SW~ Kids

After a quick shower and a clothing panic, I walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Why HELLO there girly" said the voice that previously yelled at me to get up. There stood in jeans and a tie-dye t-shirt, my most bestest friend in the whole world, Ella Skatey. "Want some food?". "Hmm what exactly did you make?", I reply, taking a sniff at the burnt smell coming from the stove. "Eggs, grits, and bacon". "Hmm okay then", I say, taking a plate from the counter. Looking down I see some eggs (hopefully), some very watery grits, and what LOOKS to be very, very burnt bacon.

Halfway through my eggs, I hear someone else walking down the stairs. "Hello girls, I see you two are ready for today." I look up to see Elena Skatey, Ella's mother walk into the kitchen. "Hi Ma" Ella says through a mouth full of grits. "Mornin' Mrs. Skatey" I say standing up and walking to the fridge. I open the fridge and grab a milk carton. "What in the world is this?!?" Mrs. Skatey says, picking up a plate of questionable food, already looking at her daughter. "Um erm, breakfast, what does it look like Ma?" Ella replies. "I don't have a clue, which is why I asked you what it was!" Mrs. Skatey says, winking at me. I laugh as I look over at Ella who rolls her eyes.


All three of us look at the stairs, as Mark Skatey, Ella's older brother walks/stomps over to the kitchen. "Hiya ladies" he says, looking at the plate of "food" waiting for him. Mark looks at his mom, then looks at me, then finally looks at Ella and then walks over to the refrigerator and grabs an apple. Everyone in the room bursts out laughing.

"What's so funny? Did I miss something?"

We turn around to see the last Skatey, Ben Skatey, smiling at us all. He must have snuck up on us when our attention was on Mark. "You didn't miss anything" I say looking at my plate. Mr. Skatey walks over to his wife. "G'morning dear" he says as he gives her a kiss on the head. We all say our "hellos" and "good mornings" and then we finish our "breakfast".

"Welp kiddos, are you ready for school?" Mr. Skatey asks at the same time his wife asks "Do you have all of your stuff together kids?" The three of us look at each other and then we jump up and run up the stairs.

Ben and Elena Skatey look at each other and laugh. "Kids."