Surprise, surprise

"What's going on ?"

Manager: (excitedly) You just missed a huge drama out here

Bong Soon: What happened?

Manager :Mi Nam just dumped that cute boyfriend of hers .

Bong Soon: (shocked) What!

Manager: Yes  darling, then she just ran off like in the movies.The poor guy was left standing  there all hopeless. That's when these girls turned into vultures ,they tried "consoling "him but then he just stormed off

Bong Soon :Omo

Myung Soo walks into the shop

Myung Soo: What's going on?

Manager:Like boyfriend like girlfriend, how weird.

Bong Soon: Mi Nam just broke up with Won Ho .

Myung Soo: What!

Bong Soon: I know

Myung Soo: Did she tell him

Bong Soon: I'm not sure,


On call

Myung Soo: He's not picking up my calls

Bong Soon :She's also not picking up my calls

Myung Soo: When I went to his house he wasn't there

Bong Soon: Mi Nam was there but her mom said she didn't want to talk to anyone.

Myung Soo: What a mess.

Bong Soon: A huge mess

Myung Soo :I have to go my dad's calling me

Bong Soon: Okay bye

Bong Soon: (shouting frustrated )Why did she have to break up with him!

Min Young: (entering the room)Who broke up with who?

Bong Soon: (sulking) Mi Nam broke up with Won Ho

Min Young:  (surprised) Really

Bong Soon :(annoyed) Yes

Min Young:(confused)  Why did she do that though.

Bong Soon: I don't want to talk about that

Min Young:(sulking)  Poor Won Ho

Bong Soon: I know you're happy, you don't have to pretend .

Min Young: (shy)Is it that obvious

Bong Soon: As obvious as the sun rising in the east.



Bong Soon waits for Mi Nam to finish her shift  outside the noodle shop

Mi Nam: What are you doing here,you don't work on Sundays.

Bong Soon: I thought it would be great to  hang out with  my dear friend

Mi Nam: I'm not in the mood

Bong Soon: Come on ,(acting cute)I'll get you into the mood

Mi Nam:(meh) Okay

They get to an ice cream shop

Bong Soon: So what would you like to do .

Mi Nam :Anything, it's almost sun down so there isn't much to do.

Bong Soon: Pshhh  ever heard of living in the night?

Mi Nam: I'd like to get home early .

Bong Soon:(sulking)  Okay then part pooper

Mi Nam:(confused) How can you be so calm about this whole situation

Bong Soon: (playing dumb)Which situation ?

Mi Nam :The whole Myung Soo kiss me

Bong Soon: (defensive) He didn't kiss you,he made a mistake.

Mi Nam:(sad) I still feel horrible though

Bong Soon: You don't have to ,(smiling)it's all water under the bridge now

Mi Nam: (skeptical) If you say so

Bong Soon: Is it why you broke up with Won Ho?

Mi Nam: No

Bong Soon: Then what is it?

Mi Nam: I don't want to talk about it

Bong Soon: Okay...Lets get out of here,I'll make you forget all this sad stuff

They go to the mall and start window shopping .Mi Nam is not in the mood but Bong Soon keeps on trying to cheer her up.She drags her into a boutique selects an outfit and waits for Mi Nam to come out of the changing room

Suddenly  a familiar voice comes from  behind her saying"Can I help you with anything "

She looks back and is surprised by who she sees

Bong Soon: Hae Ra

Hae Ra:(annoyed) Awe...I didn't know it was you

Bong Soon: What are you doing hereq

Hae Ra: I work here dummy.

Bong Soon: (annoyed) Awe...,that's cool.

Hae Ra:(fake smiling)  It's better than working at some noodle shop

Bong Soon: (pissed) You...

Mi Nam comes out  cutting her off

Hae Ra: Wow..(looking at Mi Nam)  that looks horrible .

Mi Nam: (skeptical) Yeah Bong Soon, this is not my style.

Hae Ra: (grabbing Mi Nam )Don't worry I know just the perfect outfit for you .(glares at Bong Soon ) Lets go.

Bong Soon is just left  sitting there pissed off

Bong Soon: Aish this bitch.I don't get it ,does she hate me of does she like.She insults me whilst smiling .Why did we come here!

A couple minutes later Hae Ra brings Mi Nam to the till where Bong Soon is waiting impatiently

Bong Soon :What took you so long

Hae Ra:Style takes time

Mi Nam: Sorry I took alot ,I only wanted one thing ,but she said I need all this too.

