Colosseum II

Nox climbed on top of one of the Barbarians' back and had the other two stand as a wall in front while he commanded the Loup Garous to go out and make trouble.

When they bound up an enemy, vines would pierce out of them into their opponents and then split in two, taking over more and more monsters for Nox's growing army of Pain.

Those that were immune to Nox's methods were just crushed with numbers. Skull Sheep were eliminated by the agile Loup Garous which they could not hit with their ranged attacks and the tough Obsidian Soldiers were crushed by the powerful but slower Barbarians.

They even started destroying several Spartois though at the cost of several casualties since Spartois were the Colosseum's top dogs after all.

'At this rate, I'll have the entire Colosseum under my control as a farming factory!' Nox delightedly thought as Loup Garous collected any drop items and delivered them back to him.

But he then began to notice the spacious Colosseum was getting a little to crowded and the realization instantly it him.

'The monsters under my thrall are being counted as killed and replaced.'

He was right, and the more monsters he took control of the more monsters spawn to replace them filling up the colosseum entirely to the point there was barely any space left to move around in. As such Nox decided to change tactics.

Or more like change weapons. From the Garden of Agony to the Black Wind of Carnage, made out of the metal like black leaves of the Black Treasure Tree.

Taking the form of the Wings of Death, the Black Wind carried Nox to the sky. Once he was high enough he began spinning at high speed, boosted by the power of wind then, calamity fell.

Countless leaves were fired from the wings like feather projectiles in a deadly rain that covered the entire Colosseum. Even the Tough Obsidian Soldiers and the shield bearing Spartois bore no chance as their defenses were chipped away until nothing was left of them.

Countless monsters spawned in at a fast rather and were killed right in their spawn site.

Now Nox was feeling it. The Dungeon's will covering the Colosseum, its anger at his mass slaughter. Monsters stopped spawning like usual, instead, Three Peludas spawned and Nox's metal rain bounced off their tough scales, only angering them further than the incitement from the Dungeon itself.

Not what Nox was looking for but he was far from tired and up for the challenge.

They crawled onto the walls, heading closer to the fling Nox and firing the poisonous needles on the back which were more like javelins.

Using the Black Shell form, Nox created three thick shields that stopped the needles with them piercing the shields half way through but getting stuck.

He then unleashed another ability of the Black Wind of Carnage, the Flowers of Calamity. Creating shining purplish flower marks on the surface of each of the three shields which then fired powerful purplish black magical beams at the Peludas.

They were hit hard and roared in pain falling of the walls but managing to avoid the abyss and land back on the actual arena.

Nox set up the three shields right beneath him and extended his wings, making them larger as he faced the ground.

The peludas unleashed a triple fiery breath at him but even as the first shield melted from the heat, the second held firm and the third laid untouched but that would soon change as the breaths were continuously battering them.

On the extended wings, shining flower mark appeared and more deadly beams were rained down. The dragons roared with pain once more but held firm.

With his shield nearly gone, Nox used the boost in speed granted by the Wings of Calamity together with Invictus Sylph flew out from behind them.

The Peludas tried to redirect their fire breaths but couldn't catch up at all and just stopped as Nox charged at on of them.

He dodged a claw strike and launched the vines of his Garden of Agony to take control of this Peluda, using the Teachings of Pain at full power.

To his absolute shock though, it did not work and instead got backlash as the vines he sent out all wilted and shocks of pain spread through his own body.

"Fucking Dungeon! Ain't this against the fucking rules!?" Nox cursed out loud. The consciousness of the Dungeon had directly interfered and prevented him from taking control.

'This can't be just from my actions today. The Dungeon probably noticed my continuous abuse of its system and wants to teach me a lesson!' It dawned on him.

"Well fucking bring it on!" Nox declared war as he brought out his final weapon, the Sceptre of Maledictum.

"Limit Release: 7 Seals!" He shouted out the command and three of the staff's ten seals were released. The eyelid of Balor's Eye was opened and 2 covers were removed.

Nox could feel the overwhelming power of the staff wanting to wreck even him, the seals were just for show and opening up three was already pushing his limits. It was also why he set up voice commands that would make it easier on him rather than have them intent activated as per usual.

Just in case, Nox had one of his wide area annihilation spells slotted in just in case he needed it on short notice so he didn't even have to activate his Arcana Matrix first and could just unload his fury on his three attackers.

"Set: Square Boost!" Nox chanted another command, making the staff glow with power as magic circles formed all around it.

This would double the cost of Nox's next spell but quadruple its power.

Finally multiple magic circles appeared in the surroundings of Nox and a big one covering the entire ceiling of the Colosseum. With multiple smaller ones spread out beneath it.

'Thunderzone Tribulation' Nox mentally commanded and the entire Colosseum was lit up by flashes of lightning and overpowering thunderclaps.

Nox couldn't even see because of the brightness of the never ending lightning flashes.

Needless to say, by the time it all stopped, everything in the Colosseum but Nox himself had been annihilated. Every single inch of the Peludas, there was nothing left. Drop Items and magic stones left on the ground, also gone, nothing.

All that could be seen was the black charred walls and floor of the previously white and bloodstained arena. They gave off heat shined bright in some places partially or fully melted by the sheer heat of the lightning.

Then they became brittle and started collapsing, Nox hurriedly created a Black Shell on top of him to protect against falling debris as he admired his own handywork.

The arena now looked like a shattered and crumbling mountain rather than and giant flat top pillar, the abyss was filled up with broken stone and even the ceiling was falling in pieces but since most of the power was directed downwards, it was still mostly fine.

"Limit Off." Nox commanded and the staff resealed itself.

He then took out one of his Panacea potions and drank the whole thing. They were expensive as hell to make but all of his physical and mental exhaustion was gone. Nox's stamina, MInd and Health were at their absolute peak as he felt great.

"Take that you piece of crap dungeon! Did ya think three oversized Lizards were enough to stop me, the great Nox Lyros? Bah! You underestimate my power!" Nox was feeling quite cocky indeed.

Even throwing out a cursed line like "You underestimate my power!" without a care in the world and going on a full chunni rant that was so out of character for him.

That's how crazily good he felt about himself for one upping the Dungeon Itself.

'That served as a nice test for my big boi spells as well, if Thunderzone Tribulation worked so well and just like I had intended, the other are probably awesome as well. I'll still test them out of course but I think I can set my expectations high.' Non thought to himself now having calmed down a bit.

"Ugh!" Suddenly he realized something.

'Doesn't this mean I can't use the Colosseum until the Dungeon auto repairs? Crap, guess I'll have to end this training session a little sooner that I'd hoped . . . Teach me not to go overboard just 'cause I'm excited." Nox considered.

"Nononono!" He suddenly said.

'This is in fact the Dungeon's fault for provoking me. Yes that's it, I'm totally not at fault here!' Nox cheerfully concluded ignoring the Dungeon's actions were probably a reaction to his many, many past infractions.

"Well then, time to go back I guess." He said to himself setting down on the ground to deploy a teleported to get out of the collapsed Colosseum since he was basically trapped.

'I wonder how long will it take for the Dungeon to repair th-' *Blergh*

Nox suddenly coughed out blood, it running down from underneath his helmeted mask.

He shiveringly looked down to see a clawed hand covered in his blood running straight through chest . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.