Screams of pain and agony surround the whole dungeon of Biringan, metal bars clanging on the cold ground, and the sound of pants resonates the whole building. "Have you found her?" Agus asks one of his minions. They all shook their head earning a growl from their master. "How come you can't find her?" Agus asks angrily, losing every piece of his calmness. "What parts of you need to find her until you break your bones, you don't understand?" he asks, leaning towards them with darkness in his eyes. They scramble to their feet and walk out of the palace in search of the missing kid.

Larius, one of his right-hand soldiers, came in carrying ahead from one of his minions. Agus saw how it was cut off and he knew, the girl that has been looking for had found one of the Angel Gods. He curses under his breath and orders to find the mother of the child and offers her to him.

Larius went down to the dungeon as he hums his favorite song and looks for the mother of the missing girl. They put a collar in every parent before they torture them in this dungeon. When he passed by the cell where Ignacio and Ignatius were, he glances at one of the female prisoners and he is sure that she is the mother of the little girl that had escaped. He smiles to himself and approaches the cell. He orders the guard to open the cell and he immediately grabs the woman by force.

She struggles to let go of his grip and scrambles to get away from him. The guards catch her and threw her over his shoulder. Larius smirks and said; "You really think you can get away from us?" he asks and pulls the woman by hair and smirks. "Aren't you a beauty?" he asks, she spits on him and he looks away. When he turns back to her, his eyes were red and glowing. Hypnotizing the woman and making her sleep. Larius, then, takes her from the guard and takes her to Agus as an offering but he knows that Agus has another plan for her.

While waiting for Larius to return from the dungeon, Agus is pacing around the room and think of how they should defeat the Angel Gods, now that they got involve with this petty fight. As he paces in front of the big glass window, he thought of an idea to strengthen his minions; a sacrifice that could cause his forces to grow stronger. His thoughts were interrupted when Larius suddenly entered the room, carrying the mother of the escaped child.

"Is this her?" said Agus, while looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. Larius just nodded before laying the woman on the floor and leaves the room. The woman slept quietly and Sluagh grinned. He quietly carried the woman to his room and ravishes her. Sluagh is known for ravishing beautiful women and giving birth to them. Women raped by the Sluaghs give birth very quickly. Sluagh children also grow up fast, so to increase their population and increase their strength, they violate women who have sexual experience; they also loved deflowering children whenever they are bored.

After Agus ravished the woman, he puts her under a spell so she won't run away with his child. It was a custom he had seen in the person who had taken him in when he did not know where he was going. He left the woman in his room and went to where his soldiers were. He calls their attention and tells them his plan.

"Listen to all!" Agus shouted, the soldiers looked in his direction and waited for their commander's next order. "In the next few days, you will look for women and you will deflower them, a custom to strengthen our forces," he said, earning a few groans and excited gazes from the other Sluaghs. "We will also close the gate so that the female captives do not escape. You need to breed them so that we can defeat the Angel Gods. They will be the reason for us to win, so go ahead and find your woman," he said. Growls and excited howls surround the whole area of Biringan. They used the portal to exit the place and looked for virgin women and bring them back to Biringan.

Sluaghs are not scared of entering the human world in their fearsome form. As they exit the magical portal, they spread like fireflies and start abducting women of certain ages. News of such an attack was heard overnight, earning much more attention to the media and the local newspaper. One Angel God, who is roaming the street making sure that people are safe, heard about the commotion. He told his Queen about it, the moment he arrives on the island.

Queen Meryanha is an alarm by the sudden news and told her soldier to watch over the human village at night to stop such attacks. But what they didn't expect is that Sluagh's stopped their attack and went on with their plan. They seize, ravish, and deflower all the women they abduct and didn't stop to ravish them.

After the flunchfest, they left all the women in a stable and wait for them to give birth like animals. Sluagh never cares about humans or animals alike, what they only care about is power and luxury; nothing more.

As the other Sluaghs end their night with comfort, Agus and his woman haven't ended their session and still going until Agus is satisfied. After they were done, he discards the woman on the other side of the room and fell asleep in his own bed.


Such news was heard throughout Phantom Island as they wait for Stephen's return. Triton grumbles and howls as he cries his pain out for the missing women. Alviary tries to calm himself down and readied himself to kill a Sluagh. The Queen gasps her thoughts and told her soldier to prepare everything necessary for battle.

As they wait for Stephen to return, an Angel God spotted a flying creature in the perimeters of the island and immediately told the Queen. They all went where the creature landed and finds out that it was Kawanami, an Angel God from the West. They all greeted him with smiles but they were dropped when they saw the sleeping kid, he was holding. "She escaped from Biringan," he said and gave the kid to Alviary.

"How is the situation there?" Uran asks as they looked at the poor kid. Kawanami just smiles sadly and they knew that it was not good. "I heard the news from the birds, I flew across by, the kid is the reason why it is happening," Kawanami said as he brushes her hair away from her eyes. "Grant her powers and protection, and I, Kawanami, Angel Gods of the West, will grant you strength and power," he offers to give the Queen, no chance of saying no to him.

She smiles and replied, "You have my word."


The women that were part of the flunchfest are all had been dead after they gave birth to the Sluagh kids. Even the woman from the dungeon had already died, Larius went down to give the news to Ignacio who is having his lunch with the others. They gasped at the sudden death and when they ask the reason for her death.

Larius looks away and Ignacio knew that it was because of the Sluagh's tradition of ravishing women and taking their virginity as a part of their ritual of having kids. Sluaghs are never meant to have kids. But after Agus became their king, he found a new way of spreading their genes as a result of the Sluagh population suddenly multiplying. 

Ignacio nods at Larius and thanks him for his information as he nods goodbye and went back up to the main room where Agus is waiting for him. Larius was never meant to be a Sluagh. Larius is nothing but a spy inside of the Sluagh infested Biringan. A living God had sent him there to spy on their preparation but ended up getting transformed into a Sluagh so Agus would not think of him as a spy. 

His greatest mistake, because of the time that he became one, his mind becomes flooded with anger and vengeance. He hates the feelings and he hates the way food tastes in this place. He climbs up the stairs and into a small room before walking down the long hallway towards the main room. He sighs to himself and stops in front of the largest window in the cathedral.

He misses it. He misses flying around like a headless chicken and having fun as he and his sister watch over the horizon. Watching as the sun sets and waving goodbye towards his people and the moon lighting up the sky in replacement to the sun. He misses it all. He sighs and continues walking inside the big room. As he enters the room, he was surprised by the welcome he got. 

There, sitting on Ignacio's throne is Agus. Cradling his newborn Sluagh son. From afar, the prince looks much more like a human rather than a Sluagh. But anything could happen if you have Sluagh blood. Now, his only wish is, this child won't create such a catastrophe.