Filvis' Resolve

While Haruhime hanged out with Bella and the Takemikazuchi Familia, Aisha was getting ready to make contact with Filvis.

Waiting for the right moment, when the elfess was alone deep in the Dungeon, Aisha revealed her presence.

As soon as she did, Filvis instantly turned towards her direction, shortsword and wand in each hand.

"Who's there!?" The elfess shouted.

"No need for such hostility you know." Aisha calmly walked out of the shadows with her hand raised. Her face veiled by the exotic dancer like outfit Nox had given her according to Aisha's own preferences.

"Who are you?" Filvis questioned, not letting her guard down.

"Hmm . . . I'm an . . . associate . . . of yur friend, Red." Aisha spoke.

"What!? Why are your here?" Filvis asked.

"He got hurt pretty badly so he asked me to watch over you until he got better." Aisha revealed.

"!?" Filvis was shocked.

"Red is hurt!?" She questioned.

In truth, the elfess and begun to wonder if her attitude of trying to push him away had caused him to back off.

Even though that was her intention as she thought herself unworthy of him, she still felt horribly for pushing him away and lonely, missing her partner's presence terribly.

'He didn't go away! He was hurt!' Filvis thought.

On one hand, she felt great that he still cared for her and wanted to be by her side. On the other, she felt terrible for feeling good after hearing he'd been hurt.

"What happened?" Filvis inquired.

"Hmm . . . Secret." Aisha grinned behind her veil.

"To tell the truth, i was supposed to watch over you quietly and have been your hidden protector for a few days already but he felt we should have a talk." She added.

Filvis was confused.

"Why?" She asked.

"You see . . ." Aisha started.

"Your dear Red has a few lovers, myself included. We're a pretty close sisterhood you can even say." She continued.

"!?" Filvis was shocked.

"So I wonder . . . What exactly do you have that makes him put so much effort into you when you always seem to have a foot out of the door and ready to break off the relationship. I mean . . . You're not really "together" in that sense right?" Aisha shared her point.

'So . . . Even though he has other girls that fawn over him he still pays attention to me?' Rather than thinking Nox a bastard for not being satisfied with his girls, Filvis found it thrilling and flattering that he still paid attention to her when he had what she considered much better options.

"Well . . . What do you think he likes about you?" Aisha continued to ask.

"I-I-I I don't know?" Filvis stuttered.

Aisha nodded.

"To be honest, there was a time when I doubted if I was worthy of him to so I understand that feeling." She said.

"That's right!" Filvis suddenly shouted.

"I spent so much time with him. He makes feel wanted, safe, warm and fuzzy but I haven't the slightest idea why he cares so much!" She shared her doubts.

"He probably just feels like it? He's not the time to like someone for a specific reason. He probably just took a look at you and your personality and found the combination to his liking." Aisha shrugged.

Filvis just gave a wry smile.

"That does sound like him." She acquiesced.

"My biggest question however . . . Is why haven't you thrown yourself into the huge fire that he is." Aisha declared.

"That's . . ." Filvis went quiet.

Then Aisha dropped a bomb.

"Is because of the Creature business?" She inquired.

"How!?" FIlvis was utterly dumbfounded and not knowing what to do.

"Heh! Looks like I'm right!" Aisha smugly said.

"Does he know?" Filvis asked with fear.

"Of course he does, he's the one who told me." Aisha stated in a "as a matter of fact" way.

"I think it bothers him that you think he would think less of you because of it." She added.

"H-How can he be okay with it!?" Filvis questioned with shock.

"He's just weird, don't question it. Then again, while I was shocked at first when he told me, I don't particularly think badly of you just because of that." Aisha shrugged.

"I simply think less of you for making him wait for you this long." She added.

Hearing that made Filvis look down but it also firmed her resolve.

"I want to meet him." Filvis suddenly said.

"Oh?" Aisha showed some interest.

"I want to see him face to face. Tell him my story and, if he would still have me . . . Then I'll toss myself into the fire with no more hesitation." Filvis declared.

Aisha clapped in applause.

"That's the spirit!" She exclaimed, making the elfess blush.

"Now then, I'll definitely get in trouble if he figures out I talked with you since he wanted you to come to your own decision so when he is all fixed up, after he comes to talk with you, you can enact your plan to tell him everything." Aisha said.

Filvis looked at her speechlessly but then took a deep breath.

"Thank you." She said.

"For what?" Aisha asked.

"For letting me see things clearly." Filvis replied.

"You can rest easy, I will not cower again!" She swore, not just to Aisha but to herself as well.

"Great! I'll be returning to my silent protector role then. Aisha responded.

"Wait!" Filvis suddenly shouted.

"What?" Aisha asked.

"What do I call you?" Filvis inquired.

"Ha! You'll know that if you succeed with your love confession." Aisha teased before fading into the shadows, leaving an greatly embarrassed Filvis behind.

And so, a few more days trickled by until finally, Nox was fit for duty once more . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

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