A Proposition to Loki

The undead soldiers, Spartoi who were able to kill experienced Level 4 adventurers in one on one battles, could the girls go over this wall? It was time to find out!

A group of Spartoi spawned holding b«various weapons and shield but they didn't charge blindly like other monsters though.

The shield bearing Spartoi split into two groups , boxing in and holding back Ash and Luna while the rest of the Spartoi who had more offence based gear all went after the weakest opponents, the girls.

But they didn't charge at them. Instead, the skeletal monsters formed and encirclement with spear wielders to keep them from escaping while the sword, axe and mace wielders poured through from in between them to attack the group.

Spartoi Archers were split between harassment of all parties that tried to escape their respective encirclements.

Seeing all of this, the girls immediately made a crucial decision.

"Uchide no Kozuchi!"

Using her Shin Kokonoe, Haruhime cast Uchide no Kozuchi on all party members. Now, it was either finishing before the spell ran out or loosing and Haruhime was already fully spent. Even with Mind Elixirs, her mental strength was at an all time low.

Lili was now in charge of Haruhime's protection while Aisha, Ryu and Naaza focused on destroying the Spartoi that came to fight them using their Level Boosted power to overwhelm them.

Ash was steadily wearing down her encirclers with Flaming Ash magical bombardments but Luna was having tougher.

Every time she kicked a Spartoi or two away and made a hole in the encirclement, the others instantly covered it while the archers harassed her to pin her down.

And since they were all shield bearers, despite being blown away, they were only lightly damaged and soon back to the encirclement.

The battle progressed little as they situation held but while Ash and Luna were fine, the girls were not. They held quite well and destroyed multiple enemies but the spear encirclement was getting tighter and their Level Boost about to run out.

They had bought valuable time though and Haruhime was back on her feet. Doing another wide scale Level Boost would not be possible but spreading out soke Kitsunebi definitely was.

It was time for a counter attack!

Luna shoulder checked a Shield Bearer Spartoi, breaking out of her encirclement in exchange for a few shallow wounds.

She ripped its shield from its skeletal hands and used it to block the arrows from the archers before dashing in Ash's direction.

With an assault from within and outside, the encirclement crumbled quickly and with the two reunited, one close combat specialist in Luna and a MAgic Artillery specialist in Ash, they devastated the Spartoid trying to box them in.

This drew most of the archers to Ash and Luna, creating an opportunity for the girls to strike. Haruhime softened them up with a barrage of Kitsunebi while Lilie sent out a shockwave with her weapon's magic ability and made a hole that the lightning quick Ryuu didn't miss.

Escaping the encirclement, she bombarded it with her magic from the outside while Aisha used the stored blood in her blade to send out multiple red slashed from within. And so, the final wave proved to be a hard earned success but a resplendent one nonetheless.

"Well done!" Nox praised after they were back in their safehouse.

"I truly have nothing bad to say this time so you can look forward to your rewards a few days from now, be sure to take a long break and enjoy your earnings." He advised.

Then after talking some more and spending some time with the girls, Nox returned to the surface to discuss a few things with Loki.

"Loki . . . I have a proposition to make . . ." Nox said after meeting the red haired goddess in her room.

"Oh? I don't know I I should be thrilled or worried." Loki responded.

"Maybe both." Nox gave her a mysterious smile.

He then shared the proposal he spoke off.

. . .

"You really got mama Riveria's heart like that!?" Was Loki's first question after hearing Nox's shocking proposal.

"That's where you went?" Nox asked with exasperation.

"Well Noxy, yer proposal is too good to pass up and that way I don't feel like I'm takin' advantage of ya." Loki replied.

"Alright then. Shall we share the news?" Nox asked.

"Yeah, I'll call for a meetin' with the top members." Loki replied had they both left the room.

About an hour later, Finn, Riveria, Gareth, Ais, Tiona, Tione, Anakitty and Alicia were in the meeting room of the Twilight Manor with Nox and Loki.

"So what's this about?" Finn inquired.

"Well, y'all know Noxy here is far from normal but if you knew the true depth of his capabilities, you'd realize you depthless they actually are. Still, I didn't want to take advantage of said abilities for various reasons." Loki started.

"It would draw unwanted attention towards us and most of all, Noxy has already done far more for this familia that it did for him, even though he himself probably doesn't mind." She continued and Nox remained silent.

"But, I've made a very profitable deal since I trust him like no one else." Loki concluded and gave Nox the word.

"Basically, as some of you might know, I manage my own little group of adventurers whose affiliation lies solely with me and belong to truly no familia. That last part, you might have not known though." Nox started.

"I talked with Riveria about coming to see said activities and thus made a deal with Loki." He continued.

"Riveria will be transferred from the Loki familia to my group while officially still belonging here like me but she will be working mostly with me from now on. In return, the Loki Familia as a whole will get one big benefit along with another big boon, just for the core members who were called here today." Nox finished.

Everyone there looked shocked at the revelation but didn't really know how to react but Finn finally made a question.

"Why Riveria in particular if I may?

"We began dating recently." Nox casually said, making Riveria blush and glare at him while everyone was shocked, Ais and Tiona making what looked like jealous expressions. Well, Tiona was jealous, Ais was just looking weird and unsure of what she was feeling.

"Then what about the boons?" Finn asked, rubbing his head as if having a headache.

Nox nodded and began explaining.

"First, for the whole familia. I've made a fortress town on the 50th floor. Complete with shops that sell high grade supplies at a lower price and buy materials. There are also Inns to stay in and plenty of space for familias to occupy, including workshops for various crafting familias." Nox began, immediately shocking everyone.

"Naturally, all of this, and even just passage to lower floor come with a fee but the Loki familia will not be charged for access to these services and the town, all of this is unofficial though as other familias will not be privy to such information." He concluded.

Finn and Gareth then went through a series of questions on where he would get the power to enforce this and how did he manage to build all of that on the 50th floor of the Dungeon and such but Nox just casually responded and convinced them he had it handled because he truly did.

"Alright, I get the fortress is well handled." Finn acknowledged.

"What is this second boon just for the members here?" He then asked.

"This . . ." Nox put a potion flask on the table.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.