jealous boyfriend

"it's her"

Soo Hyun: (confused) Who

Bong Soon: The assistant.

Soo Hyun takes a second look and it's definitely her.

Soo Hyun: Why are you hiding?

Bong Soon: I don't want her to recognize me

Soo Hyun: Well you're drawing alot of attention this way

Bong Soon: I know ,I'll be back give me a couple minutes ,and don't lose sight of her.

Soo Hyun: Okay.

She crawls out of the restaurant

Min Ho: (confused) What's going on?

Soo Hyun: Well you see...

Soo Hyun fills Min Ho in about everything .

As he's finishing off Bong Soon returns wearing glasses and a huge scarf

Soo Hyun: (laughing) So much for a disguise

Bong Soon:(annoyed)   This is all I could get.

Min Ho:(chuckles)  Its much more obvious

Bong Soon: Aish,...Omo she's leaving now .

They watch her exit the restaurant then follow closely behind.She goes into alot of designer shops and comes out with alot of bags each time.She exits  the mall into an expensive sports car.

They tail  her car to a luxurious hotel.

Soo Hyun:She must have gotten a really good job if she's living here

Min Ho :Not forgetting the car and all that she bought

Bong Soon:We'll have to do some digging

Min Ho: But she's really familiar

Soo Hyun: You see it too

Bong Soon: Maybe you've seen her at the hospital

Min Ho:No it's not that

Soo Hyun: What's  her name

Bong Soon: Eun Jung

Min Ho:I knew it! ,thats Hae Ra's sister

Bong Soon:(shocked)  What!

Soo Hyun: She's really changed

Min Ho: Money can  change anyone

Bong Soon: But they don't have the same surname

Min Ho: Hae Ra uses  her mom's surname

Bong Soon: Awee,why?

Min Ho: I don't know ,something about their family is dodgy

Bong Soon:I seriously need to do my research, how did I miss that.

Soo Hyun: We both missed it ,but  atleast we have a lead now.

Bong Soon:Do you know anyone on the inside who can tell us which room she's staying in.

Soo Hyun: Yeah ,I could have that information tomorrow.

Bong Soon: Great we'll meet back her tomorrow. One more thing

Min Ho :What

Bong Soon: One of you guys must talk to Hae Ra, get some information out of her

Soo Hyun: I'm not doing it

Min Ho: Neither am I

Bong Soon and Soo Hyun just stare at him

Min Ho:I'm not doing it!

They keep on staring at him

Min Ho:(sulking)  Why me?

Bong Soon :Well there isn't much you're bringing to the table currently

Min Ho: If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even know she's Hae Ra's sister

Bong Soon: Well you're right...I can't do it she'll know something is up...Soo Hyun would be perfect since she's yearning for his attention  but  he looks like he might kill her each time he looks at her so that wouldn't be great for us...Min Ho you were close to her but you would raise some  suspicions after how you ignored her earlier on and you clearly don't want to do it ...So I'll have to resort to the one person who'll do anything i ask.

Soo Hyun: Myung Soo

Bong Soon: Clearly, he's so precious no-one would suspect him

Min Ho: As long as it's not me.

Bong Soon: But he'll have to get it done tomorrow, we don't have any time to waste.

Min Ho: So does that mean we're done celebrating for the night?

Bong Soon: Yes this comes first,let's go check in with him.

They arrive at the apartment as the gang is leaving

Man 1 :Aaah Bong Soon,you're here

Bong Soon :I see you stuck to your word

Man 1:Yeah the doctor is pretty fun so keeping my word was no issue

Man 2:Too bad you got here when we were leaving

Bong Soon: Its okay maybe I'll see you next time I come around

Man 2:Okay kid

Man 3 :And who are these boys,they look like  idols .

Bong Soon: Don't flatter them ,their egos are already inflated.

Man 3:My daughter is a fan of boys who look like them.

Bong Soon: They are nobodies, your daughter most probably likes someone from BTS or EXO not these chums.

Both of the boys chuckle

Soo Hyun:(defensive)  I can dance actually

Min Ho: (proud)And I can sing

B.S dad: Then maybe you should do a little performance for us

Soo Hyun :Well I can't  you see my leg  kinda hurts

Min Ho:(he coughs) My throat is sore ,I've got a cold .

Man 1:No need to stick around for these fake idols ,let's go boys.See you around Dr Kim.

The gang leaves

Soo Hyun: (offended)Who did he call fake

Min Ho: The disrespect.

