Kingdom of Voyagerinda

Note: Some of the parts of this chapter was already been read from the previous chapter but some are not.


They sailed on the royal ship on his way to the kingdom. Meryanha is going to a new world today. She was sad to leave her friends behind, but in recent days she has come across a happy place that she can call home.

The moment they arrived, Meryanha notices that the place is filled with children. She can't even imagine a place for such a king to exist. Those who greeted them were almost young. 

Older people are pretty rare and she actually never seen them. She wonders why here, she wants to see his kingdom; the kingdom that Odinna warns her.

This king's attitude towards others is pretty bad but when we get to his kingdom, he is very kind to his subjects. She looked around and takes note of the place as something beautiful and humongous yet she couldn't help but miss her former home.