"Where is the kid?" Agus asks his minion as they report back to his throne about the escaped kid. "We lost her, my liege," one minion said, bowing their heads in disgrace as they can't even accomplish such a simple task, given by their King.

"Useless!" Agus roars as his face became as red as a beef tomato, getting angrier and angrier as days pass by. "How did you lose a single kid?!" he yells, stomping down the throne and in front of his minion.

Grabbing him by the collar and throwing him down to the side. "She's just a tiny little girl! How can you lose a tiny little girl?!" he howls as he looks at his deflected minions. "We are so embarrassed, Your Grace! We will do better next time!" they all scream before walking away from him. Even the one he threw, still gives him the respect that he deserves before walking out of the room.

He massages his temples hoping that a headache won't come knocking at the doors of his head. 'If that girl reaches the island safely, it will be my death,' he thought to himself before sitting on his throne again and think of a way to win this war that he had dreamt of.


"Are you out of your mind, Triton?" Alviary asks as he tries to talk calmly to the frantic wolf. "We just can't postpone the war just because Stephen can't control his wings. The war will happen even if Stephen is not here!" he said, emphasizing every word he is saying hoping the wolf understand what is happening in their world. "What shall I do to help him then?" asks the wolf, hoping to get some answers to the living God.

"Tell him the truth then decide," Alviary said before walking away from Triton, who crumbles down to the ground. He didn't know that he will say it too soon. What if the truth will change his decision to help him? Triton can't live with the fact that he just lost someone who can only bring him back home. Triton stoop his head down and went back to his room to ponder some ideas on what to do. The war will start in a few days, but why does Triton still not seem to know Stephen well?

Why does Triton still seem to be strange in what is happening to the young man? What else are the hidden mysteries of Stephen's life? He wants to know all of that. But first, he needs to tell the reason as to why he asks him to take him back home. He does not know when and how, but he has to say it before it's too late.

Nighttime has arrived and Triton is now prepared for the conversation of him and Stephen, which can potentially destroy their trust for each other. But he needs to do it, he just thought of it of helping Stephen to manage what he can do with his wings. The hours tick by and Stephen hasn't come back to their shared room and Triton is getting anxious as he sees the hands of the clock move past every number.

Moments later, Stephen bursts inside the room with an angry face. "Sit down and let's talk," he orders. Triton sits down quietly and stares at Stephen with sad eyes. "Talk," Stephen growls lowly, Triton whimpers at the contact and starts to feel his heart race. "Uh, I'm sorry," Triton began then looks away from Stephen since he was too embarrassed to look at the younger man in front of him. "I should've told you the real reason why I ask for your help to bring me back home. I should've never lied to you and for that, I am sorry," Triton said without looking at Stephen's eyes. "W-wait, that's not-" the young man stops as he observes Triton's condition.

Not knowing what the wolf is talking about, he came here because he heard from Alviary that he wants to postpone the war for him and upon hearing that, Stephen felt weak in the eyes of the living God so he told Alviary that he will talk to Triton and continues to prepare for the war. He never thought that Triton would say such things. "Let me finish first, please," the wolf begs before squirming uncomfortably in his chair. Stephen just hums as an agreement since he doesn't trust his voice in this kind of situation.

"In the past, my only intention was to be with you for a longer time but I do not think you will believe everything I say. You even believed when I said that my home was Biringan. You did not even hesitate when I ask you to help me go back home. And for that, I was thankful. I was thankful that you understand my situation and did not hesitate to decide to fly from Anlami to Maras. But some of the things that I've said are all excuses and reasons to stay with you."

Triton said then looks at the young boy. "The real reason that I brought you here is to set me free," Triton said then smile sadly at the young man in front of him, who is also having a dilemma of believing Triton or run away from him and never come back. "Is the war real or not?" Stephen asks after a long silence between them. Stephen is still contemplating, yes.

But he still wants to know if the war is real or not because if it isn't, he will be more broken-hearted since his effort will just be wasted. "Yes, the war is real," Triton finally answers, heaving a sigh of relief that his efforts will not be wasted. Stephen suddenly stands up and was about to take shower when Triton grabs his arm. "Are you mad at me?" Triton asks, sadness fills his eyes that Stephen would want to hug him but he is still not sure if he believes him or not.

Is he mad at the wolf for lying to him? No.

Will he still help the people of Biringan, save them, and give them a better future? Yes.

Is he going to help the wolf to be set free? He doesn't know.

Stephen looks at Triton with confused eyes. Triton just looks down and sniffs before wiping his tears that are visibly rolling down his cheeks. "Hey," Stephen said, lifting his chin to see the wolf's heterochromia eyes. "I am not mad. I am just confused about what to believe. But I can assure you; I am not mad. So, stop crying and help me with these wings as I take a bath," he said with softness in his tone. Triton wipes his tears one last time before nodding and helps the poor boy with his enormous wings.

He is running away. They both know that, but it could also be for the better. Talking about these sort of things are Stephen's weakness and he can't deal with the fact of one of his friend will go away from him again. He can no longer take such a predicament. Maybe, after the war, they could talk this one out and Triton will stay.

Just, maybe.