B.S dad: (laughing) Are you coming in or not

They get in and sit down

Bong Soon: So you like my friends afterall

B.S dad:Yeah they are really good men behind all that

Bong Soon: So what we're you doing. Drinking?,playing poker?

B.S mom: (proud) Actually I was just giving them some career guidance

Bong Soon: (happy) Not bad Dr Kim. You were meant for this,we'll find you a job real soon.

B.S dad: Hopefully, so what brings you guys here.

Soo Hyun: We have great news

B.S dad :Go on

Bong Soon: We found her!

B.S dad:My assistant, really?

Bong Soon: Yes and you'll never believe this 

B.S dad :What

Bong Soon: She's  loaded now,she's got a really cool car and is living in one of those expensive hotels

B.S dad:(suspicious)  Must be bribe money

Min Ho:Or she's got a really good job.

Soo Hyun: If it were bribe money ,It must've been a really huge sum with the way she's spending it.

B.S dad: Did you talk to her

Bong soon: No we're going to observe  for a couple days then confront her.

B.S dad :Okay that's a good plan .

Bong Soon: On Friday I'm taking you job hunting okay.

B.S dad: But you have school

Bong Soon: I'll skip

B.S dad: No you can't do that

Bong Soon: You're not changing my mind

B.S mom: Headstrong just like your mother.

Bong Soon: Yes ,so you better be ready

B.S dad: Okay miss Kim.

Soo Hyun's phone rings

Soo Hyun: I'm coming soon...Yes I'm with her, and Min Ho too....Okay

Ends call

Soo Hyun :I have to get going

B.S dad:Its okay ,dear you should also go .

Bong Soon: You like throwing me out don't you

B.S dad :No but it's late your mom will worry

Bong Soon: Okay ,I'll go.(teasingly) You need to find new excuse though,this one is getting old.

B.S dad:(laughing)  Okay okay.

They  get in their cars and go separate ways.Bong Soon passes by a cafe and orders coffee and snacks for the guys but also gets something special for Min Ho and Soo Hyun in the shop next door .

She goes back to Won Ho's house and rings the doorbell only to be answered by him

Bong Soon:(smiling)  Special delivery

Won Ho:(annoyed) I knew you couldn't stayaway

Bong Soon:Awe come on, I just brought some treats for you guys.

Won Ho: We could've ordered in

Bong Soon: Just take it

Won Ho :(taking it)Okay now leave

Bong Soon:Can't I see him for just a minute

Won Ho: No !

Myung Soo :(walking towards the door)Who is it.

Won Ho slams the door in  Bong Soon's face .

Won Ho :(dody)No-one just the delivery guy.

Bong Soon :(shouting)Its me !

Myung Soo opens the door

Won Ho: (annoyed) Aish

Myung Soo: (smiling)Awe babe you brought  all this

He hugs her

Bong Soon:(smiling)  I just wanted to see you before I went home

Myung Soo: Did you have fun

Bong Soon: Something like that

Myung Soo:I'm happy if you're happy

Won Ho :Aish can you cut this act,you've seen him now go home

Bong Soon: Wait (shy) can I get a kiss ,just a little peck

Won Ho: Aish you're even shameless

As Myung Soo is going in for his kiss  Won Ho blocks him with his hand then kisses Bong Soon  on the cheek

Won Ho :You got your kiss now go

Bong Soon:(sulking) I wanted on from my baby

Won Ho :(fake smiling) This all you're getting ,hood night

He pushes  Myung Soo  back in and slams the door on her again .

Bong Soon: Aish he's so rude,he acts like a jealous boyfriend.

Myung Soo yells "I love you " through the closed door before getting dragged back upstairs.

Bong Soon: (happy)I love you too...

As she's driving home she notices a car  behind her .She slows down but the car doesn't pass by.She accelerates and it still follows her

Bong Soon :Who is it now?Maybe I'm just paranoid.

She calls Soo Hyun

Bong Soon: Are you following me

Soo Hyun: No ,is someone....

She ends the call before he can reply and  calls detective Geum

Detective Geum: Hey kid

Bong Soon: Are you guys still following me

Detective Geum :No we haven't done that in a long while

Bong Soon: Okay thank you

She ends the call and connects back with Soo Hyun

Soo Hyun:(worried) Is everything okay

Bong Soon: I think someone is following me

Soo Hyun: Are you sure

Bong Soon: I'm about to verify it now.

She suddenly stops her car making the car behind her crash into hers.