country.

When the two men were finally able to sit down in a private room to talk, Jerome was confronted with the fact that the person, he intended for his right hand was actually a man.

"Baron Jürgen Fritzmond at your service, Your Majesty."

'Jürgen… man? This is great! Then the rumors immediately lose their meaning, as soon as I officially appoint him to the post! '

"I will be straightforward. I don't want the Queen to sit on the throne next to me… but I need someone to do her job… and I think with your help, I could rule this country like no one has ever before! "

"Would you… like me… to fill the position of queen, in political life?"

Jürgen didn't want to believe what he heard… since he always wanted that… this power… and would the king just give it to him? But why? Fact… he has a very good sense of politics, for manipulating people, situations… but how could this young prince know about that?

'Maybe he is gay? Maybe, he fell in love with me at first sight? And he refines… because he doesn't know how I will react? After all… he is neither the first nor the last man I took advantage of… just because he couldn't resist my beauty… '

Jürgen happily offered his services to the prince, who returned to the palace with relief, not knowing with what king of offer Ariana would visit him soon.