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All the boys arrive and head up to her room

Bong Soon: So what's up.

Nobody replies

Myung Soo: Why'd you call us here?

Soo Hyun: Well there's a situation .

Bong Soon: Which situation?

No one replies

Min Ho: What happened ?

Soo Hyun :Well I think something happened to Mi Nam

Bong Soon: What's wrong ?

Nobody replies

Bong Soon: Okay why did you come all this way if you don't want to talk to me.

Myung Soo: How's your little boyfriend?

Bong Soon: Firstly he's older than you and secondly he is not my boyfriend .

Min Ho  chuckles

Bong Soon: What?

Myung Soo: So what is he then ?

Bong Soon: He's my friend

Soo Hyun chuckles

Myung Soo: So you kiss your friends now.

Bong Soon: Is it a crime to get kissed on the cheek by your friend

Min Ho: Cheek?

Bong Soon: Yes cheek..

Myung Soo: But still you went up to his room.

Bong Soon: Yes I walked him to his room .I didnt even go in.

Myung Soo: What?

Bong Soon: I should be the one angry at you guys for spying on me all day long.

Soo Hyun :What who spied on you.

Bong Soon: All three of you dummies .You're not good at hiding at all.

Min Ho: I'm not a dummy

Is that why you spilled that drink on Jason

Min Ho: Well..

Bong Soon: Argh enough of your little tantrum. Now what happened to Mi Nam.

Soo Hyun :I don't know,she just stopped coming to work.

Bong Soon: When was the last time anyone saw her?

Soo Hyun: On Thursday.

Bong Soon: Did you check at her place?

Soo Hyun :That's why we're here,you're the only one who knows where she stays

Bong Soon: Okay let's go there now

When she opens her door she sees a maid who was spying on them but the maid quickly runs away.

Bong Soon: (talking to herself) Mmm something weird is happening here .

Myung Soo:What

Bong Soon:Nothing.

They arrive at Mi Nams place and the place looks totally deserted.Myung Soo jumps over  their wall and opens the gate for everyone else who's still in awe by what he just did.He picks the lock and they get inside the house which looks trashed.

Bong Soon: What happened here?

Soo Hyun :Something bad.

Min Ho : Seems that they left in a hurry

Bong Soon: I hope nothing bad happened to them.

Myung Soo:They are fine.

As they are leaving the house they run into Mi Nam's neighbor

Neighbor:Are you Mi Nam's friends?

Bong Soon: Yess have you seen her?

Neighbor: No I lastly saw them on Friday

Bong Soon: Friday!


Bong Soon: Can you tell me everything that happened ?

Neighbor: Well in the morning her grandfather came looking for them but they weren't home.When Mi Nam was back I told her that he had visited but she said her grandfather was dead.A couple hours later I saw her and her mom leaving with their bags they didn't tell me anything I just assumed they'd be back.

Soo Hyun: Something is off

Bong Soon: Did the grandfather ever come back?

Neighbour: Yes he did but he was too late they we're already gone.I told him what I just told you.

Bong Soon: Okay thank you ,call me here if they come back.

Min Ho: What happened to them.

Bong Soon :Mi Nam said they always moved when someone found out where they stayed.

Myung Soo: But you're the only one who knew where she lives.

Bong Soon: Yes i am.....wait a minute... the Woo brothers know too they drove me here.

Soo Hyun: I warned you against those people.

Bong Soon: They are nice people they wouldn't do anything.

Soo Hyun: Well okay let's go ask them then.

They arrive at the Woo' s house and it's empty too.

Bong Soon:What's going on?

Soo Hyun:Look they even fled.

Bong Soon: Dont judge them when you don't know the entire truth. 

Myung Soo: Well all I can say is I'm officially freaked out.

Min Ho: Alot of things don't make sense.

Bong Soon: Did you guys ever find out anything else about our case.

Soo Hyun: Well the only fishy thing  is that our stock went up when my mom passed away.

Min Ho: We didn't find anything either.

Myung Soo: Its as if all her research died with her.

Min Ho: Dad doesn't seem to know anything either.

Bong Soon:Okay it's late now ,let's go home rest up and we'll look for Mi Nam tomorrow.

Bong Soon goes back home and keeps on thinking about Min Nam and the Woo's

MEANWHILE...The boys are at their homes thinking about how they still stand a chance to get Bong Soon.

Monday after school

They check at Mi Nams school and she's been absent since Friday. She still hasn't gone to work.

Soo Hyun: Well i can't use any of my sources because if my dad is behind this then he'll know for sure.

Bong Soon: Try asking him and see how he reacts.

Soo Hyun: Okay .

Min Ho: We could pull our resources and try to find her too.

Myung Soo: Yeah it will be a walk in the park.

