I ran fast in the corridor since I was running late again. I forgot to set my alarm clock 2 hours before class and here I am running as fast as a roadrunner when I suddenly bumped into someone. 'My goodness, can this day get any worse?' I said my sorry when he suddenly grabbed my arm. "Hey, I'm sorry," he said. "No, it's okay," I said. When I am about to run again he blocked my way and said, "You forgot this." Then he showed me a small notebook that looks like my diary. I grabbed it as fast as I can and ran again. The moment I enter the room, our teacher is already there, glaring at me. I have the urge to sit down but that would be disrespectful so I decided to not enter the class no more and wait for the next period.

I went to the canteen instead and buy myself some food as I wait for the second period. As I eat my food, I noticed Toshiro, a higher level guy, sitting in front of me and I looked away. Toshiro is good looking, I get that. But the reason that I knew him is that he is the weirdest guy in this school and he is known for that. I guess reading too much will make you weird, huh. I secretly looked at him while I am biting my burger when he spoke, "Don't look away. It's alright. I know you are fantasizing me." I rolled my eyes to him continue eating my food. A moment later, he spoke again, "Hey." he said. I looked at him and asked, "What?" He looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "I came here to warn you that they are getting closer to whatever they want from you. It won't be too long before they discover who you really are." I looked at him confused. What is this guy saying? Discover who he said? "What do you mean?"I asked. I am very confused about what he just said. Because all my life, I know that my parents are in Japan and my brother is living with me in a big house filled with maids and butlers that located in Manila. Most of the people around me know that I love sharing everything about me. Like where I came from and who I am. If someone asked me, I would give them every bit of information they need. I don't even hide secrets because I hate them. So what more secrets do my life hides? Is this guy out of his own mind?

"Do you believe in the Curse of the White Wolf?" I frowned at him when he asked me. Wait, isn't that the book that I am reading 2 nights ago? Not the Sartilliane God, though. It's another book where someone was cursed and that mysterious curse erased her memory leaving her with questions about who she really is. I love the book but there is no way I am believing that there is such thing as a curse from a wolf or whatsoever. That thing does not exist at all. I shook my head urging him to go away so I can finish my meal.

"There is a story from a tribe far east of China that is said to believe that the spirit of a white wolf could lead to a disaster or a tragedy."He said. I looked at him dead in the eyes and said, "And when that curse is passed on to someone else, the tragedy will stop?" He looked at him deadpan. "Look, I know everything about that story, okay? I read it already. Shut up and go away." I said. He laughed and said, "And you think that the curse is not real? Then, tell me. Why do you think your brother is so secretive of you? Why did you move to Japan if your life in China is well and good? Why do your parents want you to stay here instead of going back? Tell me. The curse is real and according to the legend, once the princess who has the curse died, it will be passed on to her only daughter and that is you." I nod at him without much care because I know that this guy is a pathological liar. As far as I know, both of my parents are alive and well and no one died in my family. This Toshiro guy, I wan to kick him in the groin and walk away.

I looked back at him as I sip the pearl in my shake and spoke. "Dude, stop this shit, okay? None of the things you said is believable. Shut up already." "I am serious," he said. You'll see. The you that you have been searching for will be revealed when you are angry. Claws, fangs, tails, and ears will be present when the time comes. Your eyes will turn blue and you will turn into something you wish you are not. Believe me," he added. I looked at him dead in the eyes and stood up. As I walked away from him I felt a sudden flash of memories in front of me. I looked back at him when I noticed he is no longer there. Then, I heard a whisper, "Run, little wolf. Run, or else everyone that you love will die in their hands."

I looked around and no one is there. Only the vendors and janitors were present. Toshiro is never around and I can't even remember what he looks like. I felt a sting in my head as if a headache is coming. I ran outside and went to my classroom and hope that this day will soon end. But one thing was stuck in my mind,

Who, what, when, and where those people that Toshiro said were, and how did they know me?