The Waste Land

Cartilliannae is sitting at her throne when she receives a contact from the Princess of the Seventh Kingdom. She wasn't a fan of talking with the Princess but the little one rarely calls unless deemed necessary. 

So without further much of a discussion against answering the Princess, Cartilliannae exasperated a sigh and made contact back.

"What do I owe this pleasure of talking to you, Your Majesty?"

The Princess who is waiting for Cartilliannae to answers chuckles when the Seelie Queen greets her.

"You never changed, Cartilliannae."

Her voice is sweet like honey, slowly dripping down the rough redwood tree. 

Her voice is sticky but sweet, that even a man who already has someone in their life would be falling to her. 

Cartilliannae had shivers up to her spine when she heard the Princess's voice after such a long time.

"What do you want, little Princess?"