Who would've thought

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Bong Soon looks at Rachel walking and looks like a kid whose lolipop just got stolen.Rachel smiles and waves to her friends making Bong Soon choke on her rice

Myung Soo:(worried) Are you okay.

Bong Soon swallows her food

Bong Soon: (adoring her)Omo she really is pretty.If two beautiful angels had a baby it would probably look like her.Omo she could be a model or actor if she wants .Can she sing? I bet she can, I would  just listen to her music even if she sucks because she's so pretty.The type of girl you post as your women crush everyday . WOW!!!I'm mind blown.

All three of them just stare at her dumbfound

Won Ho: (confused) Didn't expect that

Bong Soon:(hyper) My compliment was too short right.

Min Young: Young Miss are you okay

Bong Soon: Aish I told you to call Bong Soon

Min Young: Sorry

Myung Soo: Are okay though

Bong Soon:(smiling but crying) I'm totally fine.

Min Young :Omo she's crying

Bong Soon: (laughing dramatically but still crying)I'm not crying I'm laughing

Myung Soo: You're starting to scare me

Bong Soon: (laughing hysterically) Scare you ,I know I'm ugly but I'm not scary (she starts crying)

Won Ho: (laughing) I always knew something was wrong with her

Myung Soo: Aish shut up.Babe are okay

Bong Soon: (suddenly stops crying) No I'm not

They all stare at her blankly

Bong Soon: (wiping tears off her face)I mean how can I be okay .Look at her ,look at me.She's like Lisa and I'm Ugly Betty.

Min Young: (confused) Who's Betty and why is she ugly

Bong Soon: (annoyed) You're not helping

Won Ho: (laughing) This is golden

Myung Soo: Babe your not ugly, you're adorable

Bong Soon:(sulking) I totally wouldn't blame you if you cheat on me with her or even leave me for her.

Myung Soo: Why would I ever cheat on you and I'm never leaving you.

Bong Soon: (sulking) I mean look at her

Myung Soo: Yeah so what

Bong Soon: Even by the way she keeps on look over here ,you can totally see she wants you

Myung Soo: (he looks at her straight in the eyes)She might want me but I only want you

Min Young: Omo ,he's so sweet

Bong Soon: Are you sure

Myung Soo: (teasingly) No but I'm going to say yes.

Bong Soon: (laughing) Stupid Myung Soo

Myung Soo: (wiping off her tears)Adorable Soonie

Bong Soon: You're still not allowed to call me that.

Won Ho: Soonie ?(laughing) Who came up with that one.

Min Young: (sad)I did

Won Ho:(ashamed) Awe I'm sorry Min Young.

Bong Soon: What just happened. We've been friends for almost a year now and you've never apologised to me for being mean.

Won Ho: What can I say,i have soft spot for Min Young. She goes through alot.It must be hard working for someone you have to go to school with.

Bong Soon: I guess so,she's pretty cool

Min Young :(shy)Awe come on guys you're being to nice. Well if we didnt work for them i wouldn't even have had the chance to learn here.

The bell rings and they go their separate ways.

after school

Myung Soo waits for Bong Soon to exit.

Bong Soon: You know you don't have to wait for me right.

Myung Soo: I know but I jus wanted to

Bong Soon: You're too adorable.

Myung Soo: So are you

Min Young: Can we go now ,I've got chores to do

Bong Soon: I don't think you still have to do alot of work you have school to worry about now

Min Young:I just like helping my mom out where i can .

Bong Soon: Okay then .

Myung Soo walks them to the car.

Myung Soo :I'll see you tomorrow.

Bong Soon :You're not begging me to spend more time with you today

Myung Soo: Yes, I've got things to do

Bong Soon:(suspicious) What things

Myung Soo: I've got to pick Min Ho up from the airtport(checking his watch)Aish I'm getting late bye .(he kisses her on the forehead then leaves)

Bong Soon: So he's back....

Min Young: Miss please I need to get home

Bong Soon: Okay okay

She gets in the car,then drives home.They arrive but Bong Soon doesn't exit the car.

Bong Soon: Tell my mom I'll be back soon.

Min Young: Okay young Miss.

