Scroll of Fate

"In the farthest mountain,

There was a young boy

Looking out over the horizon

As he wished for a brand new life.

The little boy then starts to sing;

It was his mother's favorite song

His feet dangle down the cliff

As his tears fall once more."

King Aeolus remembers the song as he can't stop listening to the beautiful voice that Meryanha is producing. Her voice is as sweet as honey and it was addicting. 

She pauses for a second, making the people around her looked at the young woman who is now humming the song to the child that she is holding. King Aeolus made his way beside her and looks at the sleeping boy.

"What will you name him?"

Meryanha thought for a minute before saying the boy's new name. 


King Aeolus nods as he considers the name as the perfect one for the child. He looks at the child who is sleeping soundly in her arms and smiles. 

"Should we head home?"