I hate pictures

(Hi guys,please comment or review or anything I need to know your opinion on the novel)

Bong Soon: (shocked) What!!?

Min Ho: I said I Like you.

Bong Soon: (still totally shocked )What !you...mee..what!

Suddenly Mr Cho arrives .Min Ho is surprised but Bong Soon is actually happy he came at the right time to save her from this situation she can't even process.

Mr Cho:Young miss I'm here.

Bong Soon: Okay ,sorry I have to go bye.

Min Ho: (dumbfound) You're going to leave me hanging?

Bong Soon: (getting into the car )Bye

Min Ho just stands there dumbstruck

MEANWHILE Soo Hyun followed Mr Cho from school where he was waiting for Bong Soon before she called  telling  him where she was.He's surprised that Min Ho and Bong Soon are together and quickly leaves the scene.

Ride home

Bong Soon: (relieved )Omg Mr Cho you have the best timing.

Mr Cho:What do you mean young Miss?

Bong Soon: Just know that you saved me.

Mr Cho:Were you in trouble?

Bong Soon: I don't know .

Mr Cho:You have to be clear.

Bong Soon: Just know that I'll be in trouble if you tell my mom you didn't pick me up at school let's keep it as our little secret .Okay?

Mr Cho :Okay Young miss.


She arrives home and is greeted by Mrs Park .She rushes to her room and just lies on her bed thinking about what Min Ho said

Bong Soon: Maybe I heard it wrong.....He couldn't have meant that....Maybe he was joking ....Its not funny though...Now I can't seem to get him out of my mind....this is driving me crazy!

Mrs Park walks in with snacks

Mrs Park: I thought you might be hungry.

Bong Soon: (sulking) Hunger is the least of my problems .

Mrs Park: (confused) What?

Bong Soon: Nothing, I'm full I had two proper meals already I can wait till supper .(looking at the snacks) But since you already brought them here what's the harm in it.

Mrs Park: Okay young Miss enjoy.

Bong Soon: Wait can I ask you something?

Mrs Park:Yes ,what is it?

Bong Soon:(shy)Do you remember Min Ho?

Mrs Park:Yes the young man who made one of the maids faint .

Bong Soon: Do you think he'd like a girl like me?

Mrs Park: What do you mean a girl like you.

Bong Soon: You know ...just little old me .

Mrs Park :Yes how can he not like you ,you're smart ,beautiful with a heart of gold .

Bong Soon: Are you just saying that just because you work for us?

Mrs Park:(walking towards the door) Maybe...(exiting) Maybe not.

Bong Soon :(frustrated) She didn't help at all.

Bong Soon falls asleep to her thoughts till she's woken up for dinner.  she heads downstairs and has dinner with her parents.

B.S Mom: I got call from your school.

Bong Soon: (scared) Why?

B.S Mom: They said something about you guys going on a trip next week.Why haven't you mentioned it?

Bong Soon: (relieved) Ahh.. I'm not sure if I want to go.

B.S dad: Why not,is something wrong?

Bong Soon: No everything is fine ,I'm just not sure if I want to go.

B.S dad:Well the decision is all up to you.

Bong Soon: Thanks dad.

They have dinner and she gets back to her room and starts texting Akira her best friend.

Bong Soon: Hey I've got news.

Akira:What's up?

Bong Soon: Well there's this other guy..

Akira:😀tell me more!

Bong Soon:  😓well he told me he likes me.

Akira:Omg😄is he cute?

Bong Soon: Well yeah kinda...

Akira :Send me a picture !

Bong Soon:....sends a picture

Akira:OMG!!!😍dude what's the problem that guy is to die for .I'd kill for him. Wowwwww so boys that cute do exist😍.Lucky you 😢

Bong Soon: lol ,but I dont know why he'd like me .He might have been kidding.

Akira :Why would he do that.Do you like him back?

Bong Soon: I don't know really. I'm totally lost .

She gets a call from Myung Soo

Bong Soon: Akira I have to get a call.

Akira :It's cool .Find me a prince charming too 😉.Sleep tight I'm going out.

On the call

Myung Soo: (mad)You've been ignoring me!

Bong Soon: (embarrassed) Not even I was just busy.

Myung Soo: Busy skipping school with my brother!

Bong Soon: Aish it wasn't like that.

Myung Soo: Awe so you just happened to skip school ,and my brother coincidentally skipped .You even went to my grandma's place!

Bong Soon: I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this.

Myung Soo:One question .

Bong Soon: What?

Myung Soo: Are you guys dating?

Bong Soon: No why would you think that?

Myung Soo: That's all I wanted to know .I've got to go bye.

He disconnects the call.

Bong Soon: Aish what a weird kid....Argggh this is driving me crazy.

MEANWHILE: Min Ho is at home feeling uneasy

Min Ho: Doesn't she like me back....Was I too straightforward.....Aish Maybe I shouldn't have told her.....Shes driving me mad....She practically ran away ...She could've just replied me...

MEANWHILE ...Soo Hyun is at home pissed off

Soo Hyun :What's going on between them....Why did they both skip school....Why am I so pissed off...(frustrated) Argggggh...

