Cashing in

Meanwhile Myung Soo and Won Ho arrive at some dodgy place

Myung Soo: (nervous) Are you sure this is the right place

Won Ho :(teasingly)Aish you're such a wimp

He leads Myung Soo in

Won Ho :Hey Johnny I got you a customer

Johnny:What can I help you with

Myung Soo: (taking it out)Can you tell me which gun fired this bullet

Johnny: Easy peasy

Myung Soo: How long will it take

Johnny: Give me a couple minutes

Myung Soo: Okay cool 

The Boys take their seats

Myung Soo :How do you even find these places

Won Ho: I don't find them ,they find me

Myung Soo:(chuckles) Cheesy

Won Ho: (annoyed) Aish I was looking for a tatoo parlor when I lended here.

Myung Soo:(teasingly)  Makes sense,you've got no sense of direction

Won Ho:(defensive)  Don't you dare mock me

Myung Soo: (sarcastic) Bite me

Won Ho:(pissed) You little...

Johnny: (cutting him off)Okay ladies I've got your results

He hands Myung Soo the results and he just reads them quietly.

Myung Soo: Are you it was this gun?

Johnny: I'm never wrong

Myung Soo: (mumbles) I wish you were

Won Ho: What's wrong?

Myung Soo:I'll tell you when I'm  certain


For the  first time in forever Bong Soon wakes up early and dresses up in a pant suit as if she's the one going for the interviews.

She gets downstairs  as her mom and Mr Chan are about to leave for work

B.S mom: (impressed) You look really good

Bong Soon:(smiling )  Why thank you

Mr Chan:What's the special occasion

Bong Soon: I'm going job hunting with my dad

Mr Chan:Awe ,your dad is very lucky  to have a daughter like you

Bong Soon :It's actually the other way around

Mr Chan:But couldn't you do it tomorrow you have school today

B.S mom: I told her she can she's very persuasive

Bong Soon: Plus I don't have that many classes today.Our substitute teacher isn't teaching us anything new.

B.S mom: What happened to Mr Hei?

Bong Soon: He's been suspended.

B.S mom: Why

Bong Soon: He hit Min Ho

B.S mom: Omo you didn't tell me

Mr Chan:I didn't want to bother you with my family problems.But we took care of the matter.

B.S mom:Awe,...(shocked)he seemed like a decent person.What a shame

Bong Soon: Aish enough about this I'll be late,  bye! wish us luck.

She runs off and soon arrives at her dad's apartment where he's already waiting for her

Bong Soon:(circling around him) Omo it that my dad.

B.S dad: (circling around her)Omo is that my princess

Bong Soon: You look amazing .I didn't know my dad was James Bond

B.S dad:I didn't know my daughter was an angel either .

Bong Soon: They will be begging you to take the job you'll  see.

3hrs later

Bong Soon:(frustrated)  Aish what's wrong with these people, they seemed so eager to see you when we spoke on the phone.

B.S dad: That's how job hunting is.

Bong Soon: (smiling) I won't give up , we still have a long list of potentials we'll find the right place for you

2hrs later

Bong Soon:(pissed)Seriously what's wrong with these people

B.S dad: Don't worry about it princess,you tried your best

Bong Soon: You're even overqualified for some of  these places that are rejecting you,this will not do

B.S dad:Seriously it okay.

Bong Soon:No it's not, We've got one more place .Let's knock this one out of the park

B.S dad  :(smiling) That's the spirit

They get to the last hospital  and Mr Kim goes in for his interview. Bong Soon can tell it's not good news when he comes out smiling  even though he's clearly sad.As they are near the door she stops

Bong Soon: You know what I need to use the ladies room,you can go ahead to the car.

B.S dad :(sad)Okay then

She goes straight  to the CEO's office and as she's about to open the door she hears him speaking on the phone

CEO:Awe no problem, (laughing )he won't get a job anywhere in this city...I sent him packing like you asked...Yes I'll see you at golf  ...You're welcome.

She opens the door startling  the man

CEO: (nervous) What are you doing here

Bong Soon: Awe I'm sorry I thought this was the toilet. (she's exits )It sure does smell like one.

She drives her dad back home.

