I've been sitting in my bed for hours while answering problems on my Geometry notebook and voila! I haven't answered anything. I've read the book about this many times and I've written all the formulas available but still, I couldn't answer my assignment. I sighed knowing that nothing will happen even though I pray to every god existing to help me solve this so I chose to just sleep it in and maybe when I woke up, I will know how to properly solve this.

I closed my eyes when I suddenly saw Xhien Han. I opened them again and thought, 'Why the hell is that guy there?' I mean, he does look familiar. It is as if I've seen him before. I just can't recall when and where I've met the guy. When I realized that maybe, I have a crush on the guy the first time I met him! I suddenly went out to grab something to drink because I felt that my heart will burst any minute now. I even grab my Geometry assignment to ask my brother for help and stop me from thinking about the guy. When I heard a loud crash in his room, I immediately grab the door handle when Delen, our housemaid, grabbed me straight to my room. I felt the urge to push her away thinking that my brother could've hurt his beloved girlfriend, Meg.

When I heard him say, "How dare you, Meg? I can't believe you can do such things to us. My aunt and our family never thought of hurting you since we all love you. But how come you could do such things?" with a tone as if he is hurting or Meg did something very bad. "You can go out later, okay?" Delen said as she locks my door and went away. I really want to go downstairs to see what is happening but if my brother says no, I need to respect that decision and wait until I could ask him.

I never knew when did I sleep but when I woke up, it's already evening. I immediately went to my brother's room when I saw him crying over the corner. I felt sad for my brother. It really hurts seeing him in this kind of state so I call out to him. "Drew," I said. He looked at me with sad wet eyes yet he still smiling at me. I sat beside me and looked at him straight in the eyes and asked, "Hey, can you please tell me what happened?" He looked away and I sighed. You see, I love my brother and I want my first boyfriend to be like him. Someone who has tons of patience and politeness and kind but the problem is that my brother kept too many secrets that even I don't know. He is not very showy but he will be if he falls for you. "It's nothing, kid. Don't mind me." He said. I looked at him with wide eyes as if warning him that if he did not tell me anything I will smack him hard. But he still looked away and asked me to sleep early. I sighed in defeat and went back to my bed. Maybe tomorrow morning, he will shed some answers to my question.

Monday morning came and for the first time, I am not late. I went to school with my brother and the moment he stepped foot inside of the university, he was surrounded by girls and many other people who have a crush on him. But what I want to ask him is that, why is he throwing murderous glares on our uncle? Did something much worse than a break up happened last night? I sighed when I bumped into someone's back then I heard gasps from people around us. When I looked up, I saw Maxene kissing my brother in front of the whole student body. I shocked in place. Like, what in the world is happening? Since when they are a thing? Did my brother cheat on Meg?

I am thinking of every possible scenario of what could've happened last night when someone pushed me out of the way. I looked at her when someone bumped into me again. The next thing I knew, I am trying to find a way out of this mess that Maxene created. When I thought that I am finally out, someone pushed me so hard that my butt ended up kissing the ground. It hurts, you know. Before I even tried to stand up, someone lends me a hand. I took it and supposed to say thank you when I knew who it was from. I looked up and saw Xhien Han. I looked away from him as I bit my lip and felt that my heart will be exploding any minute now. When I am about to say thank you. He walked away and went to his friends. They looked so cool. I mean they are all handsome but Xhien stood up the most. That's when I realize, that maybe, just maybe, I did fell for that blond guy.