Black Monster Hunter I

Nox's dungeon exploits during the last two months were nothing to scoff at either, partly because he needed tough targets to test some of his creations, be it items or spells. All of this resulted in some interesting hunting trips to the Dungeon.

With the Black Monster Bait on his hands, Nox didn't even need to wait for a Monster Rex's respawn time since as long as the location was right and luck was on his side, he could cause a more powerful black version to appear.

Still, Nox limited these experiments to the Goliath since he had faced enough trouble with the normal Amphisbaena. Despite this, when he wanted to test some of the truly powerful stuff, the kind that easily destroyed the Black Goliath, he was forced to take that risk.

Well . . . not forced, he merely could not resist the temptation to bully a more powerful monster using those kinds of unfair methods.

One such method for example, was the Thunderbolt an expendable item Nox created, meaning it was one use only. It was not cheap by any means but its power was quite high in compensation.

It took the form of a silver handle in a cylindrical shape, engraved with magic runes and encrusted with a polished, bluish magic jewel on each end of the handle.

When activated, the jewels shone with bring white blue light and spirit lightning manifested and coalesced into a physical representation of a bolt of lightning that was meant to be thrown like a spear at its target.

Nox based on Zeus' weapon from myth and its power was truly devastating, not in area of effect though.

When he unloaded his mightiest magic on the Balor during his first expedition to the deep floors, Nox realized that, sometimes, penetration was far more important that mere raw power and the Thunderbolt was an item the merely pierced through anything, leaving a large hole behind.

The testing of this weapon left even its creator quite dumbfounded.

On the 17th floor, Nox used the Black Monster Bait and merely waited for the Black Goliath to appear.

It came out of the wall much like the original Goliath and roared threateningly at Nox was far more aggressiveness, a trait seemingly shared by all Black Variants and an imposing aura far greater than its normal counterpart as well.

Without any further ado, Nox activated the thunderbolt, holding what it seemed like a physical bolt of pure spirit lightning, the wrath of Heaven itself in his hand and then, with perfect form, he threw it and along with the throw, a mighty thunderclap sounded out, creating a shockwave with him as the epicenter.

The Thunderbolt was faster than any of Nox's attacks and even he could barely register its path before it his the Black Goliath almost instantaneously.

After another powerful thunderclap, creating another shockwave that seemed to do quite the bit of damage to the monster, an effect not expected by Nox, a massive hole was torn open in the center of its torso.

With that, the giant immediately turned to dust as its magic stone was shattered, leaving only a section of its black skin behind as a drop item.

"Well then . . . That was a lot easier than expected." Nox said to himself.

He then evaluated the Thunderbolt's performance.

'Still, those thunderclaps are somewhat annoying, the first one means I have to distance myself from allies before using these while the second means it's not a truly precise attack regardless, it is definitely a great tool to deal with powerful single targets.'

Next up, due to the ease with which the Thunderbolt had vanquished the Black Goliath, Nox felt like trying his luck with a Black Amphisbaena.

Although the monster rex could move throughout all of the Water Palace, it always spawned from its deepest floor, the 29th and as such, that is where Nox figured he needed to use the Black Monster Bait.

Doing so, his efforts were soon rewarded with a bigger, meaner, rage fueled and black scaled version of the Amphisbaena that promised him a world of hurt.

It instantly covered itself in its magic negating red mist which seemed even thicker than its normal counterpart and clung to its black scales, forming a misty armor that didn't disperse

At the same time, it sprayed a column of blue fire towards Nox as it charged in his direction.

Making use of his full speed, Nox dodged and quickly made way to the water's surface since the Thunderbolt could not be used underwater, thankfully, his great speed meant he could dodge the monsters attack, even if barely, and safely make his way out of the water.

As soon as he broke through the surface, Nox used the propulsion to launch himself into the air as his Invictus Undine became his Invictus Sylph, further propelling him into the air.

Hot on his trail, quite literally as well, the Black Amphisbaena broke through the water's surface as well, spraying its dealy flame at Nox but it could not chase him into the air.

Dodging the monsters flame breath like before, Nox drew and activated a Thunderbolt while being held aloft by the spirit wind of his Invictus Sylph and taking a stance as he flew, threw it with all his might towards the Black Variant he had called upon.

As the two thunderclaps rang in his ears Nox, appreciated the result of the devastating Thunderbolt. The original Amphisbaena was classed as a Level 5 in terms of power but a Level 6 in terms of danger due to its territory.

Going by the Black Variant logic, the Black Amphisbaena should be at a high Level 6 in terms of raw power, that, along with its tough scaly hide and its anti magic mist, resulted it its survival but not without grievous cost.

A big chunk of its flesh was blown off, Nox had aimed at its core between the two necks of the monster so they were barely holding on to the rest of the beast, the red mist covering it, completely blown away however, as a Black Variant it soon started to regenerate at a rapid pace.

Nox though, had no intention of just watching it happen as he drew another Thunderbolt and finished it off.

'Against a normal monster, even if more powerful, it would have killed it.' Nox analyzed.

'Only its natural defence against magic and its undying characteristics as a Black Variant kept it alive, it was a fine test though.' He considered as he picked up the spoils before leaving.

All three Thunderbolts Nox had made were now gone but with the success of the tests, he decided to make more, not as a regular weapon but as a trump card against powerful opponents.

In addition to this, seeing the secondary effects of the Thunderbolt in the thunderclaps it produced inspired Nox to create a new spell.

Thunderclap: Short range flash of lighting with extreme power that sends out a shockwave with short to medium range that deals severe knockback and significan concussive damage.

All of this however, was merely one of the instances of Nox bullying the Black variants he summoned with his dreaded creation.

Another of his creations however, was far more cruel. Its purpose was not killing even though it was supremely qualified for such an endeavour as well.

No, its true purpose, was to inflict horrifying pain, a forceful taming aide and torture device to use against those whose defences he finds hard to breach or just thoses he plainly dislikes enough to warrant such cruelty.

It was not a single use item but an actual weapon, one preferred by tamers and used almost exclusively by them, a whip.

This cruel creation was one Nox felt sorry to test, he almost wanted to find some worthless criminal scum to test the whips upon but alas, Black variants would make for much better tests.

Rose of Agony: A blood red vine like whip covered with thorns. It bears a black, wood handle with a blood red rose like guard from where a thorny whip can eject. It possesses several abilities.

Variable Length: The whip can change its length at will and even disappear completely into the handle.

Curse of Pain: Inflicts extreme pain upon foes it touches even if it fails to break through their defenses. Leaves a lingering pain that does not fade on the place it strikes. Can consume Mind and/or stamina to increase the effects.

Flames of Agony: The whips feeds on the pain it causes its master's enemies and accumulates power which can be released in the form of blood red fire that burns one's spirit rather than their body.

Power of Pain: The users abilities and recovery are enhanced by both the pain the receive and inflict on others.

Teachings of Pain: Passively increases the effects of the Taming development ability on monsters struck by the whip. Can use Mind to inflict a curse that forceful tames the target and allows the user to inflict terrible agony on them at will or automatically should they rebel. Works on adventurers as well.

"Truly the work of a psycho . . ." Were Nox's words when he finished its construction.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.