The two old men were talking about how they would teach Stephen how to understand the language in Maras. Since most of the people in their place speaks that language. Uran sighs and Laryo frowns as they don't know who to ask to teach the kid the language.

They have been thinking about this ever since Stephen offers his help but up until now, they haven't found the right person who could teach Stephen the language that is mostly spoken here in Maras.

Laryo walks out of the hut and tries to think of who could help them in this crisis when he suddenly remembers an old guy who he helped before. Maybe he could help them in return this time. Laryo told Uran about the guy and they went to the village to search for him. It took them three hours to come down from the hut to the village.

They passed through the plaza and into the wet markets where Laryo remembers seeing the old man. He sighs for the nth when Uran complains about being tired or where could he be. When they were approached by an old figure.

"Laryo?" the old man asks as he taps Laryo's shoulder. "Old Tapi?" Laryo exclaims with joy in his voice as he turns around to see who it was.

"Laryo, long time no see, dear friend," the old man- Old Tapi- said. "How are you, Tapi?" Laryo asks as he looks at his friend from head to toe. "You're looking young as ever," Laryo compliments.

"Oh stop with the compliments. I am not getting younger, okay?" Old Tapi clears then looks at Uran. "And who you might be?" Old Tapi said then points at Uran.

Laryo looks in his direction and smiles. "Oh, this is my brother. His name is Uran," Laryo introduces. Uran bows at the older man and shook his hand. "Well, it is nice to meet you," Old Tapi said. They talked for hours and even Uran joined in the conversation.

They ask about each other's daily lives and how have been Laryo's herbal healing business. Laryo and Uran chuckle at the failed attempt at joking about the current barangay captain of their place.

"Hey, can I ask you a favor?" Laryo said before they bid their goodbyes on the old man. "If you are asking about money. I am sorry but I can't help you. I am also low in cash," Old Tapi said in a serious tone.

Laryo laughs and waves his hand an indication that that is not the favor he is asking for. Old Tapi smiles and gestures to Laryo to proceed with his favor. "Can you teach my nephew how to speak Abyasi?" Laryo asks.

Old Tapi looks at him and asked, "Why? Are you still not fluent in speaking the language?" Laryo nods to his question then Old Tapi sighs. "How much would you pay me?" Old Tapi asks. Laryo smiles and confidently said, "Name your price, Oblo."


"Who is he?" Stephen asks quietly to Uran as he placed the mug near him and sat down beside Uran. "Oh, this is Old Tapi. He is an old friend," Laryo introduces their visitor. Triton had been grumbling in his room since Stephen asks him not to go outside.

The boy doesn't want to startle their visitor by seeing a giant dog. Triton bows down his head in silence and walks towards the bedroom before closing it with his back paws.

Stephen looked at him sadly and went to talk to the three older men sitting outside the hut.

"So, why is he here?" Stephen asks Uran again trying to not sound disrespectful to their visitor. Laryo laughs after overhearing Stephen's question. "Oh, he is here to teach you Abyasi," Laryo said as he taps the old man's shoulder. Old Tapi smiles at Stephen.

"Don't you worry, this won't take much of your time," Old Tapi reassured the young man in front of him. Stephen jerks his head and listens as the three old men talks in a different language. Stephen decided to go and check on Triton.

But the moment he enters the room, he saw him sulking at the corner of the small space. He sighs and taps his back. "He said he will teach me Abyasi. Do you know what that is?" Stephen asks.

Triton looks at him with sad eyes and telepathically answers, "It's the language that they all speak here in Maras," Stephen nods and sat beside him.

"Are you still sulking?" Stephen asks as he nervously stroke Triton's fur. Triton shook his head and boop his wet nose to Stephen. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Stephen heard Laryo's voice from the outside.

"Guess, it's time to learn the language," Stephen said and stood up from where he is sitting and went to Laryo. "Let's go to the hills again. Old Tapi is ready for you," Laryo said. Stephen laughs and jerks the old man respectfully.

