Linnamenie is a beautiful place filled with trees and the place surrounds by lakes and streams. It is a perfect place to reign for a beautiful fae like Odinna. She has brightly dashing light brown hair and her sophisticated round blue eyes. Odinna is known to be the Queen of the East Coast who only loves peace and quietness. Next to her is the Queen of the North, the woman she found asleep in her forest, Queen Meryanha.

 Both women have been great friends even after the war; they have been spending time with each other like a mother and a daughter. Queen Meryanha even made her a place on the island but the other Queen won't likely to live her place on the East.

Thousands of years had already passed since the last time they met, and Meryanha is excited to visit the Queen again before the war erupts. They were sailing on a giant vessel called Marphaphus, which is a shipping boat made out of coal tar and osmium, that made the ship the densest and the heaviest on water. Hence, they called every merpiranhas to help them sail the ship. 

They pass through every island that is close to Phantom Island and had seen many other creatures stuck on their land. Meryanha had also noticed that one of the Seven Mountains is dying, therefore, she asks her men to visit the place and offer their help to the creatures living in it. 

First Mountain that they come through is Mountain of the Dwarves, which is kept clean and neat by their King Wende. He waves his funny hat towards them and made a funny dance to entertain the queen. If Stephen is here, the boy would probably be amazed but he is not here since he was reborn as Salthifer's compeer. 

The second Mountain that they pass-through is the Mountain where merpiranhas reign, guarding the gates by male merpiranhas, they wave their scaly tails and their sharp claws to give respect to the passing ship. Delfin, the Queen that reins the mountain, who is also a Merfairy, gives them a little gift of food and a blessing of prosperity as their travel goes by.

Third Mountain is the Mountain of fairies. Not just any ordinary fairies with point ears and flawless skin tone, but they are fairies that are bigger than the normal ones. They aren't mutants; they are just born that way. They were called Old Fairies for their height and strength. One could grow up to 2 meters in height and some would stay small. The largest of them all is their King Faimu, who bows at them while cradling his child.

Fourth Mountain is the Mountain of the Trolls. King Motro is the one who welcomed their boat as they lay ashore to eat food and have fun with the other trolls. They were welcomed with flowers around their neck and pearls on their head. The other living gods were welcomed with crocodile teeth around their necks and flower crowns on their heads. They spent the night on the island before sailing again as they pass through the invisible mountain of sea creatures. 

 Fifth Mountain is the sunken mountain of sea creatures. Most of their visitors need to swim for about 11 feet underwater to reach the island. With a special potion made by merpiranhas, their visitors could survive such depth. The only sign that they pass it through is a small black flag-waving up and down towards the travelers.

Sixth Mountain is the floating mountain of air creatures. Pegasus, giant birds, and flying creatures…all exist on this mountain. It's like a floating civilization of different types of flying creatures and a safe haven for some birds who fly across the human realm. Led by their Queen, the mountain was kept from all things that can cause war and disagreement.

The last mountain that they came through is the Mountain of the Flares. Volcanic Mountain filled with lava and blaring rays of fire is what surrounds the island. Flames spread and her wings and went above the island to be welcomed by their King Haepthus, who looks tough on the outside but his flares could melt even the coldness of his heart. 

Meryanha smiles at herself by knowing how beautiful the mountains had become after the war. She wishes that peace and orderliness would stay even after the war against the Sluaghs. She looks over at where Larius and the Sluagh Prince are and sees how calm the two are. They look like they are enjoying the trip. She looks over to where Triton and Salthifer are and they still look awkward with each other now that Stephen had been reborn, Triton is still having his awkwardness towards the living God but Salthifer is making up for it. 

She smiles at them and looks around the ship. Everyone looks happy, unknown to the danger that the Sluaghs are planning. Unknown to the place they are going, the Queen lied to them about meeting Odinna and only her Angel Gods and Kawanami know the truth behind their visit. But she doesn't want to spoil the fun; hence, she never speaks about it unless she is asked. 


Triton had never spoken with Salthifer after his reborn. He feels intimidated by the presence of the living God. He knows that Stephen is still there, somewhere in his body or even in his soul. But he still feels a bit flustered when Salthifer tries to strike a conversation with him. But after his conversation with the living God before, he finally lets down his protective walls and starts to open up to Salthifer. 

Here, they are now, sailing across the big seagoing to the east coast side of the large map of Phantom Island. They already crossed the sixth mountain when Salthifer went over to him. Triton stiffens up when he felt Salthifer's presence but something in his mind kept on telling him, 'That is Stephen, lighten up, wolf.' He inhales deeply and faces the living God. 

"Are you okay?" Salthifer asks concern has been on his face since they boarded the ship. Triton just looks at him, a little passive, but definitely not aggressive. The wolf just smiles at nods at him. "I'm okay, how about you?" he asks, trying to ease the awkwardness between them. Salthifer smiles at the brightest he can be and answers Triton. "Confused," he said, catching Triton off guard about the answer. "What do you mean?" Triton asks curiously, not knowing what the living God meant being confused about the visit. Salthifer looks away from Triton and sighs before looking far across the sea bed.

"One of us is a traitor and one is the real Alpha. One of us is dead but why are still looking up ahead,"

Salthifer said, making Triton rethink his decisions and the things that had happened in the past few days. Triton sighs and shakes his head. "This is making my head hurt," Triton stated, making it obvious for Salthifer to just talk with simple words and stop saying riddles that only he would understand. 

"One of you wolves is a traitor," the living God says, making Triton looks at him as he tries not to growl at the living God. "And one is the true Alpha," Salthifer added, looking straight at Triton's deep pool inside of his eyes. "Now, let me ask you a question," Salthifer said, still looking at Triton's dead eyes. "Who told you Stephen is the key to your freedom?" the living God asked. 

Triton looks at the horizon and reminisces the first time he met a Queen in a long black and red gown with horns and red lips. Triton widens his eyes when he realized who it is. When Salthifer sees Triton's reaction, he smiles. "You don't need Stephen to break out from the curse. What you really need is to kill the Alpha," Salthifer informed, making Triton looks at Kris Wolf who is having the time of his life, as he laughs along with the other wolves. 

"Are you saying that I need to kill him so I can break free?" Triton asks, Salthifer only nods then puts his hand on Triton's head, for him to see the dreadful future that awaits them all. As Triton closes his eyes, he saw flashes of blood from every wolf imaginable, the dark growl from the Alpha, and the treachery he hides. Triton huffs as the future disappears in his view and look at Salthifer. "I saw it last night and I was devastated. But the Old Sage did warn me and Alviary about a traitor," Salthifer said, looking over to Alviary who is having a conversation with the Queen. 

"Why?" Triton asks, Salthifer only smiles, not knowing what answer he should give the wolf. Seeing this, Triton made up his mind to spy on Kris Wolf with the use of the little magic he has. Maybe he could even ask Uran and Laryo for help to spy on the Alpha. 

Looking at this from the Seventh Kingdom, Zarzagoa smiles and looks over to Kris Wolf,

"This could be your last day, Alpha. Let your soul be joyous as it ends before the war."