Wait what

Bong Soon wakes up early  to go send Min Nam off

Bong Soon: (sulking) Don't forget me

Mi Nam:(acting cute)I couldn't even if I tried

Bong Soon: Stay healthy okay ,

Mi Nam :I will,you too.

Bong Soon:(sad) Now go ,your mom is waiting for you

Mi Nam:(surprised) You're not going yo ask me anything about last night

Bong Soon: It's none of my business

Mi Nam hugs her

Mi Nam: I'm going to miss you

Bong Soon: Me too

Mi Nam goes off leaving Bong Soon to wonder around.

MEANWHILE...Soo Hyun and Min Ho meet at the noodle shop.

Min Ho :I'm sorry about yesterday

Soo Hyun: I'm sorry about provoking you

Min Ho: Still doesn't justify any of my actions

Soo Hyun:  It's all water under the bridge now.

Suddenly  Bong Soon enters the shop

Bong Soon: What are you guys doing here?

Soo Hyun:(meh) Having breakfast

Bong Soon:  I need a good bowl of noodles too.

She sits besides them and orders

Manager:(sulking)  First it was my Soo Hyun, then this one left and now it's my precious Mi Nam

Bong Soon: (offended)Why am I the only one you didn't refer to with a name

Manager: (sarcastic) Just shows how little I care

Bong Soon:(hurt)Omo,I thought we were friends now

Manager:Friends don't just quit whenever they want and never return .

Bong Soon:Seriously you're mad about that.I told you I was busy,gosh what a petty man.

Soo Hyun:(teasingly)  I guess money got the better of you.

Min Ho: (laughing) Maybe you shouldn't have given her those shares.

Soo Hyun: (dramatic) What could I do,my mom taught me to help the needy.

Min Ho:(dramatic) Omo my friend has a good heart.

Bong Soon: Aish I can't even enjoy my noodles without getting bad mouthed. If you're going to say something say it straight to my face.

Both :(laughing) That's what we're already doing

Bong Soon:(pissed) You little...

Suddenly their phones get notifications .

Min Ho checks his  and just chuckles

Bong Soon:(intrigued)  Is it another school gossip column

Soo Hyun: (annoyed) No ,it's even worse.

Bong Soon checks hers

Bong Soon: Omo ,we got a  class trip.Were going camping! For 3 days!

Soo Hyun: What's so exciting about that

Bong Soon: Well I've never done it before, I'm just curious

Min Ho:(meh) Its not all ,you just go to get beat up by mother nature

Bong Soon: Plus this will be my first class trip

Soo Hyun: You could've gone on the tour last year but you stayed back

Bong Soon: This time I'll surely be there.

Min Ho:I'm not going you kids can have fun

Soo Hyun: Neither am I

Bong Soon: Your loss.

They suddenly recieve another message

Bong Soon: No-one is excused  ,if you skip this trip you term mark will be reduced

Min Ho: He's only been back for one day and he's already making things hard for us

Soo Hyun: (smirking) We'll go,and be a pain in his ass.

Bong Soon:Wait a minute why Mr Hei sending us these messages isn't he on suspension.

Min Ho: Awe yeah you skipped school today,he's already back.

Soo Hyun : The man couldn't just stay away for one more day

Bong Soon:(meh) Awe ...okay.(curious) What's your beef with Mr Hei about though.

Min Ho:(petting her) Its grown up stuff

Bong Soon:(annoyed)  Grown up stuff my foot.We're the freaking same age.

Soo Hyun:We're old in so many ways kid so relax.

Min Ho: I need new camping gear,mine has been worn out by all the family trips we take

Soo Hyun: Don't worry we've got a new outdoors line I can hook you up.

Min Ho: Cool ,let's go check it out.You know me I have to dress to impress.

Bong Soon: (shy)Hey....can I come with...You see, I don't have any camping gear

Soo Hyun:(sarcastic) Poor you

Bong Soon:(not even phased) Yes poor me,now take me with you.

Min Ho: (chuckles) You really are something

Bong Soon:(acting cute)  I also need a ride...

They both just chuckle.

Min Ho:You take her

Soo Hyun: No you take her

They play rock paper scissors and both lose.They place some money infront of her

Min Ho: Take the taxi okay, we don't want to ride with you.

Bong Soon:(pleased) Thank you.

Soo Hyun: And don't take too long or we'll leave with our stuff.

The Boys leave Bong Soon as she's rushing to finish her noodles

Bong Soon: These boys are dumb,they gave me enough money to ride the bus for the whole week.Lucky Me !

She leaves the noodle shop happy and rushes to the bus. In no time she arrives at the mall and goes to the outdoors section

Soo Hyun: (annoyed) What took you so long

Bong Soon: (shy)The bus takes a little bit longer

Min Ho:(chuckles )  I told you she was too much of a cheapskate to take the taxi.(smirks)Now pay up..