Bong Soon just lies on her bed And keeps on thinking about the day.She eventually falls asleep.


Bong Soon wakes up late in the morning and the first thing on her mind is Min Ho. She still hasn't fully processed what happened the day before.She goes downstairs

B.S mom:You're finally up.

Bong Soon: Yeah good morning .

B.S dad: If sleeping was in the Olympics you'd be a gold medalist .

Bong Soon: If teasing was in the Olympics you'd be a gold medalist .

B.S dad: (laughing) You never seize to amaze me.

Bong Soon: (acting cute)That's why you love me.

B.S dad:Yes my princess.

B.S mom:Enough of that cheesy stuff.You should go get ready I'm taking you out today.

Bong Soon: Me?

B.S Mom: Yes you.We havent spent anytime together .

Bong Soon: Okay then,how can say no to that.

Bong Soon gets ready then they leave.They arrive at another mall .

Bong Soon: Why did we come here?

B.S mom:I like it here.

Bong Soon: You sure do like spending money for no reason .We could've gotten free clothes at your mall.

B.S mom:What's the fun in that.(she fakes receive a call)Omo what did you say...i have to come now....Jeez I can't even have a day off...okay I'll be there.

Bong Soon: What's wrong?

B.S mom :I have to go to work. Something just came up.

Bong Soon: I knew this seemed too good to be true.

B.S Mom: You should go in I already planned everything, you can enjoy on my behalf okay .

Bong Soon: What's the point let me just go back home.

B.S mom:No I already planned everything just go in .I'll make it up to you.

Bong Soon: (sulking) Okay

B.S mom:That's my girl.Okay bye.

They drive off leaving Bong Soon at the foot of this big building.She eventually walks in and can't stop looking around .

Bong Soon: I hope I don't get lost this time

She recieves a call from an unknown number

Bong Soon: Could it be Min Ho...arghh this is frustrating. She then picks up the phone.

Unknown caller: Look up.

She looks up and there he is on the second floor

Bong Soon: Soo Hyun

Soo Hyun: Come up you're late

Bong Soon :Late?

He ends the call

Bong Soon: Aish he's so rude.

She goes up and meets with Soo Hyun

Bong Soon: What's going on?

Soo Hyun: Don't act dumb my dad and your mom planned this .You know I have  a life right.

Bong Soon:(confused) Planned what?

Soo Hyun: We have to do a photo shoot for the next issue of our company magazine.

Bong Soon: What!? photo shoot!

Soo Hyun: Yes you heard me.

Bong Soon: Aish that woman.So we were never going shopping. I knew something was off

Soo Hyun: We don't have time for that lets go

Soo Hyun drags her to where they are  having the photo shoot.They get dressed for their first shots which is casual wear.Bong Soon seems very awkward with everything that's suddenly happening whilst Soo Hyun seems very comfortable. They start taking the pictures whilst Soo Hyun seems like a professional ,poor Bong Soon is struggling .They have more shots in summer wear and evening wear.Most of the shots are awkward for the both of them as they have to be close together. The happiest moment for Bong Soon is when they are told they are done.

Bong Soon: (excitedly )Seriously.

Soo Hyun: Yes we're done.

Bong Soon: Finally !

Soo Hyun: Was it that bad.

Bong Soon: No I just hate taking pictures.

Soo Hyun: Why?

Bong Soon: I don't really know.

Soo Hyun: Okay let's go.

Bong Soon: Where?

Soo Hyun: I'm supposed to take you home .

Bong Soon: Awe...

As they are exiting they run into a group of fans of Soo Hyun. They start taking selfies and getting autographs.  Bong Soon wonders off into a near by sneaker shop.She's like a kid in a candy shop.

Bong Soon: Wow these shoes are cool.....Its like in in sneaker heaven....

Soo Hyun suddenly appears

Soo Hyun: (chuckles) Sneaker heaven.

Bong Soon: (mesmerized) Yes..

Soo Hyun: You like sneakers that much?

Bong Soon: Yeah if you haven't noticed that's all I wear.

Soo Hyun: It's not like I look at you that much.

Bong Soon: Argh nevermind.

Soo Hyun:(annoyed)  Now buy what you want then let's leave.

Bong Soon: Awe I can't buy anything.

Soo Hyun: And why Is that ?

Bong Soon: I'm broke.

Soo Hyun: (chuckles) You're what!

Bong Soon :I'm broke, I used up all my allowance money and my emergency card last weekend .

Soo Hyun :(mockingly)  Did you buy a car or something . Who still gets allowance anyway ?

Bong Soon: (sulking) I still get allowance and i only bought a couple things at the market and a pair of jeans.

Soo Hyun: For a rich person you're living worse than a broke person .

Bong Soon: Argh let's just leave then.

Soo Hyun: I can buy them for you. Which ones do you want ?I'll give them to you on the house.

Bong Soon: No it's okay I already owe Myung Soo two favours from last week I don't want to owe you too.

Soo Hyun: (annoyed) Awe you were with him.Lets goo

As they are exiting they run into Min Ho and Hae Ra