MEANWHILE....Myung Soo arrives at the airport and Min Ho is already gone

Myung Soo: Aish where could this guy be


She drives off and arrives at a dingy apartment. She knocks on the door and he opens the door

Bong Soon: (hugging him)Dad

B.S dad:My princess

So you're most probably wondering what my dad is doing at this dingy apartment. Remember when I said Myung Soo and I went backpacking through Africa. Well it turns out that alot can happen in one month.I got back and my parents we're getting divorced. My dad cheated on my mom with his assistant, so she kicked him out of the house and the hospital.

Bong Soon: I missed you

B.S Dad:Me too .Come in dear

Bong Soon:(looking around) Aish dad this place is a mess

B.S Dad:(laughing) Like your room

Bong Soon: (laughing )Come on I'm serious.

B.S Dad:Sorry dear I'll clean up when you're gone

Bong Soon:(starting to tidy up) No let's clean it up now

B.S dad :Noo...

Bong Soon:(stumbling upon a stash of soju bottles)Dad!

B.S dad: I'm sorry dear

Bong Soon: You can't keep living like this

B.S dad: (breaks down)I know(crying) Its really hard being away from you and your mother.

Bong Soon: (cormfoting him)Its hard for me too.But you did what you did now we all have to suffer the consequences.

B.S dad:Look at me dear.

Bong Soon: I'm looking

B.S dad:No really look at me

Bong Soon: I am

B.S dad:Do you think I would cheat on your mother

Bong Soon: I didn't think so but then...

B.S dad:Come on princess you know how much I love you and your mother I would never do something like that.

Bong Soon: Well they have proof.

B.S dad: Someone set me up dear. After that I've tried location my assistant but I havent found her anywhere.

Bong Soon:(suspicious) So you've been looking for her

B.S dad:That's not the point.Listen to what I'm saying I DID NOT CHEAT ON YOUR MOM.

Bong Soon: I want to believe you

B.S dad:So just believe me

Bong Soon: Its not that easy.(wiping tears off her face)Enough about that lets finish cleaning this place

B.S dad:Okay then princess.

They finish cleaning

Bong Soon: It looks much better

B.S dad:Thank you

Bong Soon:Don't thank me, now what's for dinner

B.S dad: You're eating here?

Bong Soon :Yes can't I eat with my own dad

B.S dad: Does your mother even know you're here

Bong Soon: Kinda...lets not talk about that,what's on the menu.

B.S dad:Well I've got nothing here ,let's order pizza

Bong Soon: But that's all you've been eating. Come one let's go out.

B.S dad:You know I don't like going out

Bong Soon: I know but please

B.S dad:Okay

Bong Soon :Yeyyy

B.S dad:But nothing fancy okay

Bong Soon: We're going to a place you're going to love

B.S dad:If you say so

They arrive at this other eatery

Bong Soon: We're here

B.S dad:Looks like my type of place

Bong Soon:i knew you'd like it,come on let's go in.I know the lady who owns this .

As they walk in they are greeted by an old woman.

Woman: Omo I know you

Bong Soon: Hello grandma, do you remember me I came once before with Min Ho.

Grandma:Awe yes you're that girl he cleaned up with.

Bong Soon: I remembered how good your food was and decided to bring my dad here.Sorry it took me so long to revisit

Grandma: Don't worry ,it's great you're here .Take a seat right here

Bong Soon: Omo this place is packed .Do you need help

Grandma: No I have a new employee now he helps me.

Bong Soon: Okay grandma

Grandma:So what will you have today

Bong Soon: Bring us all your best dishes

Grandma: Aigooo I knew I liked you from the first time I met you.

She rushes to the kitchen and a couple minutes later she and her assistant come back holding alot of dishes .

Bong Soon: Omo thank you ,that's alot I hope we can finish it. it looks so tasty

Grandma: Thank you, let us bring the rest.

B.S dad :The rest!?

They go back into the kitchen and brick back more dishes .The go back again and bring back more dishes they have to add three more tables so that the foodcan fit

Grandma:(excited) Enjoy

Bong Soon: (dumbfound) Omo isn't  this everything on the menu

Grandma: (smiling) Yes ,every meal I make is the best.

They leave Bong Soon and her dad totally puzzled

B.S dad: Princess how can we finish all this ,we can't even carry it all back home .

Bong Soon: Aish I should've been more specific

B.S dad:So what now .

Bong Soon: We do what we came here to do.(dramatically) WE EAT.