The day felt long, things around Clarissa were constantly changing. The seasons, relationships, people, and most importantly her. The world is a scary place where most things are unknown or undiscovered. 

Clarissa had oddly grown closer to Emma, the more they talked the more they became inseparable. The three in the loft felt like a family, a weird unstable family. She had learned more about Emma and Rupert's past but had asked her to not say anything to anyone else about it. 

She had sat in her room the night she had came back from the store. Still dazed, and lost like she had felt in the grocery store fifteen minutes ago. Somethings you can explain while others you cannot. It had snowed more by the time she had come back to the loft. It was cold, as she climbed back into bed not exactly planning to do much after making her a meal. Thankfully, her duvet covers were thick, if they weren't she really would have felt cold as many others would have felt. 

Clarissa had been humming a tune that afternoon, something she had picked up from Rupert. She didn't remember where she heard it from, but she remembered the humming. She had scrolled on her phone looking for some simple things to bake later on that night if she got bored, which was a more than likely chance she would be. When she heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" She had shouted as she watched the door slightly crack open to reveal a tired looking Rupert. 

"Can we talk?" her roommate said as she looked up at him from her screen, the phone giving a small effect from her face. From the expression on his face Clarissa couldn't tell if this was gonna be a good talk or not.  

"Sure?" She responded questionably as she made room for him on the bed. She was used of this, having one of them come in and check in on her. She enjoyed that. 

"So, Emma and I were thinking that you need to get your stuff back from Laurence." He had spoke suddenly, causing Clarissa to furrow her eyebrows. 

"My stuff, it's just a couple of things, nothing much really.." She had mumbled while she scratched the back of her neck. She knew it was more than what she said considering she did leave a bunch of her clothes their. She just kept re-using the same clothes that she had brought with her on the first day she had moved in. 

"We need a new tv, Emma kinda threw a ball towards the television area and smashed it while you were out." He had said matter of factly making her eyes wide. 

"Not the TV! How else will I watch my disney movies?" She had said as she tried to steer away from the original topic. She knew she was a procrastinator, but if that meant facing Laurence just to get her stuff back, count her out. 

"Clarissa, we remember you telling us that you had a television that you had left back at Laurence's. We want it, if you want to watch disney movies you'd think you'd go back to get it wouldn't you?" He told her as he raised an eyebrow as she started to act strange.  "If you want, I will go with you to get your stuff. How hard can it be right?" Rupert said as he wrapped an arm around Clarissa, as he tried to comfort her as he watched her face turn into discomfort. 

She rolled her eyes at him, if she was being honest she had thought that Emma and Rupert were being just a little selfish. They could have simply went and bought a new television but instead wanted Clarissa to face her ex to get her things back. "If only you knew how simple it was. Laurence, he's just different than most guys, even if we had some difficulties while we were together the one thing you have to know about him is that he's honestly... sO addicting." She had said as she made a weird face. She didn't know how else to explain her ex towards Emma and Rupert but she knew she had to get her stuff eventually, even herself, sometimes she didn't know how in the world she was able to leave the relationship because she could have sworn that she would have had a hard time. 

"addicting? How?" 

"Well- I mean his hair, his hair is so lucious and beautiful and it's blonde- BLONDE I tell you." She had started to say as she felt her face get all warm from talking about her ex the way she was. "It's fluffy when you run your hands through the locks, his eyes are a light green color and it's so hard to stare at him because when he looks back at you it would feel like he's piercing into your soul." she had finished as she puffed out her cheeks to make it look like she was a chipmunk. 

This was why she was procrastinating. If anything she had described Laurence like most guys were in famous movies or tv shows, and she was the girl on the other side of the screen fangirling every chance he had to look at her. 

"Yeah- He doesn't sound like much doesn't he Rupert?" Emma had suddenly said making Clarissa jump to turn around and look at his sister as she was standing by the door.

"When did you get here? it's like you just popped up from nowhere! How much of that did you hear?" Clarissa asked as she now felt embarrassed that now more than one person had heard what she had said. 

"Most of it to know that this is an all more reason as to why you need to get your stuff back." Emma had stated while she walked over to the two who were sat crissed crossed on the bed, she joined them and sat down next to Rupert who was staring at his sister with approval. 

Clarissa had groaned as she tilted her head back exaggeratedly to show them how she wasn't wanting to do this. 

"and what exactly do I get out of this? Meanwhile you guys are getting a new Tv that all of us will be sharing, and then what will I get?" She said as she huffed while crossing her arms glaring playfully at them. 

"You will get closure, and of course all of your belongings back." Rupert told his roomate with a sly grin on his face, he couldn't help it. As much as he wanted to go through with this, he also didn't. He didn't know what he was meddling in, and what could happen when they met Laurence. The only person in the room who knew what Laurence was like was Clarissa, she knew him well enough to know that even if they had broke up, he might try to get her back and that was something Clarissa was absolutely terrified for. 

The group had sat in silence for a little bit as Clarissa was making up her mind. Was Laurence really worth the trouble to even go back and visit just to get her stuff back? No. But what was worth it is that she got her things back before he had the opportunity to throw it out, which is something she wasn't sure he had already done since it has been quite some time since they spoke. She sighed and glanced down at her lap, letting her hair fall in front of her face before looking back up at the siblings. 

"Okay, I'll do it." Clarissa declared as she had earned a couple cheers from Emma and Rupert. She didn't know why they wanted her to get her stuff back all of a sudden, but maybe this will actually help her feel better about the whole situation considering they never even had the time to talk about what had happened. She knew that he must have moved on by now, and it made her go back to wonder if this was such a good idea in the first place. 

"great! We leave in an hour, so just get ready because it's still snowy outside and we don't want to be in the cold for too long. We don't want to get hypothermia now do we?" Emma had giggled while she ruffled her friends hair, making Clarissa frown. She didn't like it when Emma would do that. It was the most random thing about her that she did often, and it just made her slightly uncomfortable. 

"Em, really?" She had asked as she went back under the covers. All she needed to do was get her gloves and beanie and she would be ready, it's not like she was other girls who constantly changed clothes when they would come home and go out again. 

"Oh hush will you? I promise you'll get used of it. Don't even think about falling asleep!" Emma warned as she got out of the bed, Rupert following behind her giving Clarissa a small smile. 

"great talk don't you think Anderson?" He remarked sending her a wink, as he walked out of the room shutting the door behind him to leave Clarissa in her own thoughts.