North vs. South: Battle Grounds

As the sun rises over the horizon, the ship coming from the Northern Isle is already on its way to Phantom Island. Everyone is on board and Meryanha is in the middle, floating across the border as she concentrates her energy on the ships.

She is trying to make them invisible and undetectable so, none of Siyenthera's goons would detect them from seeing through their plans.

Queen Giannea is also focusing her magic using the clouds that would hide them from view as they approach Phantom Island.

The wolves are at high alert, sensing every nooks and cranny of the island to check if it is safe to land on it.

The wolves sense creatures that are not armed and not dangerous to their landing. Andrew made his way to the island as he silently flies across the clouds and into the shore.

Using his magic, he whispers to the creatures to hide away so they won't be hurt in battle. The creatures quietly scramble their feet and went on their way to hide.