"Clarissa? Wha- what are you doing here?" Laurence had asked as he opened the door partially to see Clarissa standing there nervously, her hands slightly fiddling down by her sides.
"This is gonna go bad-" Emma had said as she watched from the car by the road. The two had been watching the scene unfold as the siblings saw Clarissa making a couple hand motions towards Laurence, not so friendly ones either.
"Do you think we should help?" Rupert asked when he saw Emma already getting out of the car as soon as Clarissa went inside the house.
"Clarissa! Wait, we can just talk about this." Laurence shouted back towards her as he was trying to go in after her. Rupert had gotten out by this point and rolled his eyes as they walked towards the front of the house. "He already seems like a douche." He told Emma as they started to approach Laurence slowly since he kept the door open.
"hey dude, just give Clarissa her stuff back and we will be fine to go!" Rupert shouted as he heard a lot of bangs and clangs coming from inside of the house, he had watched as Laurence kept glancing back into the house nervously before looking back at Emma and Rupert who have seemed to magically come up to him.
"Who are you?" He asked bewildered as he saw the siblings, his eyes narrowing down at Rupert.
"We're her roommates, this is my brother Rupert and I am Emma." The sister said crossing her arms at Laurence.
"Oh I get it- you and Clarissa are banging to pay for the rent, totally something she would do." Laurence said as he was staring at Rupert before stumbling forward as Clarissa came back carrying a couple of boxes that were towering over her body, the TV was on top of it, as she was very careful to not try and knock everything over and break it all. She could have sworn it wasn't a lot, but it felt like she had way more than she needed. The boxes she had carried in her arms were a squared sized brown color, a small size that was easy for her to carry once she managed to pick it up.
When she almost threw both boxes along with the Tv on his lawn it made a thud sound but nothing was broken.. yet. She took one look at Laurence and felt anger building inside of her, she took in his appearance and noticed a shirt that he was wearing. It was a light red colored shirt that had a cat sticking out of the pocket in the front. She frowned and crossed her arms "isn't that my shirt?" She asked as she felt like slapping him for even wearing it.
"well yeah- but it's comfortable to me and you just left it there anyways.." the boy mumbled awkwardly as he was faced with three people.
"Come on dude, give her the shirt back." Rupert said as he took a step forward cracking his knuckles, trying to act intimidating. He knew if he were to get in a fist fight with someone it wouldn't exactly look good for him and his job. He wasn't at all what Clarissa made him out to be. "No man- I'm wearing it! Cant you see that?" Laurence remarked as he kept his eyes narrow on them.
Sure.. his Luscious hair was really beautiful and all, but besides that his persona just wasn't really doing it for Rupert. If anything, he can find a new lead, this is Clarissa's ex, and seeing the faces she was making towards Laurence just made him want to punch something or rather someone. Rupert turned his head to see Clarissa digging in a box, she pulled out a really big ugly purple hat and placed it on the top of her head beads dangling from the side of the hat. She had two others in her hand. A orange and blue hats that looked similar to the one she had on. Rupert knew what he had to do in order to freak out Laurence. Quickly, he reached over and grabbed the hat out of her hand. "Hey!" Clarissa shouted at him as she watched him put it on his head, Emma seeing what Rupert was doing followed his lead as well.
Now they were all wearing the three most ugliest hats that Clarissa could ever have. Emma reached over and grabbed the girls hand as she saw her tearing up a little bit and gave it a squeeze.
"We won't ask again, but We will." Emma said to Laurence as she stood side by side with Rupert and Clarissa.
"Give us the damn shirt back."
"What the hell man, you guys are weird." He finally retreated as he started to take off his shirt, for a guy, he sure had abs, now Rupert was starting to understand why Clarissa liked him previously.. The hair, the face, maybe personality too but as of right now, he just was a douche. Laurence tossed the shirt to Emma who caught it with ease, she surprisingly stuck out at the guy. Sure, she didn't know him but when guys hurt the people she cares about Emma will be standing right there with her.
"Anything else? Unless you want to steal my dignity too." Laurence said as he was already turning around and walking back towards the front door, as he turned his head to look back at the three of them, he notice Rupert wink. He had tried so hard not to make a face towards him considering he knew better to do so, he knew what he had to do.
"Nope, we're good." Clarissa said as she took a step towards him. "Thanks for wasting our time and making this harder than it had to be."
She flipped her hair as she turned around and bent down to pick up the boxes again, as Rupert decided to help and pick up the tv to take it in the car.
"YES WE HAVE A TV AGAIN." she could hear him shout happily as he ran back to the car in a zig zag formation. The lightning dribble.
We're we being too harsh?
It's still hard to believe that him and I ended our relationship.
Maybe I was a little too much and went hard on him
wasn't I?
Yes of course you were! you made him take off his shirt just because of a cat shirt you made him, that you wanted back, you didn't need the shirt! you just needed to embarrass him!
he is the one that broke up with YOU. YOU. Clarissa. Remember that!
'But he was kind of an ass to my roommates.. I could care less about myself'
she had thought as she was standing in the middle of the yard, wearing the ugliest hat ever as she carried the light brown box. Clarissa was having another debate as she heard Laurene shout from behind her.
The little voice in Clarissa's head didn't seem to go away as she sent a glare in Laurence's direction, and with her free hand she stuck up her middle finger at him as she placed the final box in the back of the car. He sounded so much like an old man that's telling kids to get off his lawn and Apparently Rupert had realized this because he was already doubled over in laughter the minute Clarissa raised her middle finger up in the air. The little demon voice she had in her head.. the one we all have sometimes, the one that just tells us to do things thinking about them, strangely helped Clarissa feel a little bit better about herself. Just a little.
once she was buckled up again, this time in the passenger's seat, she turned to face her two favorite roommates.
"that was real cool of you guys, thank you. You don't need to wear the hats anymore if you don't want too."
That wasn't the case at all. Rupert placed a hand on Clarissa's shoulder as he was the driver now and shook his head, the small beads on the orange hat moving along with the motion. "Nonsense, you're one of us now. I think this causes for a celebration."
"Let me guess, a night of drinking? Sounds about right to me!" Emma added on as she poked her head through the middle of the two and smiled at them childish like.
"Emma dear, you have read my mind! Onwards!" Clarissa declared as she pointed her index finger towards the front, she sounded very victorious like. When she was with Rupert and Emma she really felt like they could do anything, and that anything was possible.