Doctor Who News

Hey guys, I hope you're all well and have had a nice Christmas and New Years.

Doctor Who Season 15 has finally come to an end...

We lost two major cast members in the final episode that's been released, Maya Redburn(Tilly Keeper) and Greg Redburn(Parry Glasspool).

So if you haven't seen it already, we have announced that Aiysha Hart, who played Kathy Yates during the first half of Season 15, will be returning for Season 16 alongside David Harewood as the 14th Doctor.

We're super excited, Season 16 is bigger and better than ever.

With more time dedicated to bringing new Doctor Who episodes, we're able to bring some high-quality stories that are better than we've ever done.

With that being said, we're not heading straight into a new season just yet. Episodes for Season 16 started being written in November, so hopefully, we should be finished by March time(after finalising, editing, and rereading through them).

So hopefully we'll be able to give you a release date in the next couple of months(we're hoping for summer again).

Anyway, see you all soon.