Nyamo Sacred Nose!

Looking at the Dual Sword Expert skill that the leader of the Galiust Sword Party had, all of a sudden, I retorted it in my mind!

'K**irito! is that you?!'

Joke aside, of course, I started copying all their skill into the poker card before putting it back to my inventory skill after I finished copying their skill

That aside, all the member of Galiust Sword somehow had their own characteristic common rating skill... it's quite new for me, but what really surprised me is that annoying Catgirl! She turns out to be a unique Skill Holder!

Nature Sense III[Rare] : Blending with Nature and become invisible(Complete), erase your presence and smell (High) as well as enhancing your 5 sense with the help of the Nature! consume 200MP/second

Sacred Nose III[Unique] : Unique to only Female Cat Beastkin. The nose of the legendary Cat-Nature Prophet, ~Everything has its own unique smell Nya~