Thank you

Soo Hyun: Yeah,where are you

Bong Soon: I'm around..whats up

Soo Hyun: We need to talk

Bong Soon: We're talking right now

Soo Hyun: Face to face

Bong Soon :Okay, where do you want to meet.

Soo Hyun: I can come wherever you are

Bong Soon: Ummm,meet me at the arcade

Soo Hyun: Is that where you are

Bong Soon: (nervous) Yes,where else

Soo Hyun :Okay...see you soon

ends call

Soo Hyun: Why did you just lie...What are you up to ....


B.S dad: Do you have to go

Bong Soon:( sad) Yes

B.S dad:Its okay you can go

Bong Soon: (hugging him)I'll  be back

B.S dad:I know you will.

Bong Soon: Bye

B.S dad:(laughing) Thanks for the "fake "watch

She just exits laughing

B.S dad: She thought she could fool me, my Bong  Soon .She's getting too smart for her own good.

As she's walking in the corridor A group of men exit  an apartment ahead of her and they start walking blocking the passage.

One of the men drops his wallet as he's trying to put it in his pocket.Bong Soon picks it up and rushes to them 

Bong Soon: You dropped this

Men #1 :Thanks little girl

Bong Soon: You're welcome

Men #2 :You're not from around here are you

Bong Soon: No ,how'd you know

Men #1:(laughing) People from around here don't return wallets they steal.

Bong Soon: Awee ,I'm not much of a thief

Men #2 :So what brings you here

Bong Soon:My dad  recently moved in so I visit him alot.

Men #3 :Awe he's that doctor who never goes out

Bong Soon: Yeah that's him,he's really nice you should try befriending him.I can see he's really lonely

Men #1:Cool ,since you helped me I'll gladly do that.

Men #4:Aren't uou worried that your dad would be hanging out with thugs

Bong Soon: Well you seem nice enough.Eitherway Im a thug too.

They all just laugh at her

Men #1:You're really funny

Bong Soon: I hear that alot.

Men #4:Aren't You scared of us,most people avoid us.I think we intimidate them

Bong Soon:I'm not scared ,you haven't done anything alarming ,plus I can defend myself

Men #1:She's a tough one, I've got a daughter I hope she grows up like you

Bong Soon: Aww ,thank you(looking at them)Your tattoos are really cool

Men #2:I do them,if you ever need one I  can hook you up.

Bong Soon: No, I just like seeing them ,I don't want one

Men #3:That's cool too.

They exit the building and Bong Soon heads to her car

Bong Soon: Do you need a ride

Men #1:No we're going to that shop around the corner

Bong Soon:(smiling) Okay see you next time

All:Bye kid

Soo Hyun just watches  her from afar

Soo Hyun: (surprised )Who are those men.What was she doing with them all this while.Kim Bong Soon what have you gotten yourself into

He takes a picture of the men then heads to the arcade

Bong Soon  arrives there before him and starts gaming.

Bong Soon:(sulking) Where is he

Soo Hyun: I'm here

Bong Soon: Finally, I was getting bored

Soo Hyun: Did you wait long

Bong Soon: Yes felt like eternity

Soo Hyun: Sorry ,(in his mind)Liar! is 5 minutes an eternity

Bong Soon: Anyway whats this about

Soo Hyun :(throws some papers at her)This

Bong Soon: What is it

Soo Hyun: Just read it

It turns out to be contract and he's giving Bong Soon 20%   of the shares of the noodle company.

Bong Soon: (shocked)OMO...What's this !

Soo Hyun: You said I didn't thank you ,well here it is

Bong Soon: I wasn't expecting all this.A simple thank would've been enough for me

Soo Hyun: (chuckles) I don't do simple

Bong Soon: (dumbfound) Clearly!

Soo Hyun: You just have to sign the papers

Bong Soon: No it's too much ,I can't take it

Soo Hyun: You have to,

Bong Soon: But I don't want to

Soo Hyun: PLEASE

Bong Soon: (shocked)'ve never said that before

Soo Hyun: I know, now please sign these papers .

Bong Soon: But I know nothing  about business

Soo Hyun: You don't even have to be hands on .But okay I'll take them back, you don't seem interested

Bong Soon: (smiling) Well since you're begging

She signs the papers

Soo Hyun: Never say I'm ungrateful

Bong Soon: I won't, I'm really happy. My first business deal,I'm glad it was with you.

