A Kiss and a Budding Relationship

And so the lecture began.

"I have warned you multiple times not to do such risky experiments, especially without backup haven't I!?" Riveria started.

"And what exactly did you do!? Eye injuries, though cumbersome should not pose a problem to someone like you so what happened?" She questioned, still with an angry expression of her beautiful face.

"You know Riveria-san . . . You're beauty takes a very different flavor when your angry." Nox absentmindedly commented.

"You-!" Riveria shouted with a small blush, both embarrassed at the compliment and exasperated at Nox's lack of seriousness about his so called "little accident".

"Flattery will get you nowhere young man!" She said.

"When it comes to, the truth is more than enough." Nox replied with a killer smile, making the high elfess blush more as her heart beat faster.

'What's wrong with me today? Why are this brat's words affecting me so much? . . . No way . . . It can't be that I missed when he used to flirt with me when he was younger right . . ?' Riveria thought to herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Nox's bow however.

"I am sorry for worrying you Riveria-san. The experiment was meant to give my eye based magic and it worked but I can't control it very well yet so I'm using the eyepatch." Nox said before raising his head.

Riveria gave a tired smile as she responded.

"I should have known a little devil like you would always worm his way out of any trouble or consequence. Looks like my worries are being wasted." She self deprecatingly said.

At that moment, something changed in the way Nox looked at Riveria. For the first time since he had come to this world, he had seen her weaker side and how much she cared for me.

"Don't ever say that!" Nox suddenly said.

Riveria looked at him with surprise.

"Knowing you care and are looking out for me is a joy I can't even describe and I would loather to lose it!" He added.

"Nox . . ." Riveria did not know what to say to such a confession as both looked at each other with surprise and Nox suddenly blushed as he realized what he had just done.

Seeing this embarrassed, nearly childish side of Nox she had never seen, even when he was younger and truly a child, Riveria was overtaken by an emotio she had never felt before.

All the care she had grown to have for Nox, all that familial and friendly love combusted into passion as she clumsily moved forward and gave him her first kiss.

Nox was too shocked at first but he then quickly took control, invading the high elfess' mouth and entwining their tongues as he gave her a hot first kiss.

A few moments later the two separated and Riveria recovered her lucidness after a few seconds blushing like crazy after realizing what she had just done.

But, just as she was about to open her mouth, Nox sealed it back up with his own and despite putting up some token resistance, Riveria soon melted into the kiss as well, letting loose her previous inhibitions and just enjoying the moment.

After some more exchanges of passionate kissing, the two of them separated and Nox cheekily said.

"When you pulled me aside, I never thought it would be for this~"

Riveria smiled and bonked him in the head for his cheekiness.

"Neither did I . . ." She said and paused.

"But I'm sincerely glad it turned out this way." She added.

"So am I Veria, so am I" Nox replied, giving his new lover a cute pet name, making her blush in the process.

They started kissing again.

"Veria eh? Sound cute." Riveria blushingly said after they separated.

"Not as cute as your blushes." Nox replied and they began kissing again.

And like this, the lecture ended. Nox was a bit worried by how Riveria would react about the other girls but she just snorted, saying she knew full well what she was getting into.

Nox also made a promise with her to show her what he had been working on in his alone time and now keep her in the loop of what he usually did.

"If I knew kissing you had all these benefits I'd have done it sooner." Riveria joked but Nox took it very seriously.

"Don't misunderstand. All these benefits are because you kissed me, if it was somebody else, things would not be the same unless I trusted them as much as I trust you." He seriously responded, making Riveria quite happy with the trust she was receiving.

The next day, Nox thought about various things as he teleported to one of his Orario safehouses and put on his full masked set of gear before going out to meet Filvis for their "dungeon date" as he wanted to call it.

'Should I give some benefits to the rest of the Loki familia?' Was the question that held his thoughts hostage.

He had already discussed this with Loki but the goddess herself refused as such methods for fast growth would draw too much attention to the familia, making the people wonder where that came from and try to pry deeper and possibly discover very compromising secrets.

Still, Nox believe the just giving the top members some EX Pots ought to to make that big of a splash, only raising some of the more attentive eyebrows but definitely not enough to warrant any deep suspicion, at the very least, he thought so.

Other thought lied with crushing Evilus, possibly enslaving so of its members with his new eye but Nox had some very power hungry ideas and needed a lot more time to finish concocting what he needed for his plan to succeed so he decided to wait a little while longer.

For now though, it was time to meet up with Filvis so Nox put away his thoughts and poured his attention into the girl he would meet.

Still, these first few meeting were just building rapport. Nox had made a great first impression but he still needed to instill more trust within Filvis and make her more accepting of him before he moved to the next stage of his conquest.

As the days passed, Filvis became more and more enamored with Nox, despite to yet knowing his true identity, the hampered it was not fair for him to know who she was while she did not know who he was but he just joked and laughed about it.

She took to calling him Red, based on the blood red cloak and hood Nox wore as a part of his set while Nox called her Fil, much to her embarrassment.

But he could sense the struggle within her, her fear that he would hate her if he knew her true nature, but she hid the pain and just decided to enjoy what little time she had left with him but still avoided touching him too much as she didn't want to "taint" him.

Nox on the other hand, was waiting for a certain even of the Sword Oratoria Light Novel to take place and use it to shake Filvis's reverence of her god to bring her to his side completely. Building feelings of affection and trust before that even took place was a very enjoyable prerequisite.

Yes, Nox did quite enjoy his time with Filvis and truly found the elfess quite charming, despite her own thoughts on herself.

Time went by and six months passed. Nox's three bodies were hard at work and Filvis and himsel had become a well known duo. As Nox seemed to be immune to the Banshee's curse, they started calling him the Vampyr, the Banshee's immortal partner.

Filvis was deeply apologetic as she felt his reputation was being spoiled due to her but Nox even joked that he now had a cool nickname to match hers was was honestly quite pleased and even happy with it.

What started out as a relationship for benefit quickly turned into a genuine fondness for the elfess but Nox saw no reason to avoid it becoming real, it only made it better after all.

But now, it was six months before the start of DanMachi's LN canon so a major event was to happen at any time, Hestia's descent to the mortal world.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.