Her Again!


Mr Hei:Tomorrow you have an exam

The whole class boo's

Mr Hei: (smirking) That won't change anything, I'd start reading if I were you.It won't be easy.


Bong Soon

Waking up after a long night of trying to study sucks.I am lucky Myung Soo kept on calling after every hour .This guy is too good for me.

So I get ready for school go down for breakfast with my mom.She is now over the whole drunk situation, well with me .She is still angry at dad.

Im grateful Min Young was sent to school by my mom so she can keep an eye on me.She's now my own personal spy,I need to keep an eye out for that  girl Rachel ,she keeps  hitting on my poor unsuspecting Myung Soo. Yesterday she had the audacity of winking at him as she passed by ,luckily my boo  had his eyes fixed on me ,I couldn't help but glare at her.I seriously can't stand her.

Mr Hei is handsome and all but then who gives students an exam first week of school,let alone his first week as our teacher.He must be trying his best to get on everyone's bad side because it is definitely working with me.Im not the type that studies much .

I'm just hoping I get a good grade.My mom will probably do something drastic if I fail this time.Well last year I did  have alot of things going on.I can't even use it as an excuse because everyone else passed.I think all my friends are just naturally smart.

Anyway  so I get to school  and  I arrive at the door same time as Min Ho and Soo Hyun who are coming from the other side.I greet them all excitedly but they don't  respond. I still don't get why they are not talking to me .It sucks ,I knew this would happen. Why can't we all just be like before.

Even if they don't respond they give me way so I enter first  just to get a jaw dropping scene  at my desk.

Soo Hyun

Going to school these days is a pain in the ass .I get to see her everyday. I really want to ask her what she's been doing going around all kinds of odd places in town.But oh well I can't even look her in the eyes.I don't know why I'm beating myself up for what happened  on dooms day.She chose her side but I'm still ashamed of what I did afterwards , I can't help but feel like I betrayed her ,even though we never dated.

What happened just happened in the heat of the moment,it meant nothing. Afterall she rejected me like I was some piece of meat which fell onto the floor for more than 5 seconds.I just needed a shoulder to cry on.

Anyway Min Ho and I have been friends longer than we've known her. It's a wonder how she has made such a huge impact on our relationship.

We've only begun getting back to our normal  selves.I don't want to mess things up  again over her.I can't even say her name around him.Im still waiting on him to start talking to her so that I know it's okay  .What has Kim Bong Soon done to me.

Anyway  so I get ready for school.Its weird now getting back to being a happy family. Things are still kinda awkward between my dad and I but we're trying our best for my mom. He told her about everything he did when she was in her comma so they are working through everything, it's not easy but they are really trying. They even started going for couples counseling,I'm not sure how  that is going to work.

After having breakfast with them I go to school. I wait in my car when I get there ,the girls still scream when I arrive,it's a wonder to me.Nowdays I don't wait for nothing I wait for Min Ho.Honestly I don't want to walk into school alone,what if I run into her, I don't know what I'd do or say.Worst case scenario is I'd run into her when she's with Myung Soo, why torture my self.

Min Ho arrives shortly after and we go in .We arrive at the door of the class the same time she arrives .Things couldn't have been any more awkward. She greets us but I'm still ashamed  and confused so I wait for the green light from Min Ho which never comes so I just stay quiet.She looks really disappointed and the cute smile on her face vanishes .

Like the gentleman we are we give her way .As we get into the class I can not believe what I am seeing

Min Ho 

I'm getting fed up by Myung Soo  and Bong Soon. I can hear him when he's on his calls ,he likes walking around and sometimes it's the laughs that just hit me hard.Im trying my best to silence everything out by listening to music but then sometimes I just want to listen in.I can't help myself,self inflicted pain should be my middle name.

Last night the calls were regular ,I don't know if she even studied.Is she even serious about school. I don't know if she's aware she needs to pass this year more than the last Her results will determine her whole future,well atleast she comes from a rich family she could always be cliche and inherit their companies .

Nowadays we can't even have a proper meal as a family without her name popping up.Everytime I have to pretend that everything is okay whilst I die slowly inside.

The worst part is she still hasn't said anything to  me.Could she have been  drunk enough not to remember me helping her.Her mom could've told her though,I don't know why I'm obsessing over this.

In the US, I got to meet alot of girls. I did enjoy my time there.It tried my best to forget and it worked,I guess ...

Anyway I head out first, I still walk to school. I've always liked getting there the average person way.I run into alot of nice people especially on the train I now have regulars that I know.

I only stop  having my peace when I'm near school ,that's when the girls come in.Its mostly juniors ,they are adorable though.Im just another guy but they ditch their chauffeurs just  to walk behind me ,it's weird.

I try not to acknowledge them though as they can get a bit out  of hand.I remember this other time I was walking then it started raining. This other girl immediately gave me her umbrella ,she was ready to get  drenched but then I pulled her in and walked with her.

We didn't talk but she smiled the whole way.The following day a huge group of girls waited for me with umbrellas, I had to change my route to avoid them.

So I get to school and weirdly these days Soo Hyun waits for me,I don't know why but I don't want to ask him about it.I might come on  offensive if I ask him so I'll just stay quiet maybe one day he'll just blurt out the reason.

I don't mind though it means I have lesser chances of running into her alone or even with Myung Soo. Soo Hyun is the only one who doesn't bring her up so I feel better when I'm with him.Our friendship went through alot because of her ,I think that's why Soo Hyun is shunning her.Im not about to bring her up.

So we walk towards our class and run into her by the door.She seems happy for someone who has an exam today,she's usually stressed.And that's when she greets us.I kinda zone out and I focus on the bracelet which is still on her wrist.Could she really not know it was from me.

By the time I zone back in she has stopped smiling. We just give her way and then walk into the class only to be shocked by what lies in there.

Bong Soon :(surprised) Omo....its Hae  Ra

Soo Hyun: (enraged)What is she doing here?

Min Ho: (surprised) I have no Idea

Hae Ra

You must be wondering what I'm doing back here.I mean yeah it's a bit shameless but I need to make things right with the guys.

After that whole incident they shunned me.I tried reaching out but none of them wanted to listen. So with me being back at school ,they can't avoid me forever ,sooner or later they will have to talk with me.

Things have been kinda rough for me.I can't depend soley on modelling any more, no one wants to hire me .I used to get gigs easily  when I was still with Soo Hyun' s dad but that's that.I need to focus on getting good grades and actually do something with my life.

I hope the guys will be able to see that I've changed, or atleast trying to.Once upon a time we were very close, I hope we can go back to that.

By the look on everyone's face, it seems like I'm going to have to put in alot of work.