Hunt For Evilus XXI

Just like Aisha had her trump card, Ais too had one of her own and while the Loki Familia members always told her not to rely on it, Nox constantly encouraged her to harness it.

Her weapon was her hatred manifested into a skill mean to bring about death and destruction while dragging her to sch fate slowly with each use but that was only if Ais let her hatred rule over her mind. If she could focu and channel it, it would be her faithful weapon.

With distance between her and Revis, the sword princess closed her eyes and remembered all of her training with Nox as she unleashed her mightiest power, the Avenger skill.

"Tempest-Avenger." Within those calm words, Revis could feel a baleful hatred just bubbling beneath the calm ocean.

Ais summoned and channeled her hate through the Avenger skill but kept it tightly under control, just like Jun had taught her.

As a Creature, Revis was part moneter and thus susceptible to the Avenger skill whose main effect was to increase damage when fighting monsters based on the user's hate for them.

As she used it in combination with her spirit magic through a joined chant the beautiful green spirit wind surrounding Ais turned black as the massive powerboost she usually received from her magic became even more outrageous.

With her usual airheaded expression twisting into a more austere and aggressive one as an ocean of hatred seemed to hide behind her eyes, Ais charged while covered by a black storm fortress that demolished everything in its path.

Revis drew upon her demi spirit enhancement like Olivas except in her case, it became a twisted green plate armor covering her entire body but while then saved her from harm, she was still blown back as the green vines forming a chamber around the two were obliterated.

Like a bona fide mad warrior, Ais continued forward, plowing through the Dungeon walls until she and Revis were back in the huge open space of the 24th floor.

Back inside however, the situation was also rapidly developing.

In the tunnel, the Hermes Familia felt massive tremors, strong enough for them to fear the collapse of the tunnel they were in, it could only from Ais's battle but it baffled them just exactly how were they fighting to make such a phenomenon occur.

From the other side, at the end of the tunnel they were in, they could also feel intense clashes and a guilty conscience was trying to convince them to head in that direction to try and help but their logic brains and honed survival instincts were telling them to stay put.

In the end, their guilt amounted to very little compared to the other two and so they remained in place, a smart move because even though the were unaware of it, the current AIsha would most definitely not recognize them as allies.

That would be obvious from watching her battle with Olivas. The Creature slowly muted changing completely into a human like plant.

It seemed like the Demi Spirit Enhancement was not without cost and this unknown variable which surprised Nox and had come about due to the influence he exerted over the plot through his existence and his actions was not a free boost to even the scales like he had previously thought.

It was a parasite that could grant the infected more and more power, incredible resilience and a powerful regeneration but it slowly consumed them, feasting on the flesh and blood to grow and produce the power the host bodies were using.

His entire body was being rapidly consumed but the effects were obvious. Aisha under the power of the Blood Demon ability looked like a red devil, horns had jutted out of her head and a tail formed.

The Ability had never been used for so long and to such an extent so this was a change not even Nox could have predicted. Apparently, he had outdone himself far more that he thought when he created Aisha's weapon, the blood edge.

By this point, both of the were showing prowess bordering on Level 8. Olivas called for those snake like plants, the Virga to help him along with their massive mommy the Viscum but in a storm of flying red slashes let loose from her claws, Aisha destroyed them all, not even slowly her charge.

Both combatants were relying on borrowed power though, Aisha from the Blood Pool in her weapon which had fused with her and Olivas relying on whenever bits of his body had yet to be devoured. The one who ran out first would be defeated.

The red and and green blurs kept clashing at full power, unleashing shock wave after shockwave however, uncaring of their dwindling reserves.

Olivast relying on his increased mass, resilience and regeneration to fight like a tank while Aisha relied on her overwhelming speed advantage to perform hit and run attack. All their clashes were similar.

Aisha would charge in and striking with her flyying red slashes while Olivas blocked them with his arms suffering only minor injuries.

The amazoness would then exploit the opening provided to try and deliver a more decisive blow up close.

The end result?

Half the time, Olivas got a piece of him gouged out of his body while the other half ended with him smacking Aisha away with a powerful counter before she could deal her blow.

Meanwhile . . . As all of this was happening at the same time . . .

Inside the hollowed out collapsed part the pantry cave system, Nox held the inanimate corpse of a Juggernaut while pondering if he should stop things before they got any uglier.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR weeks ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novels Kage of Kages and FATE of DxD, do check them out!

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