SW~ Alone

"Skye are you ready?"

That is what Ella asks me. I look around at all my stuff (as little as I have) strewn across the room. Quickly I grab a backpack and stuff some paper in it. "Kids we gotta go if we wanna make it on time!" hollers Mrs. Skatey from the floor below. "Almost done Ma!!" Mark yells back.


"Hey, you got all of your stuff?" I whip around to see Ella standing at my door with a backpack over her shoulder. "Umm sorta?" I say. Ella laughs. "Come on, you will be fine." "Um ok, I'll meet you at the door." I tell her. She walks out of my room and pounds on Mark's door. "BOO!" I hear her say. Laughter. Footsteps and indistinct conversation go down the stairs. Flopping down on my bed, I think of how happy they all are. Smiling I think of when I first met them. I was 10 or 11 and was sitting down in a classroom alone when they walked into the room. I already knew Ella from school and she wanted me to meet her family. Her mom took one look at me and said "she is too skinny" while her dad just said "hello". I don't even think Mark knew what to think of me. He just stood there and-


Jumping up, I glance around. Do I have everything? Am I ready? I hope so.

Then I see it.

Quickly I grab it, carefully put it in my bag and run down the stairs. "Finally!" Mark says. "Aw shush Markie" I say, grabbing my skateboard. "All ready gang?" Mrs. Skatey asks. Yes! we say. "Alright then go get in the car!" Mr. Skatey comes out of the house and closes the door after us. "See you kiddos after school, I wanna hear all about it." Mr Skatey says, giving everyone a quick hug before sliding into his car. He glides away as we hop into our ride to school. Sitting down, Mrs. Skatey asks us what we are most excited for. The other two chat away as I look out the window. Tons of beautiful scenery fly by.

But as always, I look to the sky.

Even as a little kid I have always been mesmerized by the sky and space. I always signed-up for space classes and camps and almost always was seen with my nose in a book that had something to do with the topic. Most people don't understand my obsession, but that's ok, they don't have to.

But the main reason why I'm obsessed is because this, we don't know if there are other people or other living beings in the universe or if we are just alone. Some people devote their entire life to the study of life forms on different planets.

But what if and just what if, there is someone else looking up at the sky wondering if they are alone too?