"Stop with that type of context. You made him sound so old," the young man as they walk through the familiar paths up to the hills. "I mean, he is old," Uran said as he trails behind.

"Is he older than you, guys?" Stephen asks. If these two never talked to Stephen comfortably, he won't probably talk to them like this also. He is happy that he could talk to them without using formalities anymore unless he is a newcomer or older than them like Old Tapi.

They rush up the hills filled with laughter and non-existent stories. As they approach the hills, Stephen notices that Alviary is also there with Old Tapi.

The young man halts his tracks and looks at the old man in front of them. He looks like somewhat talking to Alviary and that's how he realizes that maybe he is also one of them.

He carefully approaches Old Tapi and bows at him, showing his gratitude towards this lesson. Old Tapi bows back at him and asks the two others to go far from them or play with the giant wolf who was lurking in the corners of the forest.

The two old men nod and look for the wolf before something happens to him. Stephen sat down on the grass and Old Tapi follows.

"So, I've heard your secret journey to Phantom Island through Alviary," Old Tapi said the moment he sat down beside Stephen. "You can see Alviary?" Stephen asks as he grabs his mini notebook and a pen.

"Are you also a wolf-like them?" the young man asks as he looks at the old man with a curious look. The old man chuckles slightly and smiles. "I was cursed, carrying the curse of the white wolf. Passed it down to my daughter then eventually passing it down to hers," he said.

What he said made Stephen looks at him surprised. He suddenly remembers what Triton told him before about his grandmother. He looks at the old man.

"Triton told me that my grandmother has the same thing before he saved him from it," Stephen said making the old man looked at him. "Triton?" Old Tapi asks. Stephen nods and he telepathically calls Triton.

Moments later, Triton came in their direction panting with Laryo and Uran trailing him behind. "You called?" Triton said. Old Tapi springs up in surprise as he tries to process the magnificent white wolf in front of him. "The white wolf?" Old Tapi said as he draws his hand on Triton's fur.

"Do I know you?" Triton asks as he steps back to make Old Tapi stops touching him. "No, no. I am sorry about that," Old Tapi chuckles as he draws his hand back and sat down again. "So, let's start?" he said as he smiles at Stephen.

It took Stephen the whole day to learn the new language. Some words are the same as Logaat, the language that he speaks. He stretches before looking at Triton who is sleeping by his side. He definitely looks like a pup.

Stephen even remembers the first time his parents gave him a dog as a pet. He loved that dog so much that he cried when it died from an illness. He never for another one back then since that tragedy broke his heart so much.

Stephen strokes Triton's fur and he heard him grumbles something.

Stephen giggles lowly and looks at the beautiful scenery in front of them. A vast exterior of space that twinkles along with the diamonds of the ocean. It looks like a painting from a very expensive gallery. Stephen hums contently and leans towards the white wolf. On the other end of the hills were the three older men watching Stephen and the white wolf with awes. "The journey is dangerous but I know that he will survive," Old Tapi said.

"After all, he is my great-grandson," he added. Laryo and Uran look at the old man flabbergasted. They never expect that the child they have been watching from before would be his grandson. Knowing this now, helps them answer a million questions that have been adhered to their minds the moment Momo dies.

'How can he see us?'

'How come he is not affected by their magics?'

'How come he can calm the white wolf from going feral?'

'How come he can touch Alviary without getting hurt or be in pain?'

And a few more questions but these are the ones they question the most these past few days. Old Tapi just chuckles and faces Uran and Laryo. "Young ones, please take care of him for me," he said before walking away and disappear into the trees. The older men remain in their places as they watch Stephen laughing along with the wolf.

"The journey is indeed dangerous, but I know that Stephen will survive. Just believe in him, Oblo," Laryo said as he smiles before calling the two and informs them that it is time to go back to the hut.

Tomorrow is Stephen's last lesson, and he is on his way to Phantom Island.