Carousel of Confusion

The ship sails to the ends of the last island that surrounds the Phantom Island. It is house to many flare creatures that served to be the main power source of the sun. 

Siyenthera knows that if she tried to kill the Sun, she would be dying along with it. She exhales a sigh before deciding to change course and be gone to the sea creatures.

The Sea creatures' island is located at the southeastern part of the sea borders. Their island is known as the fifth island. It is next to the Troll Kingdom but far deeper than the other islands.

It is being reigned by the Mermaid Queen, Aqua Regina. She is far the most beautiful mermaids had ever seen. She loves talking to her subject and gossiping about Cartilliannae's stupid mistakes.

She also loves entertaining her guests but she definitely hates being awakened to something not so important; like children playing a bit farther to her borders or adults gossiping about the latest trends underwater.