Voice of the Unknown (2)


Amihan catches her before she lands on the water as the portal disappears from their view. 

The immense power of the golden globe was probably the most dangerous that the people who witnessed it, had ever seen.

They never thought that something like that would've happened. Even the Angel Gods who hated Meryanha the moment they had seen her, had never expected that she is this powerful.

Amihan, the one who caught her, looked into her eyes and noticed that they were not back to her normally green eyes. Her eyes are red before it disappears and turned into yellow. 

Amihan does not know what to do, so she asked every soldier that had been alive to take her to the Royal Empermeryal and tell the Royal doctor to take every medicine that he knows and heal her wounds.

Meryanha's wounds were not visible in the naked eyes, but when you look closer and use some magic, you will see how badly she is wounded.