Chapter Two

"Why were you two fighting…"

"Virgil wanted to be a jerk face so I told him off."

I felt his grip tighten and I started playing with the end of the blanket.

"Hey, babes it's alright, everythings ok love."

"You shouldn't have fought because of me…"

"I didn't fight because of you, I fought for you Ro."


"Because I love you."

"I'm a prince not some princess."

"Maybe but," He leaned in close to my ear, "You're my princess~" He kissed below my ear before pulling me back against his chest leaving me a flustered mess.

"Now let's start this movie."

I leaned against Remy as he played with my hair. Half way through the movie I felt my eyes get heavy with sleep. Remy let out a soft chuckle as he used his free hand to trace circles on my hand.

"Go to sleep hun. I'm here to protect you."

I nodded slowly letting my eyes slip close.

"An...Roman love, it's time to get up."


I flipped over, curling up more in his side.

"Ro love you have a video today, you need to get up babes."

"Make me coffee boy."

He sighed sitting up and ripping the covers back before I ended up on the floor.

"Oof! What was that for!"

"You told me to make you so…"

"So you push me out of bed!"


"Why you b-"

I stopped when I heard giggling. Turning around I noticed Crystal standing in her doorway.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked, teasingly a smile on my face.

She dropped her plush dragon witch and over hugging me.


"Yes princess?"

"Can I come with you today. Please! I promise to be good and stay out of the way."

I bit my lip glancing at Remy who shrugged. I sighed turning back to my little girl.

"Not today sweetie but next time alright."

"Is this because of what happened at the wedding?"

"Yes, this is grown up talk and I don't want you caught up in this mess alright."

"Ok mommy," Her eyes lit up, "Can I play in the Imagination with uncle Remus!"

"Of course love but make sure you listen to him and daddy and if you go see the dragon witch what's our rule?"

"Don't touch anything without asking or told and if they're busy don't bother them."

"Good girl now go get dressed while we get ready."


She skipped back to her room picking up her plushy and closing the door. I sighed, running a hand through my hair and standing up. Remy warped his hands around me resting his head on mine.

"You ok?"

"Yeah just a little nervous."

"It's going to be ok." he snapped putting us in our day to day outfits.

"It was a mess Rem…we should have done something. I just don't understand why they don't listen to me."

"I don't know love...let's go get some food and ask Remus to come to the imagination with us."

"I'm not hungry…"

"Roman when was the last time you ate?"

I shrugged, "A few days I think."

"Come on then you're eating."


"Nope you need to eat, Crystal hun let's go."

"Coming daddy!"

She grabbed Remy's hand the other clutching her plush as Remy dragged me down the stairs.

"Remy I don't want to eat."

"You need to Roman. Crystal go ahead down to uncle Remus."

"Ok!" She skipped down the stairs while Remy cupped my face with his hands.

"I don't want to lose you Ro."

"You won't Rem, I'm not going anywhere."

"You need to eat Roman, You know it's not healthy to not eat."

"I know Remy."


He kissed my head, "Thank you love."

I nodded before freezing as yelling was heard. I shared a glance with Remy before running downstairs and over to a crying Crystal.