Talking about Romance

"So what was all that about?" Ilta, vice captain of the Ganesha familia asked Nox as soon as he rejoined her and Shakti.

From the red haired amazon's look, she seemed quite intent on getting to the bottom of the matter from pure nosiness and curiosity alone.

"You don't have to say anything." Shakti said before glaring at her second in command who just shrugged with a wry smile.

"It's all good. You both know I was out of action for a bit after my Familia's expedition right?" Nox said in response.

"Sure, only after the fact though." Ilta replied.

"Yeah, that was by design since I didn't want anyone to know I was down. Anyways, my disagreement with the two ladies was about my withholding of information about the events that led to my injuries, that's all." Nox explained.

"What? How boring! And here I was hoping for some juicy love troubles." Ilta complained, getting a death glare from her captain for it.

"Come on big sis!" The amazon begged.

"You know you're interested too! I've see the way you look at Lyros." Ilta pointed out.

Shakti froze like a deer in headlights.

"You might be the only person I know that calls by my surname Ilta." Nox said in changing subject kind of way.

"It's a cool name you know? Lyros." Ilta shrugged.

"Thanks I guess." Nox replied.

"What do you mean the way I look at Nox-san!?" Shakti finally came to her senses and totally wasted Nox's efforts in changing the subject.

"I mean . . . It's obvious big sis. And I'm sure a ladies man like Lyros has noticed it too. I just can't believe he'd miss something so obvious." Ilta argumented.

"I just see him as a good man and adventurer as well as a valued and respected ally, that's all." Shakti defended herself and while it was definitely like that when they first started working together, Shakti certainly began harboring a little crush on him as time passed.

Nothing quite so serious as falling in love but definitely something noticeable. The only one unaware was probably Shakti herself.

"I don't look at you weirdly right?" She asked Nox who could only turn his head, unsure on how to respond which made an embarrassed Shakti cover her blushing face with her hands as Ilta laughed out loud at her big sis' cute showing.

'How Am I supposed to face him now!?' Shakti screamed in her mind.

"It's no big deal, I find you very attractive as well, nothing to be ashamed of." Nox attempted to defuse the situation.

"Really?" Shakti asked with surprise.

"Yeah." Nox confirmed.

"I don't know why you're so surprised honestly. I hear you get plenty of attention from guys and even girls though you seem to ignore it." He pointed out.

"I-I guess I do . . ." Shakti muttered.

"That's right big sis! You're a catch so go ahead and shoot your shot!" Ilta cheered from the side.

Alas, before any tasty developments could take place, a coughing sound came from the side.

It was Eina, apparently, she and Rose had finished their quiet contemplation over Nox's words to them and so they had come to rejoin the group only to walk in on the awkward conversation.

Rose gave Nox a could look while Eina looked red with jealousy over the fact that he was involved in such a conversation but Nox was honestly confused.

"Why the looks?" He asked.

"So you're hitting on Shakti-san?" Eina questioned.

"Haven't really hit on her today no, just paid her a compliment at the most." Nox replied.

"So you have hit on her before?" Eina continued to ask and Ilta was thrilled to finally get the drama she was hoping for before.

"Yeah?" Nox replied with a weird look.

Eina clammed up since it technically wasn't really her business who Nox hit on.

"The problem is how you're stringing multiple girls along." Rose interjected from the side and Eina nodded.

Nox, Ilta and Shakti got this really weird look on their face that somewhat messed with the two guild girls.

"It's not really a secret that I have a couple of lovers in a serious polygamous relationship with me." Nox pointed out and the two Ganesha Familia adventurers nodded.

"And since they're okay with it . . . I don't see any reason why I shouldn't. I mean, my romantic affairs are not exactly public but I would think their known enough that women I approach know what their getting into." He awkwardly explained.

"I thought those were just rumours because of how flirty you are with everyone!" Eina exclaimed.

"Ah . . . Well . . . They're not." Nox didn't really know what else to say.

"And Shakti-san knew about this and is still interested!?" Eina was in disbelief.

"Uhm . . . I . . ." Shakti clearly did not appreciate being put on the spotlight about her feelings for Nox.

". . . Yes . . ." She finally squeaked out and Ilta looked proud of her big sis who despite her competence and beauty, was a total zero in romance.

Eina looked as if in shock but Rose calmed down.

"If everyone is aware then I guess there is no problem." She finally said her her look towards Nox turned from accusatory to the vaguely attracted look she gave him before mixed with apologetic for her misunderstanding.

Eina was even more shocked about how easily Rose took it and as soon as she realized no cheating of fooling was involved, became immediately alright.

The half elf on the other hand, was still shell shocked about the whole affair and decided to just walk it off, deciding she now needed even more time to think about things.

The sudden revelation also helped the two ladies realized that Nox's lovers had all definitely signed the contract he spoke to them about.

The remaining for let Eina go on her way since they figured she could use some alone time and despite the awkwardness, decided to just get the official business of the Monsterphilia performance underway since it had started to get delayed from all the talking.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.