The Request And The Gift #1

[But, the real reason I call you here, it's because I have some request for you...]


Hearing her next word, I became slightly relives, I thought she wanted to reprimand me for my lewd thought earlier...

'hehehe~ it seems the goddess is not petty as I thought~'

[Gohon cough* Boy, I can hear your naughty thoughts here, so stop that improper fantasy of yours okay~ Sigh... *(Like a father like a son... this brat sure really inherit it straight from him)]

With the Goddess Gaia's abrupt cough, my mind started to back once again. Noticing that my improper thought already leaking out all this time, I scratched the back of my head in awkwardness and slightly bowed my head to apologize to hear. 

I could hear the goddess murmuring something at the end of her words, but since the sound was really small and somehow, a weird noise trying to mask it, I couldn't hear it clearly in the end.