Chp-3 Captain America and Sam Wilson

After getting all papers he went to the place where all the trainees were practicing and were ready to go war against the Germany at World War 2.

He was able to got all perfect score and become a trainee champion.

---*-----*--------*-------*------*-------*----------*---------*-----At the same time a secret laboratory in New Jersey.

Dr. Abraham Erskine got two reports about trainees and was thinking about who to give the serum.

After reading report he made up his mind on about using serum on both of them.

After one week he and Steve were called. And were asked to meet a scientist.

When they were going Steve asked a question to Sam about what they were doing.

"Maybe, an test to improve our overall fitness. " said Sam.

After meeting with Dr. Abraham Erskine they were told about the serum and when they were to test it. After a week both if them came to a shop where an old lady was the shop-owner and a gun was under the counter the experiment was done in an underground facility of the shop. Haward Stark and Dr. Abraham Erskine were near a container with many syringes going inside it with tubes. Dr. Abraham Erskine explains experiment to both of them. And ask if they were afraid of pain.

After a while both of them were send inside the container and the experiment was going and half of city electricity was used here and a blackout was there in the whole city. After 1 hr experiment was successful and both of them came out of there and then suddenly a gunshot was heard and a person use gun to kill Dr. Abraham Erskine in the chest and Steve and Sam were send to capture him and the serum he had taken. Suddenly a prompt came in front of Sam.

After 5 min they subdued him but could not retrieve the serum because it was broken but in reality it was send in his system space.

[ding, task get Super Soilder Serum rewards has been issued.] [ding, rewards has been issued 10,000 exp, 1,000,000CP, 10MP, 10SP .] [ding, Captain America gene has been given.]

After this accident we were send to different positions, Sam was send to European Battlefield and Steve was used as star to promote youth to join army and send to fight the war.

----*-----*-------*-------*------*------------*----------*-----------Here on European Battlefield, Sam was send to fight in the war. He then realize that to gain experience to level up we have to kill the enemies and to level up.

Battle was setup in the territory between France and Germany.

When he first killed enemy Soilder a prompt came in front of him.

[Ding, killed an German Soilder gain 100 exp, 1AP]

[Ding, level up to level 1]

After this he unknowingly killed more than 50 enemy soilder. And after this war he asked system to bring out his Attribute Panel .

[«Attribute Panel »

Host: Sam Wilson

HT: 900/900

ST: 100(15)

EN: 100(15)

AG: 100(15)

WD: 100(20)

LV: 5(2000/3200(+))

Age: 18 years

AP: 60(+)

CP: 10,000,000

SP: 600(+)

MP: 10,000(+)

SK: Basic Shooting, Basic Fighting

SA: 5m


He was able to get more and more experience day after day until one day he heard that a strange group of soilders fought another batch and their whole battalion was destroyed and Sargent Bucky and his group were captured. By the time he was LV 10 normal soilders were no able to give any experience to him at all. So, he asked Captain America to destroy all these bases which were present in this battlefield. By next two week both of them destroyed more than half of the bases around the battlefield. Unkowningly many bases were destroyed and a powerful clue for main base and a base where many prisoners of war were kept information came into their hand.

Many soilders who were with them wanted to come to help their comrades in arm but were send out by Steve and Sam. Both of them move to the base where many poisoners were kept both of them rescued more than 200 people of all countries those were participating in this war. And also stole more than 50 vehicles which were powered by some kind of energy and weapons were used.

Here they met Dr. Zola in this base Captain wanted to save him but Sam did not even blink an to kill Dr. Zola. Suddenly a prompt came in front of him.