Bong Soon: Get some rest you've had a long day

B.S dad :Thanks for everything princess

Bong Soon: Don't thank me ,I got to skip school today

B.S dad:Minus the getting rejected part, I mostly  had fun today.

Bong Soon: Me too

B.S dad: Okay I'll get out of your hair I know you've got a party to get ready for.

Bong Soon: Dont worry about that I got a party planner to handle everything. All I have to do is show up.

B.S dad: Okay have fun dear .

He exits the car .

Bong Soon: (disturbed)Only after I get to the bottom of this.

MEANWHILE ....Soo Hyun arrives home

Soo Hyun: What's going on here?

Planner :Just making the final touches

Soo Hyun: (confused) Wait who are you

Planner:I'm Rose the party planner

Soo Hyun: I didn't know there was a party today .

Planner:You mother said you should be  ready by 7 that's when the guests will arrive

Soo Hyun: Okay who's coming

Planner: She just said some VIPs

Soo Hyun:Okay then.Must be some charity thing.

He goes up to his room

MEANWHILE ...Min Ho arrives home and as he's going to his room he hears a sound coming from his dad's library. He goes to check it out only to find Myung Soo

Min Ho:(meh) What are you doing here ?

Myung Soo: Just chilling

Min Ho:(skeptical)  You never come inside here. Well ever since mom passed.

Myung Soo: Well... I had missed her ,she used to spend alot of time working in here .So I thought she'd feel somewhat closer

Min Ho: Awe ,I...

Myung Soo: (smiling) You don't have to say anything, I'm okay really.

Min Ho: Okay then,you can stay as long as you want

Myung Soo: Cool.

Min Ho exits and goes to his room

Myung Soo :(relieved )Phew I almost got caught.

He goes back to  what he was doing

MEANWHILE....She drives off to the police station and into Detective Geums office

Detective Geum:How can I help you kid

Bong Soon: Remember when you said you owe me one for solving Mr Shin's case

Detective Geum:Yes

Bong Soon: Well I'm here to cash in that favour

Detective Geum:Okay,  what can I do for you

Bong Soon: I need to know who called someone  today ,and if that person called other people too.

Detective Geum:Can you be a little more clear

Bong Soon: I went to a couple hospitals today, I need to know if the Hospital CEO's received calls from a particular person around the time I was there.

Detective Geum:I can't go though people's phone records that's illegal

Bong Soon: I thought you said you'd help

Detective Geum:This is a huge ask.I could get into trouble for this

Bong Soon: The day we confronted Mr Shin you used us as bait and only gave us  bulletproof vests. (sulking) What if he had shot my head instead

Detective Geum:Aish  now you're  guilt tripping me

Bong Soon: Seeing as you're not a woman of her word ,I have to try everything .

Detective Geum: I like your guts and I am a woman of my word.Give me the names and the time periods

Bong Soon :(smiling) I already wrote everything here .

Detective Geum: (annoyed )Okay I'll look into it .

Bong Soon: (acting cute) Thank you

Detective Geum:I haven't even started yet

Bong Soon: But I know you will.Bye

She exits the office

Detective Geum:That little punk how can she be so cool.I'll show her just how seriously  I take my promises. She'll see I'm also cool

MEANWHILE...Bong Soon  picks up Min Young then  Mi  Nam  and takes them to a stylist.

Bong Soon: Makes sure she looks amazing  ,she should be the center of attention.Like one of those princesses in the movies.

Stylist: That's easy

Min Young:(sulking) Why does she get to look pretty

Bong Soon: You're not  the one leaving are you.Plus we'll all look pretty she'll just look prettier.

Mi Nam:Omo, thank you for all this

Bong Soon: Come on that's what friends are for

They get all dolled up and leave for the event

MEANWHILE...It's 7p.m and the guests have started to arrive at the Baek's.Soo Hyun gets dressed and heads downstairs only to be faced with a crowd of people he doesn't know.

Soo Hyun: Who are these people?

Planner:They are your guests

Soo Hyun:I don't know any of them.They don't look like any of kids from noble homes I've met before .When is my mom getting here.

Planner: Awe she's not coming her,she went  away with your dad.

Soo Hyun: Why would she throw a party she's not attending

Planner: (laughing) Awe it's not her party

Soo Hyun: Then whose

The planner makes him face the door and whispers "It's her party"