Magical World of Jastirikka (1)

" Meryanha!" 

" Meryanha!" 

King Aeolus's voice rings throughout the palace, screaming Meryanha's name while chasing Meryanha all over the kingdom. 

"Calm yourself down!" 

Meryanha stops abruptly and whips her head towards King Aeolus's direction, anger is shown on her face. King Aeolus almost flinches when he sees Meryanha's anger.

"Odinna and her people were dead and you want me to calm down?!" 

This is the first time that Meryanha raised her voice to King Aeolus. The Angel Gods who were there to witness their fight immediately went away so they won't get involved. 

"You need to calm down and plan your revenge to Siyenthera." 

King Aeolus is trying to calm her down and trying to make sense of every little thing that could be going on with Meryanha.