
"So you're inviting us to go to Monsterphilia tomorrow?" Tiona raised her eyebrow at Nox's invitation, one he made to the amazon sisters and Lefiya who were discussing the event when he spotted them in the Twilight Manor of the Loki Familia.

Tiona's expression looked weird to anyone with a decent eyesight and half a brain but Nox didn't really know why. And so he asked.

". . . Is there something wrong with that?" He tentatively inquired.

Lefiya looked between the two, feeling mighty uncomfortable in the weird atmosphere, not knowing how to defuse it and unwilling to go away since she had few opportunities to spend time with Nox as he always seemed to be busy with something lately.

"Don't you have somebody else to accompany you?" Tiona hmphed.

Now it was Nox's turn to raise his eyebrow.

'She was just complaining she couldn't find Nox to spend some time with him and wanted help to corner him so as to get the kid to go with us there . . .' Tione thought to herself, shaking her head at her sister's antics.

She then took a good long look at Nox.

'Mhmm~ Maybe kid is not quite apropriate any longer . . .' Tione thought as she eyed the handsome to the point of beautiful young man he had become.

Immediately after having said thought however, she shook her head violently and closed her eyes.

'No! My entire being belongs to the captain!' Tione internally reaffirmed.

When she opened her eyes up again however, she noticed Nox, her sister and even Lefiya looking at her weirdly driving a blush to her cheeks. She was saved however, when Nox turned back his attention to Tiona.

"Do I not have somebody else to accompany me~?" Nox repeated Tiona's question with a teasing tone as he looked at the "flat is justice" amazon with a predatory smile that sent shivers down her spine.

"W-What?" She warily questioned.

"Is that jealousy I sense~?" Nox teased with seductive yet irritating tone.

Tiona opened and closed her mouth without saying her word and heavily blushing as Lefiya looked away with a blush at the implications and Tione seemed to enjoy her sister's embarrassment.

Not knowing what to do, the embarrassed amazon just turned around with her arms crossed and harrumphed but none of the three expected what came next.

Not being even remotely bothered by the two spectators, Nox rapidly closed the distance to Tiona who had her back turned to him and embraced the beauty from behind.

Tiona froze in shock as Nox sweetly whispered in her ear.

"How cute~" While blowing in it.

Tione and Lefiya could only look at the pair in shock, the latter with a full blush going all the way to her pointed ears.

As for Tinao, she could only tremble in place at the unexpected assault, blushing face and weak legs from being suddenly teased by the guy she was crushing on.

With the initial shock gone, Tione bit her lip with jealousy for her sister.

'Lucky her that the man in her heart actually cares for her . . . Haaah, captain! I also want you to hold be from behind and whisper in my ears!' She fantasized.

Lefiya just put her hands in front of her face while thinking 'How impure!'.

In reality however, she fantasized about Ais and Nox both holding her like that together and whispering sweet nothings into both her pointed ears.

Tiona quickly recovered her bearings however, she was not that easily embarrassed of a girl and had merely been caught unawares by Nox.

She began exerting strength to get rid of Nox's embrace but she quickly realized he was much much stronger than her and just stopped.

Tione also noticed this and although Nox being stronger should be quite obvious, to them who still subconsciously thought of Nox as the cute kid that joined their merry band when they were in such situations with them, it became sort of a wake up call.

Nox released Tiona, thinking he had teased her enough and stepped back.

"So, are we going tomorrow or what?" He asked with a tone that was really not expecting a no.

"Ahhh! Whatever!" Tione furiously scratched her head and gesticulated.

"That means we'll go." Tione translated her sister's antics.

"Great! See you all tomorrow." Nox said before sauntering off to meet Loki.

Tione turned to Lefiya and just violently rubbed her head.

"Get out of your delusions." The amazon clamored.

Yes, the poor little elf had just been trapped in her not so innocent fantasies and completely missed the latter half of the entire encounter.

Embarrassed beyond words, Lefiya just ran off red faced, only barely hearing Tione say that they would go to Monsterphilia with Nox the following day.

After the little elfess left, She dragged her sister to their room for some sisterly talk. For all their bickering, she got along incredibly well with her sister and could tell she wanted to talk.

As they arrived at their room and the said sister talk began however, Tione regretted her altruistic decision almost immediately.

Hearing her sister gush about her crush and how strong and warm and tight his hug felt while she herself had never done anything remotely romantic with her own crush was maddening to say the least.

As the conversation progressed however, the amazon sisters simply began to remember Nox's progress ever since he had joined their Familia, their memories with him and how far he had truly come in such a short time when compared to other adventurers . . .


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.