Bong Soon: It's okay

Hae Ra:(smirking)  Good  quality clothing  is also expensive, (staring at Bong Soon) who's paying

Bong Soon: I am,(bringing out a platinum card)Luckily we can afford it.

Hae Ra: (pissed)Okay

She puts the clothes in bags then hands it to them.As they are about to walk out Bong Soon comes back

Bong Soon: (smirking) I know this is not the noodle shop (places some cash on the till)But here is your tip.

They exit  the boutique leaving Hae Ra in a fit of rage

Mi Nam: What was that about?

Bong Soon: Don't you remember her

Mi Nam: Who..

Bong Soon: Awe you probably never met her ...Its Hae Ra .

Mi Nam: The one who told you about Mrs Baek .

Bong Soon: Yep .

Mi Nam: Wait the one who dated Mr Baek

Bong Soon: Yeah that one

Mi Nam: (admiring) She's bold

Bong Soon: And mean.Now I have to learn with her too.

Mi Nam: Must suck

Bong Soon: Yeah it does ,but Soo Hyun is suffering the most

Mi Nam: (concerned)Why, is she bothering him

Bong Soon: Yeah, must hurt that she's his ex but then she's the ex who dated his dad .That's alot even for me.

Mi Nam:(sad) Poor guy

Bong Soon: Speak of the devil(pointing to Soo Hyun who's walking with Mr So)there he is.

Mi Nam:(nervous)  What !

Bong Soon: Let me call him over

Mi Nam: Wait don't

Bong Soon: Why not

Mi Nam: Just don't

Bong Soon: Weren't you guys saying you miss him .

Mi Nam: I never said that,the manager did

Bong Soon: You seemed to be in agreement but okay.I doubt he'll even come if I call him

Mi Nam: Why

Bong Soon: I'm not sure, if it's about choosing Myung Soo but he's acting different .

Mi Nam: (curious) How different

Bong Soon: He doesn't look me in the eyes anymore.Its like he's hiding something. He hasn't spoken with me since that day.

Mi Nam:(nervous)  Awe...

Bong Soon: (sad)Yeah

Mi Nam: (frantic)Hey it's late we should go home now

Bong Soon: I don't feel like going home yet

Mi Nam: I'm hungry ,let go have dinner at my place.

Bong Soon: Come on I'm feeling generous today let's go to a restaurant.

Mi Nam: You've already bought enough stuff for me

Bong Soon: It's not for you,I'm the one who wants to eat.

Mi Nam: Okay then

As they are walking to the restaurant they run into Mi Nams friends from school

Girl 1:Where are you going?

Mi Nam: To some restaurant .

Girl 2:(excited) Come with us to the club we're going .It will surely be more fun.

Mi Nam:No Bong Soon is hung..

Bong Soon: (cutting her off)We'd like to go

Girl 1 :Great

Mi Nam: (whispering) I thought you said you're hungry.

Bong Soon: I am ,but I also want to go to the club .I've never been in one.

Mi Nam:(confused)  I thought you hated parties

Bong Soon: I do,but you need to loosen up.Youre still kinda sad I can see it

Mi Nam: Okay okay..

The girls get to the club ,Mi Nam and Bong Soon are underdressed for the place they in.

The other girls go off with some guys  leaving the 2 to fend for themselves in this pool of people.

Bong Soon: What now

Mi Nam: I'm going to get a  drink

Bong Soon: Okay...

They go and sit by the bar

Bong Soon:(looking around)  It's just like in the movies

Mi Nam: Yeah, except that in the movies there won't be two girls sitting by the bar dressed like they are going to the gym.

Bong Soon: Yeah but who cares ,it will keep all the perverts away.

Mi Nam: (patting her)You have no idea

The waiter gives them their drinks but  Bong Soon stop as she's about to take a sip

Mi Nam: What's wrong

Bong Soon: (putting the glass down)I think I'll lay off the alcohol today.

Mi Nam: Cool more for me.

Bong Soon: Can I have a glass of water

Mi Nam: And two more of these

Bong Soon: Jeez you're already done with those

Mi Nam:Didn't you say you wanted me to be happy ,so let me drink my sorrow away.

Bong Soon: Okay but beware ,a hangover isn't a nice was to start a week .

Mi Nam: (sarcastic) Okay mom.

A couple minutes later

Bong Soon: I have to pee

Mi Nam :(drowsy)Go I'll be here if you need me (she falls asleep)

Bong Soon: Jeez I have to get this kid home.

Bong Soon walks around the club and eventually finds the restroom.On her way back she spots someone she wasn't expecting in the crowd and  immediately ducks