My First Quest

After visiting Adventurer Guild, I went to the Inn that recommended by the fox-eared receptionist Lady. I tried some street food that sold in this town along the way, as expected the taste is kinda bland because of the lack of seasoning.

Apparently, the price for seasoning in this world was too pricey for the street vendor to buy. Mostly, only the restaurant or high-class inn that used decent seasoning in their food

[As expected, I should try to sell seasoning from earth here!! it will bring a lot of profit! hmm.... but if I sell it by myself it's kinda risky]

[Anyway i do not urgently need money right now, let's think about this later!]




--------Lamia's scale Inn---------


[Welcome to Lamia's scale. may I help you, sire?]

An Old gentleman dressing neatly greeted me after I enter the inn's lobby

[can I have a room for 1 person?]

[Sure~, we have a common room and elite-class room in this inn, which one did the sire want?]

[How much is the elite-class room cost for one night?]

[It will cost 500 Rham per night. we will give you dinner and some warm water to wash your body as for the services]

[I will take it, but I don't need the dinner, could you give me a discount?]

[is that so? hmm... then the cost will be 450 Rham per night exclude the dinner cost. is that okay for you sire?]

After hearing the cost, without further ado, I gave the money required for the night to the old man 

[thank you for your patronage, this is your room key, I hope sire will enjoy your stay in lamia's scale~]

After thanking the old man I took the key and went to my room. 

As expected of the high-class inn, the room interior is very pleasant to the eyes, they have a bathroom too! even tho it's just the bath-tub there though. The bed is decent although not as good as the bed from earth, at least it's comfortable enough to sleep on it!


It seems my stomach already asking for food...

[What should I eat for today, should I order the ingredient or fast food? hmmm this room is pretty spacious, maybe I could cook something good for myself!]

[Online Shopping!]

I ordered a small portable gas stove, frying pan, and another cooking utensil with some plates and glasses, after that I started to buy the ingredients to make steak! like meats, wine, butter, and seasonings like salt and pepper. I didn't forget to buy some vegetables and mushrooms.


A brown carton box suddenly appeared in front of me as it's thudding on the floor! I hurriedly opened it to check what is inside of it, It's turned out the box contained everything that I ordered a while ago from my Online Shopping skill!

[They deliver it with a carton box this time huh?]

without further ado, I started setting up my small portable gas stove that people use for camping or some outdoor activity in the small free space inside this room, I continued to start chopping the vegetable and mushrooms after the stove already been set up to prepare the ingredients for the steak.

After all of that, I started heating my frying pan with medium heat before putting some butter in it

[this smell of butter~ haaahhh.... as expected! Online shopping is the best!!]

I put the meat after I saw the butter already melt to the frying pan before adding some salt and pepper, the sound of sizzling cooked meat aroused my appetite highly!


I flip the steak and saw the beautiful golden brown charred appeared on the cooked side of my steak, perfect!

After waiting for a while I put in a few drops of wine and started to shake my frying pan to do some flambe! 

Before long, I put the cooked steak on the plate and continued to make a stir fry using the vegetable and mushroom that I already chopped by adding a little bit of butter and seasoning!

The steak is done!!

After all of that, I ordered orange juice from my Online shopping skill for the drink that accompanied my steak dinner tonight!

I eat my meal slowly by savoring the juicy steak meat in my mouth! bite after bites, I tasted the fragrant and delicious umami of the steak roaming around inside my mouth!

After enjoying a couple of bite for a while, I drinking my orange juice to lessen the greasiness before continued enjoying the taste of my dinner tonight

[nom nom nom, haaah... to still could enjoy a good meal in another world surely is a blessing! Thanks, meteor-kun!!]

After the meal I put and clean all the dirty dishes up into my storage bag, I couldn't wash the dish now so I decided to put it into my storage bag temporarily before washed the dish in the river later when I am doing the quest!

I was a little bored so I ordered P*SP with my Online shopping! I didn't forget to buy some solar battery chargers for my PS*P!

After getting my PSP, I started playing some games until the Inn Staff person knocking my room's door.

It's turned out he brought me some bucket of warm water before asking my permission to fill the bath-tub in my bathroom with it. I didn't realize its already dark outside when the Inn Staff brought me the water.

I enjoyed taking a bath with toiletries that I ordered this morning

[yoosh!! let's work hard and do my first Quest tomorrow! I need to level up my level too and advance my job! and my money is decreasing a lot after I buy the PS*P! let's hunt some monster that could fetch up a good price tomorrow]

I resolved myself before sleeping for the day.




The next day after I woke up and finished the simple sandwich breakfast that I ordered using Online Shopping, I went to some shop that sold some Adventurer gears like armor and weapons!

I couldn't buy anything good because of my limited budget. After seeing the price of the gear, I realized that I was really poor!!

I bought barely decent leather armor and a pair of boots in the shop! I used the sword that I pick in the forest with me before equipped myself in a secluded place inside the shop. The sword is still in good condition so I temporarily used it for now.

With my preparation ready, I started heading toward the gate and met with the same guard that checked me yesterday, apparently, his name is Tom!

[Did you already registered as an adventurer? looking at your appearance it seems you already done it! good luck out there kiddo!!]

[Thanks Tom! good luck in your duty too!]

After a simple greeting I ran toward the direction of the forest, the outskirt area of the forest wasn't that dangerous even though it's considered to be the part of Arkham Mountainous area. But if you go deeper, it would be a different story.

After running for a while I checked my surroundings to see if there're some people around before activated Absolute Stealth and Flying toward the forest direction.

I started searching the surrounding of the forest for prey at high altitudes before finding some group of ugly midget green monsters wearing little dirty rags just to cover their private area after a while, yes! its goblin!

[There you are!]

I dive at lightning speed and doing a surprise attack while still in an invisible state!


I swung my sword like lighting without hesitation and continued slashing it around to slay the other goblin inside the group!





The group of goblin started shrieking in bewilderment after looking at their companion who suddenly died!

Before long, they started to panic after failed to find the enemy behind the death of their comrades

'As expected!! This Absolute Stealth skill is really a CHEAT!! using this skill for the mere goblin is too overkill!!'

I continued to massacre the group of goblin as I was mesmerized by the OverPowerness of my unique skill. 

Meanwhile, The goblins dying cry continued echoed in the forest dyed the atmosphere in dreadfulness!

After finished massacring the goblin, I cut the right ear of the corpses of the goblins for subjugation proof and continued wandering around to find more prey to kill.

I slew any monster that I could find as I continued roaming around the forest. Mostly, the monster I kill was goblins, but from time to time I could find a forest wolf so I decided to kill it too. 

The dying scream of the monster could be heard as I roamed this dense forest, somehow these made the dark forest atmosphere to become eerier.

After Continuously hunting the monster and level up for almost 3 hours, all of sudden, I got the advancement job notification that appeared inside my head!


While I still reminiscing about my job advancement, all of a sudden, a group of 2 meters bipedal pig arming themselves with log clubs appeared in a crowdy manner. their number is around 20

[puhi puhi]



They started making incomprehensible noise after they saw my figure as to mocking and sneering at the seemingly weak little human in front of them! suddenly, the group of this bipedal pig ran towards me with excited looks on their face!



[Shitt!! I forgot that I deactivated my Absolute stealth skill!!]

It seems my first Quest is still far from over!!!