Soo Hyun' s phone keeps on ringing but he keeps on ignoring it.Min ho's phone starts to ring as well but her ignores .Myung Soo 's phone rings then her answers it

Myung Soo: Ahh Hae Ra...Yes I'm with him..Umm let me give him the phone

He hands his phone to Soo Hyun. Soo Hyun just grabs it and cuts the call.

Myung Soo: She wanted to talk you .

Soo Hyun: I don't care.

Myung Soo :Okay okay don't lash out at me.

Bong Soon: Just give him some space

Min Ho: Since you guys broke up you treat her like trash.

Soo Hyun: She is trash

Bong Soon: Well that's not very nice.

Soo Hyun:I'd expect you to understand me

Bong Soon: I do .

Min Ho: Understand you ?

Soo Hyun :(chuckles)You know when she chose me over you I thought I was lucky  then she chose my dad over me...

Myung Soo: Dad?

Soo Hyun: Yes kid, she's been under my dad's sheets all this while .Now please don't judge me.

Min Ho: I didn't....

Soo Hyun :Know? ....Yeah we all didn't know.

Tuesday after school

Soo Hyun exits and Hae Ra is outside waiting for him.His driver isn't there.

Soo Hyun :What's all this ?

Hae Ra: I really need to talk with you.

Soo Hyun: Where is my driver ?

Hae Ra: I told him not to come .I thought this would be the only chance I'd get to talk to you.

Soo Hyun: Think again.

He walks off and gets into Bong Soon's car which was behind Hae Ra's. Min Ho who has just come  out sees her

Hae Ra: Min....

He just passes by followed by his fan girls and doesn't even glance at her .

Myung Soo  ,Won Ho and Bong Soon exit the school and they see Hae Ra standing by her car.

Shin Won Ho waves at her but is quickly stopped by Myung Soo.

Myung Soo: We don't talk to her anymore.

Won Ho: Why not.

Myung Soo: I'll tell you ,bye Bong Soon

The Boys go off leaving Bong Soon. She kinda feels bad for Hae Ra.

She sees Soo  Hyun's fan girls waiting outside her car.

Bong Soon: Omo do they like me now?Must've been the party.

She gets to her car then they just glare at her .She enters the car and...

Bong Soon: Soo Hyun.

Soo Hyun: I need a ride  home  is that okay

Bong Soon: Umm okay.I knew it was too good to be true.

Soo Hyun: What ?

Bong Soon: That those girls like me.

Soo Hyun:(petting her) I like you that should be enough.

Bong Soon: This just makes me think of poor Mi Nam.

Mr Cho:Shall we go young Miss.

Bong Soon: Yes let's go.

They drive Soo Hyun home and she' gets home.

Hours later Bong Soon calls for an emergency meeting in the park.

The Boys arrive and are shocked to see who she's with

Min Ho: You

Hae Ra: Min Ho please...

Myung Soo: I no  longer respect you .

Hae Ra: Myung Soo please..

Soo Hyun: Is this why you called us here?

Bong Soon: You have to hear what she has to say.Its very important especially for you Soo Hyun.

Soo Hyun: I'm not listening to anything she says.(He starts walking off)

Hae Ra: Its about your mom!

He stops and comes back

Soo Hyun: Don't ever mention my mom with that mouth of yours.

Hae Ra: She's alive

Soo Hyun:(sarcastic)  Big surprise, I already know that

Hae Ra: I know where she is

Soo Hyun: (chuckles) You must be kidding me.

Min Ho: Where is she?

Hae Ra: She's at Soo Hyuns house.

Soo Hyun: (sarcastic) So you're telling me my mom has been home all this while

Hae Ra:Yes ,I know it might sound weird but I saw her.

Soo Hyun: Where ?

Hae Ra: In the study.

Soo Hyun: (chuckles) I went inside there in this morning .

Hae Ra: There's a secret door behind the bookshelves which leads to a room she's in.

Bong Soon: How did you find it?

Hae Ra: (embarrassed) Well...umm...

Soo Hyun: Speak up!

Hae Ra: This other day we were in his study then we knocked down one book and the door opened. He got all mad and threw me out.Yesterday when I was waiting for him I went inside and I found her.

Soo Hyun: You have no shame.

Hae Ra: At least I'm still trying to be a good friend

Bong Soon: Okay let's go check now ,I don't want what happened last time to happen now.

They all leave and head to Soo Hyun's house they get in the study and Hae Ra opens the door.They get in the room  and the she is.

Soo Hyun:(teary) Mom..

Min Ho: She's alive !

Myung Soo: She wasn't lying!

Bong Soon: We got here in time.

Soo Hyun:(enraged) He's going to pay for this!

Hae Ra: Soo Hyun

Soo Hyun: What so now you defend him?

Hae Ra: No ,I'll even testify against him if I have to.

Soo Hyun calls the police ...