Soo Hyun: (annoyed) Aish

Bong Soon: (intrigued) You placed a bet on me

Min Ho: Yes and thanks to you I can get a new watch

Bong Soon: (cheeky) Wow,don't I get any commission

Soo Hyun:(surprised)  Seriously what's wrong with you .You act like you live under a bridge

Bong Soon: Well sue me for wanting to make a little extra cash on the side.

Min Ho: Aren't you getting enough from the noodle company and your parents

Bong Soon: (annoyed) I get enough but I'm saving up to start a gaming company

Soo Hyun:(puzzled)That's the most sensible thing I've heard you say In  these two years of knowing you

Bong Soon :I don't know if I should thank you or be offended

Min Ho: Arghh let's just start shopping we don't have all day.

The gang starts looking around for stuff they like.They get sleeping bags and all the other essentials and are only left with the clothes

Min Ho: Must be warm

Soo Hyun: fashionable

Min Ho: and practical

Bong Soon: Mostly warm because  I don't want to catch a cold.

Soo Hyun: (teasingly) Wouldn't want you sneezing in my face again

Min Ho: Or fainting in my arms.

*for those who forgot check  chapter 4 volume 1*

Soo Hyun: Come to think of it she's very dramatic

Min Ho: Attention seeking much

Bong Soon: Its not my.fault you guys are always at the right place at the wrong time.

Soo Hyun:(chuckles)  The nerve

Bong Soon: let's get this over with .

She starts looking over at the women's section.

Soo Hyun: (puzzled) Miracles do exist

Min Ho:(surprised)  Tell me about it

They just watch  her looking around taking different outfits.

Bong Soon: Aren't you guys getting anything

Min Ho: Awe yeah

Soo Hyun :Let's go over there

Bong Soon: Cool I'm going to change

Min Ho: You don't need to announce it

Bong Soon:(annoyed)  Sheesh...

She just storms off to the changing room and comes back excited

Bong Soon: (smiling) How do I look

The Boys are pretty much surprised by how adorable she looks

Min Ho:I think you should change

Bong Soon :Don't you like it

Soo Hyun :Yeah you look horrible

Bong Soon:(sulking)  I thought I looked cute

Min Ho: Mirrors lie

Bong Soon: Mmm okay then, I'll try something else

She goes and changes and comes back looking even better

Soo Hyun: (puzzled) How's this possible

Min Ho:(shocked)  I know right

Bong Soon :(smiling) What do you think?

Soo Hyun :Maybe you should just go back to shopping in the men's section

Min Ho: Yeah all these outfits look horrible on you.

Bong Soon: I really liked this one though. Okay I'll look for something that side

Soo Hyun: Good for you.

They all come out dressed in the same thing

Min Ho :You guys should seriously hire me as a model ,I look gooood.

Soo Hyun: Why would they need you when they have all  this.

Bong Soon: Didn't realize this was the big ego competition

Min Ho :Its not our fault nothing looks good on you .

They  purchase their things and head out.

Bong Soon: Will you guys give me a ride this time

Both :No

Bong Soon :(chuckles) I figured that already, that's why I called my chauffeur in advance.

She puts all her stuff in the car.

Bong Soon :Take this stuff home

Chauffeur :Okay young miss.

Min Ho: Aren't you going home

Bong Soon: No I've got things to do,people to see .I'm a busy girl after all.

Soo Hyun:Busy my foot

Bong Soon :See you around

She goes off skipping

Min Ho: (curious) What could it be?

Soo Hyun: Maybe she's going to the Woo's

Min Ho: Maybe

Soo Hyun :Eitherway we also need to pass by our friends place

Min Ho :Yeah it's been a minute

The Boys drive off .

Bong Soon arrives at the police station and heads to detective  Geum's office

Detective Geum:I've been expecting you

Bong Soon :Did you find out who it was

Detective Geum:Like you wouldn't know,you're the little detective afterall.

Bong Soon: I honestly don't know who it is

Detective Geum: Try taking a guess .

Bong Soon: My mom?

Detective Geum :No ,you really have no idea

Bong Soon: Yes !

Detective Geum:Well the phone calls came from your boyfriend's father

Bong Soon: (confused) Wait what?

Detective Geum: Yeah all the phones calls came from Mr Chan's phone.

Bong Soon: This doesn't make any sense.Why would he do that?

Detective Geum:(curious) Exactly what did he do?You still haven't told me anything about this

Bong Soon: Its nothing,...

Detective Geum: Are you sure?

Suddenly a man enters her office making her nervous

Detective Geum:Aah Sir what brings you here.

Her Boss:You did not show up to the meeting so I wanted to see what you were so busy with that you missed it.

Detective Geum: (nervous) I'm sorry sir I totally forgot.

Her Boss: I can see that,maybe  a demotion is in order

Detective Geum: I'm so sorry ,it won't happen again

Her Boss:It better not,okay then I'll get out of your hair.

He leaves the office

Bong Soon:Who was that

Detective Geum: My boss

Bong Soon: I've seen him somewhere

Detective Geum: With the way you come around the station you might have ran into him once or twice

Bong Soon: No its not that....Where was it...I remember now!