Worth it

"When we got home after seeing the corpse, a messenger was waiting for us with your locks of hair, and a letter to which he was waiting for an immediate response."

Told the marquis.

"Even if it had been a scam… we would have agreed anyway."

The marchioness sniffed.

"Yet what kind of agreement did you make?"

Ariana inquired curiously.

"In exchange for all the Vanderberg property, I will leave you alive… and your parents will be given the title of baron here in Hertian, and from today they will be citizens of our country."

The king sipped his tea, answering the question.

"For the entire Vanderberg fortune?"

'After all, that is a huge area… and 30% of Predin's mines… practically destroyed the metal industry… and my parents voluntarily transferred it all to just let me live…'

Her mouth remained open as she realized what this act meant.

'So far I guessed that Vanderberg's parents really loved me… but I never thought it would be this much… after this, they could never go back, since they will be beheaded for treason… in fact, we would be lucky, if Jerome won't send spies after them to execute them… after all, the two country fought for those mines for several years, and now they have been handed over practically for free. '

The concern on her face was erased by Gideon with one sentence.

"Your parents will live here in the capital, within the fence of the central palace, with you. Of course in a separate sub building. "

"Where is this offer worth it to you?"

Ariana asked, who was aware that providing a home and protection for her parents was an extra that could not be explained by kindness uncharacteristic of kings.

"It is worth it. Of course, if you don't like the offer, I can even take you back to be executed for treason. "

He stood up with a grin.

"No, not at all! Perfect!"

She remembered.

"Your Majesty, we are very grateful for your generosity… and for giving us a chance…"

The marquis bowed.

"Do not thank me, but your wealth, that is, your former wealth."

With that, he left them alone.

"This was truly a generous offer my king, I could have never imagined you are capable of things like this too."

Brice Grinford, Gideon's right hand, remarked as the king stepped out into the hallway, but Gideon seemed to look through him as air. After some grimacing, the young knight silently followed the ruler.

"Without this opportunity, it's unlikely we could have stayed longer in Predin."

The marquis leaned back on the couch.


"Well… we know you're safe, but everyone else thinks you're under the ground. Not only did Gideon bring you out of the country unnoticed, but he sent an anonymous letter to the king, listing the nobles who had hired him for your execution. "

"It's nothing yet! The main conspirator was Grosterning! ��

The marchioess said indignantly.

"Ah… well, I didn't expect that."

'I understand they were angry about the engagement thing… but my relationship with the Grosterning twins never deteriorated…'

"The king and Jürgen executed the nobleman who wanted the queen to die with their own hands. There was no trial, or chance of any kind of defense - and their family members sold as slaves. "

Ariana didn't want to believe her ears. She suspected that Jürgen was quite radical… but this image was already far from the idyllic couple party described by Tess.

"Oh my God! After this, the image of Jerome the righteous king will surely be in ruins."

"It could have been a brutal slaughtering, because when we left the country, even in the most remote small villages, people were talking about, that the palace was swimming in the blood of sinners."

"If we look at it, there are barely 50 noble families in the country… and 12 of them were brave enough to aim for your life and for our wealth… who knows how many would have tried to accuse us of treason, since in our absence, that wealth would have all belonged to the high society right away. Thanks to Gideon, we got out of this situation as best we could. "

The father took the hand of his daughter.

"Yes, I know I owe my life to him too, that's why I'll do my best to help him."

Ariana spent the next few days studying, and getting to know the palace. Although she saw Gideon only very rarely ,and most from afar, the staff was very kind and willing. No one but Sharon and Lord Grinford knew the girl's true identity, but since a beautiful stranger was in such an important position, everyone thought the king had not only hired her to educate the heir to the throne… Because Ariana was respectful, intelligent, and she was remarkably beautiful, everyone tried to get in case she rises in position, thus the prince got fond of her as soon as he saw her.