Rampaging Alpha

Sartilliane smiles at the answer that she heard. She never had thought that the young pup had it in him. He is an Alpha, for fuck sake. Sartilliane pats his head before disappearing in his view. 

Kris looks at the cell where his dead mate is lying on the cold ground. His face is pale and his body had bruises. His neck had a bite mark and Kris is getting angrier each second passes. 

His mate does not deserve this.

He does not.

The Emperor heard the faint call from the Beta when he was about to jump from the grassy field and up to the mountain. It was faint but recognizable. 

He knew it was his right-hand Beta. But the call sounded as if he is calling for his mate, which is a piece of bad news for him. If his mate would go on a rampage to his tribe, everyone will probably die.