Out of the Lab and into Orario

With some important plot events about to happen, Nox planned on running some interference. In fact, he already had done things that would inevitably result in changes hence why he wanted to be present during the coming events.

His goal was to observe the differences from his knowledge of the original series. Bell was Bella and if she was to follow a similar path to Bell then Nox had already impacted her life greatly.

Not only was she stronger than Bell would have been at the time, she also did not face the traumatic encounter with a Minotaurs which, all things considered, might be to her disadvantage as that encounter had far reaching consequences.

After all, it resulted in the birth of Xenos Asterios which was considered to be the most powerful of his kind that was known and it also became a trigger to strengthen Bell's heroic resolve and adventurous spirit which granted him the Argonaut skill.

Also, as Freya's focus was on Nox himself, Bella was free of the perverted goddess' interference which would reduce her troubles while possibly hampering her development due to the lack of conflict that would have her grow faster.

On the side of Evilus, Enyo and so on, so forth, Filvis had made herself scarce which would have at least some impact of the operations of said individuals and group.

This world already bore a few differences from the DanMachi Nox knew and his actions would have messed up the canon events that were to occur in the future anyway.

As such, he decided that he ought to participate in the coming events to get a read on the changes and how they were affecting everything.

The overpowered Demi Spirit was an enormous wake up call for Nox, not only in the sense that it put the true fear of death in him, but also due to the fact that it proved things could easily escape his grasp.

The consciousness of the Dungeon clearly had its attention of himself and it was not above playing dirty by bending a few rules in order to get him.

Despite this, Nox could also feel that whatever the Dungeon's intentions were, they were not just pure hostility as said consciousness had helped him survive after his defeat of the suped up Demi Spirit which left Nox confused at its mysterious intentions.

His current plan was to get a read on Bella's falna to see if she had obtained any of her other self's skills which in case it happened, would give weight to some of Nox's theories.

Then, he would go to Monsterphilia, which was in just two days, with some members of the Loki Familia to see if the Violas that attacked in the original series would also surface.

He figured there was no reason for Freya to set the captured beasts loose in Orario as she had done so to put Bell to the test. Now that she was focused on Nox, she had to know such an attack would prove to be utterly useless.

With his plans for the immediate future set, Nox spurred into action, heading to the house he offered Hestia to see if he could catch Bella and perhaps tease the diminutive goddess while he was at it. No reason not to after all.

He arrived and entered like he owned the place, because he technically did, and used his Spirit Pulse to see who was home.

Bella seemed to be out, probably in the DUngeon he assumed since she was quite the hard worker and spent most of her time there with the fellows from the Takemikazuchi Familia.

Hestia on the other hand, was indeed home, sleeping despite the fact it was already afternoon and doing so in the most lazy and sloppy looking sleeping pose one could imagine but even then, she managed to look so cute that Nox could only shake his head.

Stealthily moving up to her room, Nox was full of evil intentions.

Well, he was not planning anything too dastardly, he was merely going to to wake her up softly and then enjoy as she freaked out when she woke and realized her situation.

What was to happen next however, was really quite a shock to him.

He sneaked into the room like a total creep and lightly sat on the edge of the bed before softly calling out.


No response.

"Hestia~" He called out again, just a little bit louder.

Still nothing.

'I could've just walked into the room normally and she wouldn't have even twiched.' Nox thought to himself as he shook his head with exasperation.

He then proceeded by poking her puffy cheeks while appreciating their softness and enjoying the cute sounds Hestia made unconsciously in response.

'Hmm . . . This is quite fun!' Nox thought to himself, possibly having discovered a new kink.

Hestia then rolled over closer, sleeping on her side while turned to him without a single sign of waking up.

'Her defencelessness really provokes my inner sadist . . .' Nox felt.

He did not do anything to perverse however, his self control was better than then. In fact, he he was not sure Hestia loved him even more than he cared for the little goddess, he would have never done what he was doing.

And so, he just limited himself to softly brushing her unbound black hair, reveling in its silky smoothness. A goddess she indeed was.

As he did however, Hestia's eyes finally trembled and started opening. While waking her up was the goal, Nox felt a bit of a loss as he had begun enjoying just messing with her sleeping self, a new kink had indeed awakened . . .

The unexpected referred to earlier however, came right after.

Still half asleep, Hestia looked up with not very lucid and still very sleepy eyes.

"Nox?" She asked.

Before he could answer however, the diminutive goddess hooked her arms around his neck and pulled herself up.

"What a nice dream . . ." Hestia muttered before lightly overlapping her lips with a shocked Nox's.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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