Andrew and His Past

Meryanha is currently at Queen Anemi's old room at the Magical World of Jastirikka. Her mind still wonders as to who Andrew really is. After their rescue yesterday, the latter hasn't spoken a word and it's making Meryanha anxious beyond anyone's belief. 

The young Angel God is not even talking to his father, King Aeolus, while the King is trying to start up any conversation with the man. This is making them think whether this is a side effect of being under the spell of a troll. 

But the Old Troll said that such a thing is impossible especially to an Angel God as powerful as Andrew and Gabriel. It's still a riddle as to what happened to him. 

The trolls are even more confused as to what is happening with Andrew but even King Motro does not know anything about a side effect on the spell.