Solution and Return

As he went through the steps of the Panacea concocting process, Nox's mind began to wander. With Arcana Craft, all he had to do was succeed in making something once, and then, so long as he had the materials, the spell could faithfully reproduce those same results over and over without fail.

As his mind wandered off, ideas on how to solve his inner imbalance that lead to the separation of two very important pieces of himself, Nox though of the perfect solution for the problem, the only difficulty, was that he had no idea on how to implement it.

The Archon skill. Its description always referred to itself as the perfect fusion of three aspects of himself. His human aspect, his spirit aspect and his monster, or more specifically, his dragon aspect.

Nox believed his creation of Sanguinare Vampiris had upset this balance due to relating specifically to his monster side alone. what he needed, was to regain the balance by integrating the trait of vampirism into the Archon skill, rather than having it as a separate skill.

The problem was how to do this. Nox had noticed that if he created big changes in himself, with magic, sometimes, they would result in new skills or the modification of old skills when he leveled up.

So, as long as he created a trigger for the changes, the chances it would automatically take place on his next level up were actually quite high, at the very least, Nox predicted this would be the case.

'Now,what could I do that would become that needed trigger . . .' Was Nox's next challenge.

There were two options ahead of him. Either forcefully find a way to bind his Sanguinare Vampiris to the monster aspect of his Archon skill, was seemed to be naturally happening already, which was the easy way but, with the risk the imbalance would remain.

Or he could create two other modifiers to boost his human and spirit aspects, leading to a big overall enhancement which would be the surefire way to handle the problem but also quite difficult to achieve.

Most of his self alteration skills were the direct result of his inspiration, not something he planned for and created from scratched. Even Sanguinare Vampiris was just and supercharged blood drinker curse which, while rare, did exist in different forms on other individuals.

Even so, the moment Nox thought of the second option, an idea surged to his brain on what he could do to strengthen his spirit aspect by expanding one his currently most powerful spells.

The real issue, was doing the same for his human aspect, which baffled Nox. It should be weak and purposeless like humans seemed to be in the worlds, not having any advantage when compared to the other races that possessed special talents but it was mentioned on the same level in the Archon skill as both spirits and monsters.

Nox figured this had to do with potential and mentality. Human potential was always something various different types of media liked to emphasize in various ways but what exactly did it mean for him in Danmachi and how could he enhance it.

SInce he had got a nice idea by working on something else though, after Nox was done concocting Panacea, he started working on further enhancing his spell so that it would turn into an enhancement for his spirit aspect. The choice, was quite obvious, Arcana Matrix.

Nox's final goal was to engrave the variable matrix onto his spirit so that he could cast magic on a whim without needing any fixed spells or extra cost, much like a spirit could use magic naturally.

It occurred to him that this might be possible if he enhanced the spell and bound into the spirit aspect of his Archon skill. Nox then started making the necessary alterations to the spell, turning it into a single cast that would engrave the array on his body and soul.

It would still have the costs it had at the moment, and could only be used to cast the spells that Nox had stored in his Arcana Skill database but it would create enough of a trigger for a bigger change on his level up, or at least that was the plan.

Nox got to work and, despite taking a few days, he was ultimately successful. Rather than being something hard to do, it was more like something that never occurred to him in the first place and so, after the idea came to him, it was not to difficult to put it into practice.

Now, when Nox used Arcana Matrix, his whole body lit up with magic circles and formulae as well as runes, a side effect of having carved the matrix into his body and soul.

Still, Nox still lacked an idea for him to create an evolution trigger for his human aspect but it was high time he returned to the surface so he would let that sit in his mind for now and slowly consider it. Right now, he should return before somebody comes down to look for him.

He also had the Panacea related business to look forward to as well. That ought to open many doors for him and enable him to create powerful connections that could not only serve as backing, but also capable of delivering certain specialized items that nobody else could obtain.

After he returned to the surface, Nox greeted the people he should greet, speaking with AIna and Rose about his dungeon foray. He could hold back on certain details but needed to mention the destruction of the colosseum to them.

Although he could skimp on it and nobody would be none the wiser, Nox thought he owed that much to the two girls who always handled his business on the guild side of things.

The red haired werewolf, Rose looked at Nox with a face that was tired of life itself while Eina twichingly asked for confirmation on what he had just told them.

"So let me get this straight . . . You got to the 37th by yourself." Eina started.

"Yes" Nox confirmed.

"Then you decided to go to one of its most dangerous areas, the Colosseum, once again, by yourself, in order to test some of your new gear and magic." The half elf continued.

"That's right." Nox nodded, making Eina's brows twitch even further and even Rose's eyebrows were beginning to twitch with some anger.

"You then wrecked the whole place with a powerful spell, causing the whole arena to collapse so you think its best to put up a warning so people don't go there." Eina finished.

"Yup!" Nox responded.

"Did nothing happened when you wrecked the place?" Eina asked.

"Like what?" Nox asked in turn.

"Like the appearance of a weird monster you hadn't seen before." Eina specified.

"Ah! You're talking about the Juggernaut!" Nox suddenly exclaimed, making the two guild girls freeze at the possibility of Nox almost having been killed by a Juggernaut.

"Did you see one!?" Eina hurriedly asked. A Juggernaut loose on the Dungeon was terrible even if temporary.

"Yeah, it popped out after I wrecked the Dungeon but I killed it so no worries." Nox revealed.

The two girls could only started at the boy in shock.

"Like I said. Even when I mess up, I'm always prepared for any eventuality." He assured to assuage their worries.

'Except for when the Dungeon itself messes directly with me and tries to screw me over . . .' Nox internally complained, not even wanting to think about how much more careful he would have to be in the future due to this event.

Eina was shaking with anger at Nox recklessness but he himself constantly said the risks he took were calculated so she felt she didn't have a reason to unload on him.

Rose on the other hand, had a wry but satisfied smile on her face.

'He truly does not disappoint. No matter what happens, he always seems to get out of it with nothing but another good story to tells and some nice spoils . . . I might fall in love if I'm not careful.' She thought, internally laughing at her own foolishness.

In the end, Nox managed to placate the angry EIna with Rose's help and a promise of a nice relaxed date which left the half elf blushing.

Quite surprisingly, Rose sneakily asked what reward she would get for helping him out with a teasing tone an all. Teasingly whispering in his ear when eina wasn't looking.

"What about me? What do I get~?"

In the ned, she too got a date lined up.

"Looking forward to it~" She whispered, her whole demeanor shocking Nox in an incredible pleasant way.

Now though, it was time to go report the events to his goddess . . . This time, without omitting so many of the important details Nox had left out of his account of events to Eina and Rose.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Kage of Kages, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.