Soo Hyun: (annoyed) Aish don't make big deal about it

Bong Soon: I can't help it,I want to shout it from the roof top

Soo Hyun: Lets do it.

He grabs an unsuspecting Bong Soon's hand and drags her to the roof top of the arcade.

Soo Hyun: (smirking) Nothing is stopping you now

Bong Soon just gazes at the view then shouts "I just got my first shares"

Soo Hyun: Louder

Bong Soon: (elated)I just got my first shares!!!!

MEANWHILE ...someone who has been following them locks the door of the rooftop

Bong Soon: You should shout too it's fun

Soo Hyun: No

Bong Soon: Psssh for a moment I thought you were fun

Soo Hyun: (offended) I am(clears throat) I gave her her first shares!

Bong Soon: (excitedly shouts)Thank you Soo Hyun!

He just looks at her whilst she keeps enjoying the view soaking in all the overwhelming emotions she's feeling

Bong Soon: Ahhh ,this was fun .Today has been a good day.

Soo Hyun :I'm glad

Bong Soon: Now let's go before we get into trouble

Soo Hyun: Okay

They get to the door and they can't open it

Bong Soon: Omo the door isn't opening

Soo Hyun: Clearly

Bong Soon: What now

Soo Hyun: Just keep banging someone will open it for us

Bong Soon: Why me ,why can't you do it

Soo Hyun: I can, I just don't want to

Bong Soon:(annoyed) Aish you....

She starts banging the door imagining it's Soo Hyun' s face .An hour passes by and no one saves them

Bong Soon: This is hopeless.

Soo Hyun:Its probably because there's alot of noise inside .

Bong Soon: So what now,can you call someone

Soo Hyun: Awe my battery is flat ,use your phone

Bong Soon: I left it in the car

Soo Hyun: Then keep banging the door then

Bong Soon: I'm not doing it,it's your turn now

Soo Hyun: No thank you

Bong Soon: Why are you so calm ,did you lock the door

Soo Hyun: How could I do that I was with you.It's probably some worker who did it to stop people like you from coming up here.

Bong Soon :(offended) Like me!you brought me here.(defeated)The luck I have

Soo Hyun: Quit whining by closing time there will be less noise ,they'll definetly hear you if you bang

Bong Soon: What's the time

Soo Hyun: 2pm

Bong Soon: (sulking) So we still have 6hours

Soo Hyun: Pretty much

Soo Hyun just lays on a ledge and closes his eyes

Bong Soon: You shouldn't sleep there

Soo Hyun:Why not

Bong Soon:It's not safe

Soo Hyun: (meh) I know

Bong Soon: (annoyed) Aish (she pulls him off)

Soo Hyun: Crazy!,what if I had fallen

Bong Soon: But you didn't ,maybe I should have pushed your ungrateful self over the ledge

Soo Hyun: (meh)You don't have the guts

Bong Soon: (pissed)I'll show you....someday

They give each other the silent treatment for 3hrs until it's broken by a sound, it's Soo Hyuns stomach which is growling .

Bong Soon: Seems like someone is hungry

Soo Hyun :(defensive) I'm not

Bong Soon: Aish your pride is just pathetic (she takes out a packet of beef jerky)Here you go

Soo Hyun:(surprised) You carry around jerky

Bong Soon: Sweets too

Soo Hyun: (astonished) You're weird

Bong Soon: Well my weird just saved your little stomach

Soo Hyun: Fair enough

The person who was following them starts survailing them from the neighbouring rooftop.

Bong Soon: Hey ,(looking around)do you ever feel like someone is watching you

Soo Hyun: (choking) ask

Bong Soon: I just feel like it.

Soo Hyun: (nervous) You're just paranoid

Bong Soon: I also have been feeling like someone is following me

Soo Hyun :(chokes)Now who would follow you, you're not  exactly  an important person.

Bong Soon:I know, that's why it's creeping me  out.

Soo Hyun: (saving himself) You ought to have issues after the whole Mr Shin ordeal 

Bong Soon: About that, do you ever think about what he said when he confessed

Soo Hyun: Its hard to forget,he really was scum

Bong Soon: Don't you wonder which partner he was referring to

Soo Hyun: The one who supposedly killed Min Ho's mom?

Bong Soon: Yeah,I can't help but wonder who he is