North vs. South: An Escapee

As Siyenthera's minions attacked Phantom Island, Master Gabriel and his companions began to flee to the place where Amihan had promised to save them.

But before they could escape, Prince Litero found them and locked them in a cage surrounded by snakes and insects.

"You really have plans to run away, huh? Blasphemy!"

Master Gabriel just stared at him wickedly but he did not fight the prince anymore. While they are in the cage, Anne thinks of a way to escape from Prince Litero. 

When they suddenly heard a growling sound nearing their location. It was obviously furious and looking for someone to kill or mutilate. Gabriellea looked in Anne's direction and sees a wolf figure with red eyes.

His mane is black and his eyes were glowing red while glaring in Prince Litero's direction. The Prince felt the urge to flee from the scene but he remembers what he promised to Siyenthera when he joined her forces.