Divine Craftmaster

The Craftmaster: S development ability had disappeared and in its place was another skill with the same main name but a very important distinction . . .

Divine Craftmaster: I

Nox's craftsmanship had actually reached the domain of the gods. Though the means were quite forceful, it still spoke volumes of his skill and mastery of his art. And he was dying to put it to good use but that had to wait.

A few hours later, Nox was discussing the expedition with Finn, Gareth and Loki.

"Better bring the Hephaestus Familia for this one." He advised.

"Why so?" Finn inquired.

"According to my very unofficial scouting, a breed of strange monsters with acidic blood that can melt anything without the Durandal Attribute. Getting the cooperation of a familia capable of crafting and maintaining such equipment seems like a good idea." Nox explained.

Needless to say, he was talking about the monsters like the Virga, Violas, Viscum, etc. The corrupted spirit related monster anomalies had infested the floors beneath the 50th.

"Well, if that's the truth, than bringing a couple of specialized smiths is definitely a good idea." Gareth supported.

"I agree. While magic is just as effective, I doubt it alone can deal with the problem." Riveria echoed.

"Very well. Better safe than sorry." Finn nodded.

"Any other enlightening advice, Nox?" He inquired.

"Better not trust the info from the Zeus and Hera Familias. A strange breed of monsters that I'm not quite sure of their origin seem to have infested the Dragon Vase and the 51st floor since we last visited." Nox informed.

"The environment of the 59th floor has probably changed due to these abnormal monsters as well." He added.

With those talks done, as he had a good relationship with them, putting it mildly, Nox was left the task of securing the cooperation of the Hephaestus Familia in the coming expedition.

After Nox pitched the idea, Hephaestus and Tsubaki were quick to accept, the latter was raring to visit his fortress on the 50th floor too as she heard lost of good things about it, expecting a girlfriend discount as well which Nox promised.

However, while they were all for the idea. Preparations for such a large scale operation could not be done in such a short time, especially considering weapons with the Durandal attribute needed to be made as well, which required time from a master smith like Tsubaki.

With this, the expedition was greed to be postponed slightly which resulted in Nox having some more time for his personal work.

Back to his secret workshop, Nox recrafted his armor first, made in the exact same style with the same simplements but this time, made of Divine Orichalcum.

The first layer was a body glove that covered his entire body, head and face included.

Next up, was a master crafted plate armor that allowed for full articulation. It was a full plate mail that covered Nox's entire body and the faceplate of the helmet was styled with one of Nox's favourite fictional characters in his past like, Jack of Blades. With the mask being whitish with coloured designs while the rest of the armor was black in color.

It was entirely covered in runes to increase its defense against magic but more importantly, conduct and enhance Nox's own spells, particularly those that enhanced his own body.

The suits left arm, shoulder and chest were particularly well armored with a bit thicker plates to since it would be the side presented to the enemy in most situations and had a lot of cool, magic item base features added onto it.

The gauntlet had a Kratos, God of War style deployable shield made of orichalcum and enchanted to create a powerful barrier if fed with mana. it having to settings. A personal barrier that covered only the user and a "shield wall" that blocked a large area.

The inner part had an assassin's creed style hidden blade based on Nox's infamous FU Dagger and it was jam packed with poison and curses, now enhanced to be god affecting powerful.

There was actually a second one in the right gauntlet as well. Furthermore, it had an enchantment that allowed it to extend for a short distance for surprise attacks.

The true masterpiece of the left gauntlet however, was its magic casting enhancement and assistance function. In other words, it was a gauntlet shaped mage staff or wand.

Finally, the last layer was a blood red hooded long coat that left Nox's left arm and peck uncovered.

But that was just reforging his armor with a new material. Now, it was time for innovation, time to craft a weapon worthy of the material Nox was using . . .

Mistilteinn, from the legend where the invulnerable Norse god Balder was struck down. A god slaying weapon. that that was just the basis, Nox had planned on putting

It looked like a jagged reddish black thorn, a pear made to inflict death and destruction beyond measure but Nox also created a bow that was used with it. at any point he wished, the Bow could be summoned to fire the spear off like a huge arrow.

Its full abilities were as follows.

Gae Bolg: The barbed thorn of death. The ability makes any inflicted wound unhealable and the curse can't be cleansed. Additionally, when the spear is thrown or fired as an arrow, it can split into countless projectiles. Can be used in close quarters to reverse causality to strike the heart with an undodgeable strike.

Gungnir: The spear that never misses its target. Activates a sure hit ability when used as a projectile weapon. Can also set of a huge explosion on impact.

Longinus: Anti Divinity modifier and the ability to consume the user's blood to drastically power up all of the weapon's functions.

Rhongomyniad: The ability to pierce and nullify any defence along with the raw power to turn entire fortress to dust. If this function is activated at full power, the weapon becomes one of mass destruction.

As per usual, Nox overdid himself and created something so freakish he could barely use it himself.

Well . . . He could definitely use it like a regular super high quality spear but its most powerful functions required divine energy to activate and he sure as well could not channel that kind of power without some serious consequences.


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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

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