
Note: This is written in Myhka's POV


I can still remember when it first started. His name is Charles and at that time, he is my boyfriend. He is sweet and caring and he always takes good care of me. We were inseparable and everyone around me was happy that we got together. I love him very much and I know that whatever happens to our relationship, he will still be the best boyfriend ever. 

The symptoms began when he and I were cleaning the classroom after everyone went home. We were flirting and messing around as we get to cleaning. We are finished when Charles suddenly scream and drops the trash bin as he crouches down to the ground. 

I was frantic and look around the building for help. No one was there and so, I went back to his aid and ask what was wrong. But before I even ask him what is happening, I see pools of blood that is spreading on his back. He tries to rip off his shirt and release whatever is on his back.